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English III & IV 8. Across 1.nose 2.four 3.sort 4.pate Down 2.rote 3.soup 4.torn.

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Presentation on theme: "English III & IV 8. Across 1.nose 2.four 3.sort 4.pate Down 2.rote 3.soup 4.torn."— Presentation transcript:

1 English III & IV 8

2 Across 1.nose 2.four 3.sort 4.pate Down 2.rote 3.soup 4.torn

3 TEKS E3.2B E3.5B E3.15Ci,ii iii Character Body Biography (1 per group) PowerPoint: Literary Devices of Fiction

4 Readers make connections in order to better understand themselves and the world around them by reading a variety of texts and genres. How can you use questioning to read the world? 1.Prepare to display visuals as appropriate. 2. Continue to use the short story or novel from Daily Lesson 4. 3. Review the four levels of questioning and prepare a relevant example of each. 4. Locate Anchor Chart: Reader’s Toolbox.

5 Readers make connections in order to better understand themselves and the world around them by reading a variety of texts and genres. Understanding the connections between literary elements facilitates the reader’s ability to make meaning of text. How do perspectives on the human condition emerge in literature?

6 Writing Prompt #3 (Daily Lesson 9): Rewrite your response about a time when you or someone close to you has undergone physical and emotional changes from a different point of view.

7 Character Body Biography 1 You may use the image provided or draw your own body to represent a character from the text. You must find quotes to prove and explain the following elements of character from the text. Cite your quotes with the page number and paragraph number. Use the symbols you created in class to indicate which type of literary device the author uses to depict the internal and external development of the character. Draw these symbols close to the text evidence you provide. 1. Character Type (place anywhere) 2. Conflicts (place by the hands, head, or heart) 3. Physical Traits (place inside body outline) 4. Actions (place by the arms, feet, head, or heart) 5. Words (place by the head)

8 6. Relationships with other characters (place anywhere) 7. Motivation (place inside the outline near the heart and head) 8. Impact of actions on self and others (place outside the outline) 9. Emotions/Feelings (place inside the outline by the heart) 10. Thoughts (place inside or outside the outline by the head)

9 Character Body Biography 1 Title: ________________________ Author:____________________ Character ________________________

10 This Instructional Routine partially assesses Performance Indicator: “Write multiple reflections that include personal and world connections, thoughts, and responses to literary texts.” When combined with additional entries throughout the Unit, it serves as an assessment to monitor student growth and application of skills and strategies learned.

11 During this Instructional Routine, students perform a Focused Reading of the same text used in Daily Lesson 7. Students analyze the internal and external development of the main characters in the short story or novel.

12 Content Objective: Students analyze the internal and external development of the main characters in a short story or novel in order to support deeper comprehension of the text.

13 Instruct students to take out their Reader’s Notebook and refer to the chart completed during Daily Lesson 7. Review student responses briefly and explain that today students will analyze how the author developed the characters using a range of literary devices. Display PowerPoint: Literary Devices of Fiction and refer to slide 20. Instruct students to revisit their previous rating of their knowledge of literary devices (elements and techniques). Ask students to revise ratings of their current knowledge of literary devices addressed in Daily Lessons 3-5 on a scale from 1- 4: 1 – I’ve seen the term but am unable to define it. 2 – I can define the term. 3 – I can define and give an example of the term. 4 – I can define, give an example, and use the literary term in my writing.

14 4. Discuss ratings as a class and create a symbol to represent each of the literary techniques. 5. Distribute Handout: Character Body Biography and copies of the short story or novel. 6. Explain to students that they will engage in a Focused Reading of the short story or novel read previously to analyze the internal and external development of the characters. Instruct students to use the text and their charts in their Reader’s Notebook from Daily Lesson 7 to create a Character Body Biography for one of the main characters in the text. (Students will work in groups.)

15 7. Refer to slide 20 and explain to students that they will place one of the symbols by each piece of text evidence on Handout: Character Body Biography to indicate the type of literary device the author used to depict the internal and/or external development of the character. 8. Pick up colored pencils or markers.

16 Literal question - knowledge level, fact-based question (e.g., who, what, when, where, why, and how questions), questions asked for clarification Interpretive question - may have more than one answer and requires that the answer(s) be supported with evidence from the text (e.g., What does this mean?)

17 1.Students read the text independently, with a partner, or in small groups. 2. In groups, students complete Handout: Character Body Biography, including symbols to identify each type of literary device used. 3. Actively monitor students as they read and record information. Work with small groups as needed. 4. If time permits, students engage in Independent Reading

18 Evaluative question - asks for an opinion, a belief, or a point of view. Responses may represent different perspectives and should be supported with evidence from the text. (e.g., Do you agree or disagree? What do you feel about this? What do you believe about this? What is your opinion about this?) pregunta valorativa - pide una opinión, una creencia, o un punto de vista. Las respuestas pueden representar diferentes perspectivas y deben ser apoyadas con evidencia del texto. (por ejemplo, ¿Está de acuerdo o en desacuerdo ? ¿Qué sientes al respecto? ¿Qué cree usted sobre esto? ¿Qué es su opinión sobre esto? )

19 Universal question - an open-ended question that is raised by ideas in the text and transcend social and cultural boundaries and speak to a common human experience (e.g., What does the character believe in? What is the main character willing to fight for? How does this story give you a better understanding of human nature?) Pregunta universal-una pregunta abierta que se eleva por las ideas en el texto y trascienden las fronteras sociales y culturales y hablar con una experiencia humana común (por ejemplo, ¿Qué hace el personaje de creer en lo que es el personaje principal dispuesto a luchar por Cómo ?no esta historia le dará una mejor comprensión de la naturaleza humana ? )

20 1.Instruct students to respond to the following statement independently in their Reader’s Notebook. Emphasize that they are to include a clear thesis and textual evidence to support their understanding. Explain the effectiveness of the author’s use of literary devices to reveal internal and/or external development of the main character.

21 2. How is the main character’s development different from or similar to another character you have encountered in mythical, traditional, or classical literature? Why do you think this is so? Discuss responses. 3. How do experiences impact a person’s physical and emotional development? What makes people change? What makes people resist change? Discuss responses.

22 30 second write Write down everything you learned this week. Esta rutina de Instrucción evalúa parcialmente Indicador de rendimiento: "Escribir múltiples entradas que incluyen conexiones personales y mundiales, pensamientos y respuestas a textos literarios y medios de comunicación."


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