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Beehive Collective 2011Grant To WakeUP Wake County.

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1 Beehive Collective 2011Grant To WakeUP Wake County

2 Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet, and Prosperity  People – social justice & community. Improving public health, well-being and affordability; fighting poverty, racism and other forms of inequality; and building a more vibrant and inclusive community that upholds the rights and dignity of all.  Planet – protecting or improving environmental quality, outdoors or in. We’re talking about clean water to drink, healthy air to breathe, green space for exercise and recreation in our beautiful hometown, and healthier transportation and development options as our city grows.  Prosperity – strengthening Raleigh's local economy. Prosperity is about the economic strength of our community. Dollars and sense must underpin any effort for change, so it can succeed in the long term.

3 How we used Beehive Funds:  Supported WakeUP’s role leading and implementing a public education campaign supporting funding for a public transit system of expanded bus, commuter rail and light rail, as well as complementary land use ordinances.

4 What we did:  Led CAFT coalition of 45 organizations, 100 civic leaders and 1,400 citizens  Advocated to Wake County Commissioners and mayors to put transit referendum on 2012 ballot.  Advocated to Raleigh officials for coordinated transit and land use planning, affordable housing, and water protection in Raleigh’s UDO.  Implemented media marketing plan, and developed video about connecting transit and land use to economy, environment, and people.  Coordinated CAFT speakers bureau and spoke to many groups.  Kept public and members informed.  Held town hall meetings on transit and UDO.

5 June 18, 2012 Wake Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Public outcry for transit referendum. Let the voters decide! Covered by every major news media in Wake. Over 40 attendees, 22 speakers and hundreds of emails, letters and calls generated to support transit referendum.

6 Update on Unified Development Ordinance  Comprehensive Unified Development Ordinance Approved for Raleigh.  Implementation just beginning – updates to come.  Some community pushback on density and urbanization.  Low Impact Development advancing, with some controversy.

7 Update on Wake Transit Plan  On hold for past two years despite intense pressure to act in 2012  Transit become very political and partisan.  Actions pushing and pulling: Transit Summit, BOC anti-rail panel, building business support, ULI presentation, new County Manager, Raleigh corridor study  CAFT updated statement of support. Growing numbers and continued public education.  Board of Commissioners expected to initiate plan to revise plan over next year.  Elections???? Hopeful for referendum 2015

8 Wake County Growth Facts  Wake County is unique!  Population projected to DOUBLE in 20 years.  Grows by 75 people per day (average).  Raleigh-Cary metro region fastest growing in nation 2000-12! (regions over 1 million)  43.5% growth over past decade.

9 Triangle’s Demographic Changes 1. More Seniors - Raleigh #1 retirement destination in nation 2. More Hispanics 3. More Millennials – young professionals What does this mean?...  New market demands: Walkable, transit-oriented communities. Apts. #1.  Development codes should respond.

10 Much More to Do! Beehive Support Helped at a Critical Time. Helped build grassroots support, public education, and pressure on decision-makers still effective today. Thank you!!

11 Karen Rindge, Executive Director 828-3833

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