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RELIGION CURRICULUM P-12 UPDATE. VISION FOR RE VISION FOR RE   We aspire to educate and form students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus.

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2 VISION FOR RE VISION FOR RE   We aspire to educate and form students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society”

3 BCE LEARNING AND TEACHING   As a Catholic Christian community we educate all to live the gospel of Jesus Christ as successful, creative and confident, active and informed learners empowered to shape and enrich our world.”

4 St Francis College   Together, we value individuals, build relationships and empower learning”

5 Two distinct and complimentary dimensions Classroom learning and teaching Religious life of the school

6 Catholic beliefs that underpin the curriculum   A Catholic religion curriculum is hope filled and underpinned by the beliefs that:   All people are created in the image and likeness of God   Knowledge is life long and life wide, holistic, rational and leads to wisdom   Human beings are not the masters of creation but rather co- creators with God and therefore have a special responsibility to steward the earth and the universe

7 Catholic beliefs that underpin the curriculum   Life is sacramental: meaning that God is experienced in the everyday, in people, in nature and in the world and therefore there is no such thing as a secular subject in a Catholic school.   The role of a teacher is one of transformation.  Teach, challenge, transform

8 Reconceptualist approach  Not catechetical  Uses non- presumptive language  Uses a questioning pedagogy

9 Religious diversity at SFC

10 Key Messages  Religion Curriculum Religion Curriculum Religion Curriculum P-12 P-12

11 Writing the RE Program in 2014  SIT teams P-12  Mapping the curriculum  Writing units of work  CTJ  Validation  Value adding for 2015 learners

12 Principles of unit planning  Principle of subsidiarity  Vision -Begin with the end in mind  Line of sight  Integration across strands  Differentiation for learners- growth mindset  Learning intentions and success criteria

13 Principles of planning  Connections with RLOS, other curriculum areas and CCPs  Opportunities to embed Sacred Texts Development of general capabilities  Quality learning experiences including use of digital tech.  Assessment and feedback

14 Support from BCE  Religious education portal Religious education portal Religious education portal

15 St Francis College Religious education program  A work in progress A work in progress A work in progress

16 Web Quest   Learning intentions   During this series of activities, staff at SFC will:   explore the religious education website and identify specific content   examine one unit of work that demonstrates principles of mapping the curriculum across strands.   Success criteria   Staff can:   Navigate the websites to locate information and complete the webquest tasks   Explain how the codes represent the strands and substrands of the curriculum   Understand how the curriculum content is grouped across strands and substrands to create units of work.   Identify content in the Achievement Standard

17 Where to from here?  SIT teams continue to meet  Margaret continues to support  Curriculum leaders continue to write  Prepare for CTJ  Validation October 28  Celebrate!

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