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Simulation and Training Centre (ADSTC) :

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1 Simulation and Training Centre (ADSTC) :
Australian Defence Simulation and Training Centre (ADSTC) : Interaction with the Synthetic Environment Working Group CDAF Brief 4 Mar 14 Commodore Charles McHardie Director General ADSTC 1

2 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this brief is to advise CDAF of the vision for ADSTC, its current disposition and interaction with the Synthetic Environment Working Group (SEWG) Scope Driver for change Formation of the ADSTC Major Project JP SEWG Interaction

3 Drivers for Change 2011 Simulation Strategy and Roadmap
Sep 11 CDF Tiger Team Report on ADF Simulation JP 3028 demise – progress on JP 3035 (Core Simulation Capability) Dec 12 'proposal to create the Australian Defence Simulation Centre (ADSC) under a one star and based on the merging of ADSO and JCTC.'.... ‘establish the core simulation capability of a Defence Synthetic environment. Organisational changes would be enacted to support this.’ Mar 13 ‘CDF (directed to ADSO/JCTC) to merge under HQJOC’ simulation direction across Defence needs a clear, positive vector into the future

4 Objectives of the Defence Simulation Strategy and Roadmap 2011

5 Commander’s Intent Purpose: Streamline and coordinate the Defence synthetic environment governance, development and delivery in order to provide greater effectiveness in supporting joint, collective and individual training. Method: Create an Australian Defence Simulation Centre under a dedicated one star command by merging ADSO and JCTC. The ADSTC will design, develop and deliver as well as govern and run the Defence Synthetic Environment (DSE). This will be achieved by aligning Defence simulation governance, policy and all elements of the synthetic training environment through one organisation and developing the simulation architecture and standards by supporting and aligning JP delivery.

6 ADSTC Vision The realisation of a mature systems centre capable of providing effective governance, trained simulation and exercise support workforce, applications and services that underpin a synthetic environment that supports the delivery of a challenging and complex training environment. These services are delivered in a repeatable, persistent and agile manner to the complete spectrum of Defence synthetic environment users. 2020

7 As quoted by GEN Hurley, CDF:
“As Service Chiefs have a raise, train and sustain responsibility so does CDF for Joint and Combined capability. The enhanced simulation organisation under the Australian Defence Simulation and Training Centre (ADSTC) is a critical enabler for the CDF to meet these preparedness responsibilities.” 03 Sep 13.

8 Future Joint Collective Training Environment
Training distributed to point of need Compelling and engaging for digital natives Reduce platform sustainment costs Keeps pace with the rapidly changing operating environment to meet joint preparedness Align with CIOG strategic direction Simulation complements and enhances live activities Supports operational test and evaluation – feedback to capability development

9 Defence Synthetic Environment (LVC)
ADF operational systems stimulated by live and synthetic entities Real people in simulators vIRTUAL Simulators & Simulations LIVE Real World C2 Synthetic Forces lIVE Range Real people at training areas using real equipment [usually instrumented] Simulated entities in a computer model 9

10 Conceptual Design – JP 3035(2)
Australian Defence Simulation & Training Centre RPDE Quick Look

Gov Manage DSE Services DSE Apps DSE Repository Core Services FYSHWICK LEAD BSC DJFHQ MWTC WATSON JAWBL/C W’TOWN JFBL Navy Army Air Force Joint


13 Benefits of Implementing ADSTC
introduces demonstrative core simulation capabilities reduces preparation overhead for major constructive exercises by introducing repositories (REPEATABLE) extends the simulation and experimentation opportunities across defence by extending ADSTC resources to the service training centres (PERSISTENT) Cradle to grave exercise design, build and execute with embedded simulation services (AGILE) Produce quick turn around on service generated simulation needs by using in house resources (AGILE) Provides baseline for coordinated coherent governance of Defence simulation IAW the DSSR De-risks JP and other simulation components of major and minor capital projects Implementation of the above should offer up increased capacity to deliver increased synthetic training opportunities. REPEATABLE, PERSISTENT AND AGILE

14 Synthetic Environment Working Group
The Synthetic Environment Working Group (SEWG) was established IAW with the Ministerial EWG direction; transferred to VCDF Group on 5 Jul 11 transferred to JOC Group on 23 Sep 13 The first SEWG was held on 18 Mar 10 with 45 attendees, six additional SEWGS have been held: 12 November 2010 3 June 2011 8 December 2011 5 November 2012 17 April 2013 11 November 2013 In 2012 as a result of growth in SEWG membership, currently recorded as 406 individuals representing 184 companies, the Co-Chair responsibilities were split into three areas: Local SME Mr Alan Rankin Chairman AIDN Not-for Profit and Academic Ms Alisha Fisher, CEO Simulation Australia International Mr John Ilgen, Senior Vice President Northrup Grumman

15 Integration with the SEWG
Hosting of SEWG has transferred from VCDF Gp to JOC Representation in the SEWG continues to grow and the multiple co-chair concept has been successful; On top of standard Defence Simulation Users updates recent SEWGs have acted as the conduit of communication for: Changes to export control; Army Plan Beersheba; DMO Smart Sustainment initiatives; and Local Serious Games Industry opportunities. The next SEWG, 17 Apr 14, will include: Service simulation offices updates; Army Simulation Strategy; Air Force Joint Air Warfare Battlelab; Navy Triton Sim and SEA An update on ADSTC developments; Simulation standards baseline launch; Land 400 update; White Paper Team process presentation; The enterprise service bus approach to integrated simulation - IBM

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