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E-Learning in the continuos training of the romanian prison staff Nicoleta Sălcudean assistant manager LifeLong Learning Center Babes Bolyai University.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Learning in the continuos training of the romanian prison staff Nicoleta Sălcudean assistant manager LifeLong Learning Center Babes Bolyai University."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Learning in the continuos training of the romanian prison staff Nicoleta Sălcudean assistant manager LifeLong Learning Center Babes Bolyai University -e-Learning in continuous training of staff of the National Administration of Prisons

2 LifeLong Learning at UBB  Babes-Bolyai strategy to develop LifeLong Learning materialize in 2008 by establishing the Center of LifeLong Learning (LLL) which aims among other things are: Develop research programs to explore the specific needs of knowledge society and developing the field of MM and Identification of optimal organization models (business models) for the development of programs LLL Partnership with the National Administration of Prisons the  - a model for collaboration with significant impact on the development of skills of LifeLong Learning category for a given profession

3 UBB-NAP Partnership  LifeLong Learning Center at the University Babes-Bolyai develop relationships with public institutions to conclude partnership agreements based Training Courses In the cooperation protocol signed on April 15, 2009 from Babes- Bolyai University and National Administration of Prisons, the parties were engaged in a collaboration that aims to strengthen institutional capacity and improving the means to increase the professional human resources penitentiary system in Romania by introducing modern methods of preparation, based on new technologies and providing access to training permanent staff of expert system, development of materials for training of personnel in different specialties, dissemination of good practices in system and network integration national and international professional So far there has been its own resources pilot courses, informal seminars, advice on technical issues, working visits and student involvement in Multimedia section of BBU in making audio-visual educational materials for e-learning platforms in one of pilot projects

4 Current state of the partnership  One of the objectives of this partnership is to attract European funds to ensure funding of staff training trainer training and implementation of models E- Learning in the entire prison system long term He designed the digital development project to underpin a national training program for employees of the National Administration of Prisons (under the partnership agreement) and is currently seeking funds for its implementation Of the various financing options, to choose to access European funds instrumentalized by the Romanian government - project work

5  General objective: Apply a replicable educational model, which includes a training package for the development of digital type ECDL to improve the administrative capacity of the National Administration of Prisons Aim for, updating and proliferation of e-Learning strategies applied to training modules in the NAP to allow better access to resources, effective communication and organizational structure at local, regional and national levels, and optimizing and upgrading human resource management practices Partnership with the National Administration of Prisons provides a continuous transfer of information on target group needs, the possibility of direct analysis of the needs of the beneficiary, but also monitor the activities and effectiveness of their implementation throughout the project

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