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Was Andrew Carnegie a man of integrity and virtue?

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1 Was Andrew Carnegie a man of integrity and virtue?
Once your group has completed the discussion circle, answer this question thoroughly, using evidence from the article and discussion. As a group, write your response in one paragraph that will be collected.

2 4/16/2017 1:41 AM The Progressive Era Amid great political and social change, women gain a larger public role and lead the call for reform. President Theodore Roosevelt dubs his reform policies a Square Deal. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

3 The Origins of Progressivism
Political, economic, and social change in late 19th century America leads to broad progressive reforms.

4 Concerns of Progressives
Early 1900s, middle-class reformers address problems of 1800s Different reform efforts collectively called progressive movement Reformers aim to restore economic opportunity, correct injustice by: Protecting social welfare, promoting moral improvement Creating economic reform, fostering efficiency What were the problems of the 1800s?

5 Four Goals of Progressivism
Protecting Social Welfare Promoting Moral Improvement Creating Economic Reform Fostering Efficiency

6 Protecting Social Welfare
Social Gospel, settlement houses inspire other reform groups Florence Kelley, political activist, advocate women, children Helps pass law prohibiting child labor, limiting women’s hours

7 Promoting Moral Improvement
Some feel poor should uplift selves by improving own behavior Prohibition –banning of alcoholic drinks Women’s Christian Temperance Union spearheads prohibition crusade

8 Creating Economic Reform
1893 panic prompts doubts about capitalism; many become socialists Muckrakers –journalists who expose corruption in politics, business

9 Fostering Efficiency Many use experts, science to make society, workplace more efficient Louis D. Brandeis uses social scientists’ data in trial Scientific management –time and motion studies applied to workplace Assembly line speed up production, make people work like machines Causes high worker turnover

10 Reforming Local Government
Reformers try to make government efficient, responsive to voters Some cities adopt government by commission of experts Many use council-manager; people elect council that appoints manager

11 Reform Leaders Hazen Pingree of Detroit tackles taxes, transit fares, corruption Socialist Tom Johnson of Cleveland fights corrupt utility companies Governors push states to pass laws to regulate large businesses Robert M. La Follette is 3-term governor, then senator of Wisconsin Attacks big business

12 Protecting Working Children
Child workers get lower wages, small hands handle small parts better Families need children’s wages National Child Labor Committee gathers evidence of harsh conditions Labor unions argue children’s wages lower all wages Groups press government to ban child labor, cut hours

13 Efforts to Limit Working Hours
Muller v. Oregon –Court upholds limiting women to 10-hour workday Bunting V. Oregon –Upholds 10-hour workday for men Reformers win workers’ compensation for families of injured, killed

14 Reforming Elections Oregon adopts secret ballot, initiative, referendum, recall Initiative –bill proposed by people, not lawmakers, put on ballots Referendum –voter, not legislature, decide if initiative becomes law Primaries allow voters, not party machines, to choose candidates

15 Progressive Election Stump Speeches
Review the four goals of progressivism & targeted areas of reform On one notecard write the talking points that would be argued by a progressive politician On the other notecard, write the talking points from the politician who is running against the progressive candidate Be prepared to give stump speeches to class & debate what the other candidates are saying

16 Susan B. Anthony Read, “The Status of Women”
As a group create a poster encouraging women’s suffrage Visually include three examples from the document that demonstrates Anthony’s view of the conditions of women or attitude towards women’s suffrage Be prepared to share with the class

17 Women in Public Life As a result of social and economic change, many women enter public life as workers and reformers.

18 Changing Patterns of Living
Only middle, upper-class women can devote selves to home, family Poor women usually have to work for wages outside of home Farm women On Southern, Midwestern farms, women’s roles same as before Performs household tasks, raise livestock, help with crops

19 Women in Industry After 1900, 1 in 5 women hold jobs; 25% in manufacturing 50% industrial workers in garment trade; earn half of men’s wages Jobs in offices, stores, classrooms require high school education Business schools train bookkeepers, stenographers, typists

20 Domestic Workers In 1870, 70% of employed women do domestic work
Many African-American, immigrant women do domestic labor Married immigrants take in piecework, boarders

21 Women Get Involved Many female industrial workers seek to reform working conditions Women form cultural clubs, sometimes become reform groups

22 Women in Higher Education
Many women active in public life have attended new women’s colleges 50% college-educated women never marry; many work on social reforms

23 Women and Reform Women reformers target workplace, housing, education, food, drugs National Association of Colored Women (NACW) –child care, education Susan B. Anthony of National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) Works for women suffrage, or right to vote

24 A Three-Part Strategy for Suffrage
Convince state legislatures to give women right to vote Test 14th Amendment –states lose representation if deny men vote Push for constitutional amendment to give women the vote

25 Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
As president, Theodore Roosevelt works to give citizens a Square Deal through reforms.

26 A Rough-Riding President
The Modern Presidency Trust-busting 1902 Coal Strike Railroad Regulation Health and the Environment

27 Regulating Food & Drugs
Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle –unsanitary conditions in meatpacking industry Roosevelt commission investigates, backs up Sinclair’s account Roosevelt pushes for Meat Inspection Act: Dictates sanitary requirements Creates federal meat inspection program

28 Pure Food & Drug Act Food, drug advertisements make false claims; medicines often unsafe Pure Food and Drug Act halts sale of contaminated food, medicine Requires truth in labeling

29 Conservation & Natural Resources
1887, U.S. Forest Bureau established, manages 45 million acres Private interests exploit natural environment

30 Conservation Measures
Roosevelt sets aside forest reserves, sanctuaries, national parks Believes conservation part preservation, part development for public

31 Civil Rights at the Turn of the 20th Century
Roosevelt does not support civil rights for African Americans Supports individual African Americans in civil service Invites Booker T. Washington to White House NAACP –National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Goal is full equality among races Founded in 1909 by W.E.B. Du Bois and black, white reformers

32 Muckrakers Today Imagine that you are muckraker that is writing about American society today. What would you want to expose at the national level? Write a brief (approximately 1 paragraph) article about a topic that is of concern in today’s society.

33 Progressivism Under Taft
Taft’s ambivalent approach to progressive reform leads to a split in the Republican Party and the loss of the presidency to the Democrats.

34 Taft Becomes President
The Payne-Aldrich Tariff Disputing Public Lands The Republican Party Splits The Bull Moose Party Democrats Win in 1912

35 Wilson’s New Freedom Woodrow Wilson’s establishes a strong reform agenda as a progressive leader.

36 Wilson Wins Financial Reforms
Clayton Antitrust Act Federal Trade Commission Federal Reserve System

37 Women Win Suffrage College-educated women spread suffrage message to working-class Go door-to-door, take trolley tours, give speeches at stops Some adopt bold tactics of British suffragists

38 Catt & the National Movement
Carrie Chapman Catt, head of NAWSA, stresses organization, lobbying National Woman’s Party aggressively pressures for suffrage amendment Work of patriotic women in war effort influences politicians 1920 Nineteenth Amendment grants women right to vote

39 Wilson & Civil Rights As candidate, wins support of NAACP for favoring civil rights As president, opposes anti-lynching legislation Appoints fellow white Southerners to cabinet who extend segregation NAACP feels betrayed; Wilson self-dense widens rift

40 The Progressive Amendments
16th Amendment: legalizes graduated federal income tax 17th Amendment: permits popular election of senators 18th Amendment: prohibition 19th Amendment: women’s suffrage “Income the senators with booze and women”

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