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Higher Education Academy Update Lawrence Hamburg, Assistant Director and Head of e-learning HeLF: Wed 2 April 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher Education Academy Update Lawrence Hamburg, Assistant Director and Head of e-learning HeLF: Wed 2 April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher Education Academy Update Lawrence Hamburg, Assistant Director and Head of e-learning HeLF: Wed 2 April 2008

2 ■ DIUS/DCFS: Harnessing Technology ►Becta developments ■ Emerging ‘embedding’ issues ►Benchmarking/Pathfinder feedback ■ HEFCE e-learning Strategy ►3 yr update ■ PVC/DVC e-learning SIG ►update and relationship to HeLF Academy Update: e-learning

3 ■ Strategy revision and next phase developed ■ Released Autumn 08 ■ Earlier phase primarily supply led ►Creating technological infrastructure in Schools ■ Next phase demand led ►Personalisation for learners ►Employer engagement ■ All sectors of education inc. HE ■ Aims to move institutions ‘next level’ ■ Integration of HEFCE e-learning Strategy (Appendix?) ■ Examples of where Becta are going.... DIUS/DCFS: Harnessing Technology

4 ■ Examples of where Becta are going... ■ Exchange Exchange ►OHPs for data projectors, ►using whiteboards as projection screens ■ Enrich/Extend Enrich/Extend ►whiteboards used interactively and ►with wider range of teaching resources and methodologies ■ Enhance ►Deeper learning though the use of ICT based teaching and learning resources ■ Learner Empowerment Learner Empowerment DIUS/DCFS: Harnessing Technology

5 ■ Interim Benchmarking report – 77 UK HE institutions ●Need to build capacity and capability ●Enhancement rather than embedding (too technocentric) ●Course (re) Design is a key driver for change, i.e. to address specific L&T issues and integration with internal institutional processes and mechanisms ●An advanced technical infrastructure is required, but emphasis needs to be on informed use of tools and platforms ●Sustainable senior management commitment required to achieve the desired change ●Different types of institutions are developing new relationships, i.e. collaboration and sharing ●Sustainable enhancement/transformation will take longer then the original 2006/08 timescales Emerging ‘embedding’ issues

6 ■ 10yr Strategy released March 2005 ■ Current 3 yr review followed by revision ■ Summer 2008 target release date for revision ■ Not evaluation, i.e. only 3yrs into 10yr Strategy ■ Review being carried out by Glenaffric ■ Focus is to validate Academy/JISC intelligence ■ Draft report (just) completed – final end April 08 ■ HEFCE to then produce position statement HEFCE e-learning Strategy: Review process

7 ■ Funding ►HEFCE approach is ‘light touch’, i.e. recognises: ●Changing HE landscape – diversity ●increasing institutional autonomy ►Enough funding already in system ►No additional funds (£31m distributed to HEIs in 2005 to launch Strategy) ►Capital funding letters to HEIs – little mention of e-learning HEFCE e-learning Strategy: Context (1)

8 ■ Strategy is key for supporting other strategies: ►Employer engagement/workforce development ►Widening participation ►Flexible learning ■ Current thinking: ►What should a revised e-learning Strategy look like? ►Do we need an all embracing e-Strategy, i.e. ●to draw together (underpin?) other HEFCE strategies? HEFCE e-learning Strategy: Context (2)

9 ►Transition to more of an emphasis on ‘learning’ rather than ‘e’ ►Good (?).. but transition is driven by events, e.g. ●changing HE landscape, ●institutional autonomy, ●funding mechanisms etc ►What does this mean for institutions and staff? Challenges for the sector and HEIs

10 Academy plans... the way forward ■ To consider ‘e-learning’ within wider L&T context – integration into other areas of work ■ To organise its work around strategic functions and programmes: ►the latter, including Enhancement of learning through technology Programme, i.e. moving away from the term ‘e- learning’ ■ Working at multiple levels – policy, institutional stakeholders, discipline focus through subject centres etc ■ For example... PVC/DVC Network

11 PVC/DVC Network – e-Learning SIG ■ 6 monthly meetings - next meeting arranged for April 23 ■ Glenaffric to verbally report on Strategy review and HEFCE to present ■ A new and smaller Coordinating Group (7 PVCs + 2 co-chairs) recently established to take forward discussions outside of 6 monthly main meetings. ►HeLF, JISC and Academy reps in attendance ►The agreed terms of reference for the new Coordinating Group are three-fold: ●To generate policy discussions, provide strategic advice and to inform policy, i.e. specifically to HEFCE. ●To inform and advise other funding bodies on future funding areas, i.e. specifically the JISC ●To present models of practice, i.e. drawing together and disseminating examples of e-learning institutional practice to support the student learning experience. ■ Co-chaired by John Fothergill (Leicester) and Philip Garrahan (Sheffield Hallam)

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