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MerSETA VALUES – BATHO PHELE ext Box. Learnt early in life, transferred from one generation to the next Common guiding principles in what we want to do.

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Presentation on theme: "MerSETA VALUES – BATHO PHELE ext Box. Learnt early in life, transferred from one generation to the next Common guiding principles in what we want to do."— Presentation transcript:


2 Learnt early in life, transferred from one generation to the next Common guiding principles in what we want to do or achieve/ aspire to Beliefs, ethos, philosophy… “ The way we do things around here” “The ultimate glue that bonds the best companies” Non-negotiable behaviours (always under any circumstances) WHAT ARE VALUES?

3 value “Price is what you pay, value is what you get” (Warren Buffet) A DIFFERENT PARADIGM ON VALUE..?

4 value “One should guard against preaching success to people as the main aim of life. The most important motive for work and in life is pleasure in work, pleasure in result and the knowledge of the value of the results to the community” (Albert Einstein) WHAT IS VALUE?

5 values “Happiness (at work) is the process of keeping your vision and values before you and aligning your life to become congruent with them”. (Stephan Covey) “PLEASURE IN WORK...”

6 What are you striving for? What do you spend your money on? How do you pass your time? What do you regard as important? What guides your life? WHAT ARE YOUR PERSONAL VALUES? “

7 “When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion.” (Abraham Lincoln) Complete personal values questionnaire Select Top 5 “good” values “GOOD AND BAD” VALUES

8 Research shows that organisational values: Keep companies together Make them resilient Underpin culture that is critical for achieving strategic goals Makes work more meaningful WHY DO COMPANIES HAVE VALUES?


10 Consultation Service Standard Access Courtesy Information Openness and Transparency Redress Value for money BATHO PELE: BEHAVIOURS THAT SUPPORT VALUES

11 values “Happiness is the process of keeping your vision and values before you and, aligning your life (work) to become congruent with them”. (Stephan Covey) Discuss with the person next to you how your personal values align to the Batho Pele values. ALIGN YOU PERSONAL VALUES

12 “Publishing Values is a good idea BUT personally living them day in and day out is what really counts. This is your opportunity to make your work meaningful, an opportunity to make a difference” CONCLUSION

13 Thank You Ester van der Linde Senior Manager : Human Resources

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