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Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources PGEC Part IV The International System of Radiation Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources PGEC Part IV The International System of Radiation Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources
PGEC Part IV The International System of Radiation Protection and the Regulatory Framework Module IV.1 .1 The role of International organizations in Radiation Protection – overview & IAEA

2 Overview of Module IV.1 This module will discuss the role of the following organisations: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) International Labour Organisation (ILO) World Health Organization (WHO) Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA) Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) ….and briefly discuss a few others

3 IAEA The IAEA is the world's centre of cooperation in the nuclear field. It was set up in 1957 as the world's "Atoms for Peace" organization within the United Nations family. Three main areas of work underpin the IAEA's mission: Safety and Security; Science and Technology; and Safeguards and Verification

4 IAEA Board of Governors Headquarters General Conference

5 IAEA Objective The Agency shall seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world. It shall ensure, so far as it is able, that assistance provided by it or at its request or under its supervision or control is not used in such a way as to further any military purpose. the IAEA represents the culmination of international efforts to make a reality of US President Eisenhower's proposal in his Atoms for Peace speech before the UN General Assembly in He envisioned the creation of an international body to control and develop the use of atomic energy. Established as an autonomous organization under the United Nations (UN) in 1957 The IAEA maintains its headquarters at the Vienna International Centre in Vienna, Austria, along the famous Danube River. Mailing address: P.O. Box 100 Wagramer Strasse 5 A‑1400, Vienna, Austria Telephone: (+43‑1) 2600‑0; Facsimile: (+43‑1) E‑mail: Additionally, the Agency maintains field and liaison offices in Canada, Geneva, New York and Tokyo, operates laboratories in Austria and Monaco and supports a research centre in Trieste, Italy that is administered by the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNESCO). Human and Financial Resources At the end of 2000, the number of staff members in the Secretariat was 2,173 ‑‑ 912 in the Professional and higher categories and 1,261 in the General Service category. These figures represent 1,629 regular, 284 temporary assistance and 172 extrabudgetary staff, as well as 59 cost‑free experts and 20 consultants. Among the 670 staff members in posts subject to geographical distribution, 93 nationalities were represented. IAEA financial resources fall into two categories: the regular budget and voluntary contributions. The Regular Budget for 2001 amounts to US$ 230 million. The target for voluntary contributions to the Technical Co‑operation Fund for 2001 was established at US$ 73 million.

6 IAEA Function One function of the IAEA is:
to establish or adopt, in consultation and, where appropriate, in collaboration with the competent organs of the United Nations and with the specialized agencies concerned, standards of safety for protection of health and minimization of danger to life and property (including such standards for labour conditions),

7 IAEA Function Function of the IAEA (cont):
to provide for the application of these standards to its own operations as well as to the operations making use of materials, services, equipment, facilities, and information made available by the Agency or at its request or under its control or supervision; to provide for the application of these standards, at the request of the parties, to operations under any bilateral or multilateral arrangement, or at the request of a State, to any of the State*s activities in the field of atomic energy

8 IAEA Function Moreover, with respect to any IAEA project, or other arrangement where the IAEA is requested by the parties concerned to apply safeguards, the IAEA has the right and responsibility: to require the observance of any health and safety measure prescribed by the Agency to send into the territory of the recipient State or States inspectors ... to determine whether there is compliance with [such] health and safety measures

9 IAEA Function IAEA develops Safety Standards and, based on these standards, promotes the achievement and maintenance of high levels of safety in applications of nuclear energy, as well as the protection of human health and the environment against ionizing radiation;

10 IAEA Profile IAEA serves as the world's foremost intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co‑operation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology. The Agency's broad spectrum of services, programmes, and activities is based on the needs of its 152 Member States


12 Nuclear Safety & Security
Vision To provide strong, sustainable, and visible nuclear safety and security framework, working to protect people, society and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation Objective To protect people and the environment whether the cause is an unsafe act or security breach, IAEA enhances efforts in both areas to avoid the same consequences

13 Nuclear Safety & Security
Strategy To support Member States in their national efforts though an Integrated Safety Approach while also establishing and improving security

14 Basic Safety Standards
To establish basic requirements for protection against the risks associated with exposure to ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources that may deliver such exposure, seven organizations (Euratom, FAO, IAEA, ILO, OECD/NEA, PAHO, WHO) jointly developed the International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources (BSS) An interim version of the BSS was published in November 2011 as GSR Part 3 (interim) – replaces Safety Series 115 published by the IAEA in 1994

15 IAEA Safety Standards and other Documents
Fundamentals and Requirements Safety Reports TECDOCs Technical Reports Safety Guides

16 Safety Standards Committees
Commission on Safety Standards - a standing body of senior government officials holding national responsibilities for establishing standards and other regulatory documents relevant to nuclear, radiation, transport and waste safety. Has overview role re IAEA safety standards, and provides advice to the Director General on the overall programme on regulatory aspects of safety Nuclear Safety Standards Committee Radiation Safety Standards Committee Transport Safety Standards Committee Waste Safety Standards Committee

17 Where to Get More Information
TRAINING COURSES SERIES No. 18   Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources Standard Syllabus

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