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Bernard Doyle Senior Economist

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1 Bernard Doyle Senior Economist
A Fresh Look At The Economy What is required to achieve consistently high long-term growth? Bernard Doyle Senior Economist November 2004 For important information relating to Goldman Sachs JBWere’s interests in companies or trusts the subject of this presentation, please see the final pages of this presentation.

2 A “Seismic Shift” In The World Economy
Agenda Part 1: How is the world changing? “Dreaming with BRICs” - The growing role of Brazil, Russia, India and China BRIC’s look set to underpin world growth this decade Sun setting in the west Commodities - the first to feel the power of BRICs Further out - Value added opportunities Part 2: New Zealand - How Can We Thrive? Commodities - look extremely well placed Manufacturers - BRIC’s a two edged sword Services have interesting opportunities (education, tourism) Currency - a new trading range? Growth - wind swinging behind us A “Seismic Shift” In The World Economy

3 What Are The BRICs? Question: What is the next major development in the world economy? Our View: The emergence of Brazil Russia, India & China as a global force Method: Take the four large developing countries. Examine in turn: population growth likely growth in capital/worker likely productivity growth Results: Startling! 2000: Chinese GDP US$1.1tn; vs USA US$9.8tn 2050: Chinese GDP US$44.4tn; vs USA US$35.2tn Source: Goldman Sachs Source: Goldman Sachs

4 China Larger Than The USA By 2041
The Rise of BRICs Source: Goldman Sachs China Larger Than The USA By 2041

5 Getting From A to B Is The Exciting Part
Source: Goldman Sachs Source: Goldman Sachs Getting From A to B Is The Exciting Part

6 Impact on Global Growth
BRIC’s should underpin global economic growth trend global GDP last 20 years 3.7% our projections imply 4% over the next decade commodities demand a key pressure point Beyond 2010, demographic forces become increasingly prominent Role of the west as a global growth driver is declining Anglo-Saxon culture of debt unsustainable USA in particular looks vulnerable Source: Goldman Sachs Global (ie US) Consumers Look Vulnerable Consumption Share of GDP Source: Goldman Sachs

7 BRICs Impact on Commodities Demand
Impact of BRICs on specific markets will probably come in waves Wave 1: Industrial commodities Wave 2: Household commodities Wave 3: Consumer durables Wave 4: Consumer services Oil a Case Study of BRICs Impact on Commodities Demand Economics of the oil price have fundamentally changed BRICs responsible for nearly half the increase in oil demand in 2004 BRICs scenario: oil demand growth to exceed 2% for nearly 2 decades Oil A Foretaste Of BRICs Impact

8 The Next Wave: Value Added Demand
Source: Goldman Sachs Source: Goldman Sachs Growth of Middle Classes A Potential Goldmine

9 We May Need To Change Our Perceptions
NZ - Commodities Commodities are becoming glamorous again BRICs impact on commodities demand underway now... ...likely to peak over next decade we’ve become used to flat per-capita commodity consumption... ...get used to per-capita growth A new trading range? Key feature of commodities: capacity constrained Growth = price strength Recent price resilience may be a sign of things to come We May Need To Change Our Perceptions

10 Winner And Losers In The BRICs World
NZ - Manufacturers Threats and Opportunities for NZ Manufacturers Threats: Don’t get in their way China, in particular will become an increasingly sophisticated manufacturer Be wary of manufacturing processes that rely on (i) low labour costs and (ii) a low New Zealand dollar Case Study: Chopping up a log vs shipping a log Opportunities: Look For Embedded Protection Synergy with our commodities output: particularly food & beverage manufacturing Branded consumer goods: Prepare for the middle class explosion Intellectual Capital: We’re too smart to be copied Outsourcing: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em Winner And Losers In The BRICs World

11 NZ - Services Some obvious winners
tourism - recent growth just a taste education - as long as its not purely a cost advantage But BRICs will also provide increasing competition Just ask US software engineers Sound immigration policy crucial competition for migrants will heat up considerably BRICs a growing source of educated (and wealthy) migrants NZ well placed to benefit I would rather immigration policy was too loose rather than too tight

12 0.50 - 0.70 Could Be The New Trading Range
NZ Dollar Could Be The New Trading Range

13 BRICs Unambiguously Positive
Conclusions BRIC’s - a seismic shift in the global economy How Does New Zealand improve our trend growth performance in the BRIC’s world? Commodities - stick to our knitting Manufacturers - challenges but also opportunities Services - some clear winners Migration - act now, it will get more competitive NZ Dollar - prepare for a higher trading range Overall - The rise of BRICs should be the single most positive development for the NZ in a generation BRICs Unambiguously Positive

14 Appendix

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