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Electronic Cardiac Rhythm Strips. Electronic Cardiac Rhythm Strips an Overview  Cardiac rhythm strips are available immediately in StarPanel, eliminating.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Cardiac Rhythm Strips. Electronic Cardiac Rhythm Strips an Overview  Cardiac rhythm strips are available immediately in StarPanel, eliminating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Cardiac Rhythm Strips

2 Electronic Cardiac Rhythm Strips an Overview  Cardiac rhythm strips are available immediately in StarPanel, eliminating the delay of getting paper rhythm strips into charts.  Electronic alerts to indicate status (time since rhythm strip was moved into StarPanel)  Multiple users can access rhythm strips at any time without traveling to the patient unit to look in the chart.  Easy to navigate and search for rhythm strips by date or by identified rhythm per patient.

3 How Rhythm Strips Get Into StarPanel  The monitor Tech will select, measure, and identify the rhythm strip from the Philips Monitoring System  The rhythm strip moves into the patient’s chart where it is verified by the RN electronically

4 Rhythm Strip Indicators Process: The RN will review strips on a 9-2 schedule and with events. Location: Unit Whiteboards will display an indicator with the status of the Rhythm Strips. Red = Strip Saved but has not been reviewed by the RN Green = Strips reviewed by RN Numbers indicate the length of time since the strip was placed in StarPanel (like fast labs) Click indicator to open Cardiac Rhythm Strips

5 Electronic Measuring of Rhythm Strips E-Calipers  Click on blue E-Caliper link on the rhythm strip  Once calipers are open they can stay open all the time, just drag out of the way.

6  To measure: position the purple box first then slide the green box to the wanted position, then read the seconds or mm.  To measure vertically click the blue V (for vertical) in the gray box. Follow the steps as above except use 2 boxes instead of 5. Notice the V has turned to a blue H (for horizontal) Calibrating & Measuring Horizontal Measure Vertical Measure  To calibrate: drag the purple box to a gray vertical line and line up the red vertical line on it, then hover over the green box until a appears then slowly drag until there are five big boxes between the lines.  When both boxes are positioned click “Set” in the gray box. The time changes to 1.00 sec and 25.00 mm. You are now calibrated.

7  Once the RN measures the strip, click the yellow “This document” box.  If the RN agrees with the monitor tech’s measurements and rhythm the nurse will click “Mark as reviewed”.  If the RN does not agree with the rhythm or measurements she clicks on “Amend”. When the blue amend box appears she types in the measurements  After the amendment is done the RN clicks on “Send Amendment” Documentation

8 4 ways to find Cardiac Rhythm Strips 1. StarPanel “AllDocs” 2. Actions menu

9 3. Whiteboard indicator 4. OPC link

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