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CYPP New Guidance First cut 21 April 2008. The guidance Specific, Clear and Concise Focus on analysis and evaluation and outcomes and impacts rather than.

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Presentation on theme: "CYPP New Guidance First cut 21 April 2008. The guidance Specific, Clear and Concise Focus on analysis and evaluation and outcomes and impacts rather than."— Presentation transcript:

1 CYPP New Guidance First cut 21 April 2008

2 The guidance Specific, Clear and Concise Focus on analysis and evaluation and outcomes and impacts rather than processes However sometimes contradictory ‘Must also demonstrate in practical fashion what is to be done and where explaining process can be as important as setting objectives’ (!) Align ECM and Schools Standards Agendas Must now include more specific statements of intent in relation to the following areas

3 What plans we have in respect of the integration of services How precisely will local organisations work through the Essex SCB and the wider partnership to deliver effective safeguarding arrangements Arrangements of early intervention and preventative action The childcare sufficiency assessment and supporting consultation should take place and be published within the context of the CYPP even as an annex How we intend to deliver the ECM agenda

4 Additional requirements New duty on schools to have regard to CYPP when undertaking duties to promote well-being, community cohesion and high standards of educational achievement And on the partnership to consult with schools, school forums and school admission forums The Partnership with young people themselves, needs to determine as part of a new CYPP what provision should be available to all young people; certain groups of young people; and what support young people should receive to access this provision

5 Our Children Our Partnership Our Plan Transforming services for children, young people and families in Essex Essex Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-09 Refresh

6 Structure of plan Foreword Our Journey so far –Overview of key achievements 2007-2008 Our Shared Vision Our Values and Approach Our Priorities The Outcomes we particularly want to improve Why these are important –what our people and research have told us How we are going to achieve our priorities

7 How the CYPP fits with our other planning frameworks Essex Strategy & LAA Multi agency Strategies CYPP Substance Misuse Strategy Community Safety Strategy Domestic Violence Strategy Economic Strategy Multi agency plans for children and young people - For Example ESCB Strategy CAMHS Strategy 14-19 Strategy Healthy School plan Single agency plans and strategies Primary Care Trusts Delivery plans Schools,Children and Families Directorate plan Police Authority Strategy School Development Plans * *Sitting under each single agency plan may be divisional plans, service plans, team plans and individual performance plans. Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Needs Analysis Public and Stakeholder engagement Engagement with children, young people and their carers

8 Children’s Trust Approach The Children’s Trust Approach consists of a single county wide partnership board reporting into the Essex Partnership, 11 local children and young people’s strategic partnerships (CYPSPs) and 25 local delivery groups of schools. Individual agencies are responsible for collaborating through the children’s trust arrangements to help deliver the priorities in this Plan. Our approach depends on strong partnership. The Children and Young People’s Strategic Board has revised its remit and membership to enable it to deliver against this Plan, in particular focusing on a shared approach to commissioning and performance management. The new whole partnership structure is set out below: Diagram here showing linkage to Essex SCB

9 Review headlines What we achieved in 2007-2008 TBC

10 The refreshed vision We want all children and young people in Essex to be healthy, safe, enjoy life and achieve success; make a positive contribution, and benefit from economic well-being. We recognise that to help every child and young person achieve her/his full potential we will have to work together more effectively. We will take a shared responsibility for achieving better outcomes for children and young people. We will support their families and those who support them and our wider community to nurture our young people.

11 We have 5 values that underpin our approach to achieving this vision 1.Prevention first and always -The services that reach every child and young person have a crucial role to play in shifting the focus from dealing with the consequences of difficulties in children’s lives to preventing things from going wrong in the first place.

12 We have 5 values that underpin our approach to achieving this vision 2.Access to services when and where children and young people need them - We believe that children and young people should get help as soon as they need it if they are to thrive. Achieving this depends upon agencies working closely with parents and carers, helping them to build on their strengths, and supporting good parenting.

13 We have 5 values that underpin our approach to achieving this vision 3.Families at the heart of decision-making We know families shape their own futures, with agency help when they need it. We will ensure that children, young people and their families are fully and actively involved in decisions that affect their lives.

14 We have 5 values that underpin our approach to achieving this vision 4.Stronger together - Organisations are changing – The Children’s Trust Approach across Essex has ensured the bringing together of teams from a number of organisations to work in one place and improve multi-agency skills needed for addressing complex issues. We will further streamline and ‘join up’ services by improving the way we share relevant information and by providing simplified access for children, young people and families to information, advice, the guidance and support they need. Collaboration as agencies depends upon openness and flexibility, and sharing ideas, resources and solutions.

15 We have 5 values that underpin our approach to achieving this vision 5.Valuing Diversity Essex is a diverse county, and we believe that by recognising and valuing people’s different experiences and backgrounds we can provide better services. We will work together to meet the diverse needs of potentially excluded children and young people, for instance those with learning difficulties or disabilities, Looked After Children, black and minority ethnic groups including travellers, and asylum seeking children, and people needing emotional and mental health support.

16 Our priorities 1.Be Healthy We want the children and young people of Essex to enjoy the best possible health assisted by their ability to make healthy lifestyle choices

17 1.Through the promotion of healthy eating and physical activity we wish to see a reduction in Childhood Obesity –Slow down the rate of increase to 0.5% year on year the number of obese children who are aged 5-10yrs –Increase the level of children and young people’s participation in high quality PE and sport –Ensure 100% uptake of free school meals? –Healthy Schools Target 2.Reduce the rate of conceptions for young women under 18 years of age –Deliver effective Sex and Relationship Education across all Essex Secondary Schools See the CYPP Action Plan for details on how we will achieve these improvements. 1.Be healthy – outcomes we particularly wish to improve…

18 1.…Be healthy – outcomes we particularly wish to improve 3.Reduce substance misuse –We have targets to reduce both the levels of smoking, alcohol and drug use in all young people and in looked after children in particular, targets to reduce the sale of such products to young people and to reduce the incidence of youth crime associated with drug and alcohol use. “2Smart for Drugs” 4.Improve children’s mental health and emotional well-being We want children and young people to be resilient and able to develop independence and autonomy. –Effectiveness of child and adolescent mental health (CAMHS) services with an aggregated score on the self assessment (to be determined) 5. Ensure Looked After Children receive the requisite heath, dental and emotional well being assessments and treatment Target?

19 Our priorities 2.Be safe We wish for our children and young people to be protected from harm and grow up able to look after themselves We will safeguard our children and young people from incidence of child abuse and neglect by strengthening the range and impact of early identification and preventive support services to support children, young people and their families in need.

20 2.Be safe – outcomes we particularly wish to improve… 1.Prevent bullying and support children and young people who have been affected by it –Fewer children and young people are bullied –More children and young people who are bullied will be helped and supported 2.Reduce the number of children in need subject to a child protection plan by increasing the level of targeted family support Target?

21 3.Prevent children coming into care and improve the permanency and placement stability for looked after children Target? 4.Protect children and young people from domestic violence –Fewer families experiencing domestic violence –More families who are living with domestic violence will know how and where to get help 5.Ensure children, young people and their carers are informed about key risks to their safety and how to deal with them 2.…Be safe – outcomes we particularly wish to improve

22 Our priorities 3.Enjoy and achieve We want all our children and young people to achieve their potential by achieving the highest possible standards, enjoying their learning and developing a broad range of skills for adult life

23 1.Our priorities are to raise achievement across the whole ability range and to support schools which are causing concern.???? 2.Improve attendance at secondary level 3.Raise the achievement levels of children and young people with learning difficulties and disabilities –Target –Ensure the effectiveness of transition arrangements for young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities 3.Enjoy & Achieve – outcomes we particularly wish to improve…

24 3.…Enjoy & Achieve – outcomes we particularly wish to improve 4.Increase the number of young people aged 5-19 accessing a wide range of high quality positive activities and informal educational opportunities particularly those young people from priority groups and areas ? Target 5.Raise the achievement levels of Looked after children and young people Improve outcomes for Looked After Children (LAC) including: –Improve stability of foster placements –Improve LAC attendance at school –Increase the number of LAC leaving school with at least one GCSE –Increase the percentage of LAC aged 16 who are engaged in education, training or employment at the age of 19

25 Our priorities 4.Positive contribution We want our children and young people to enjoy a range of opportunities that develop confidence and positive attitudes and behaviours which support their relationships. We will encourage all our children and young people to responsibly and positively contribute to the life of his or her local community.

26 1.We will increase the numbers of children and young people participating in positive play, leisure, cultural, recreational, volunteering and community activities 2.We will encourage positive behaviour and reduce the incidence of first time and re-offending within our young population 3.We will actively involve children, young people and their families more in decisions that affect their lives 4.We will increase the number of children, young people and their families contributing to key decisions affecting their lives, and involved in planning and monitoring the delivery of services 5.We will ensure newly registered childcare meets equal opportunity arrangements 6.We will implement the young carers strategy 4.Positive contribution – outcomes we particularly wish to improve

27 Our priorities 5.Children and young people benefit from economic well-being We want all Essex young people to be well prepared for work and able to achieve their full potential in adult life.

28 1.We will increase the number of young people who take a job or stay on in full-time education or in training at 16 to 18 years 2.We will increase the percentage of young people leaving care who have accommodation that meets their particular needs 3.We will refresh the 14-19 strategy and ensure sufficient capacity for delivery 4.We need to develop an access to child care/ education/ work for parents and a good quality housing priority 5.Economic well-being – outcomes we particularly wish to improve

29 Our priorities 6.Service management 1.We will contribute to the continued drive for efficiency by streamlining and simplifying our processes wherever we can 2.We will ensure effective tools are in place to support integrated working. 3.We will develop further joint commissioning arrangements, aligned to priorities and efficiencies. 4.We will embed the Integrated Workforce Development Strategy and remodelling across children’s services. 5.We will embed performance management within the CYPSP and evaluation of impact on outcomes, particularly for vulnerable groups.

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