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CEH Water Science Professor Alan Jenkins Director of Water Science Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.

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Presentation on theme: "CEH Water Science Professor Alan Jenkins Director of Water Science Centre for Ecology and Hydrology."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEH Water Science Professor Alan Jenkins Director of Water Science Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

2 CEH today Significant change in CEH’s structure Focussing on Earth’s life support systems

3 The new strategy Long term, large scale survey and “intelligent monitoring” A strategy based upon - Observation and experimentation Modelling and prediction

4 Water, the key Water Sustainable economies Climate change Biodiversity Biochemistry

5 Addressing key questions How do processes on land and air affect the transfer and quality of freshwater? How can we integrate this knowledge to support the sustainable management of the catchments and their water resources? CEH Water Science will address key questions -

6 Addressing key questions How can we quantify and mitigate environmental threats to biodiversity? What determines the limit of carbon sequestration and how can that limit be extended? What are the consequences of nitrogen enrichment and how can adverse effects be mitigated? Where are renewable energy schemes best located for maximum output with minimum adverse impact? CEH Water Science will also underpin key science questions in other areas -

7 Strong, long-term support Unique capability for multi- disciplinary research We launch this new strategy from a position of strength Broader strength and expertise with BAS, SOC and BGS What more do we need?

8 Alignment of strategy Alignment of R&D strategies Not more money…..necessarily More planning and more dialogue on the spend MoU with the EA on Water Resources

9 Pooling resources Working on behalf of DFID with OASIS Innovative use of expertise and networks Consortium of 20 of the main players from across the water sector UNESCO and World Bank have recognised the advantages - the more support and use, the more it can achieve

10 Bi-lateral collaboration Collaboration to tackle specific issues Exchange of expertise - side-by-side working Joint Centre for Hydrometeorological Research

11 Multi-lateral collaboration Not just bilateral ventures Embrace the scale of programmes that Research Councils have the capacity to initiate –LOIS was a £30M programme with a large freshwater component –LOCAR is a £7M programme focused on freshwaters

12 Informed input We can tackle relevant issues - Climate change, WFD, Millennium Development Goals We can provide relevant tools and usable answers - LowFlows 2000, FEH, Hyrad By talking together we aim to provide the answers that are needed

13 Working as one Our aim is to further the sustainable management of freshwater The UK should not manage water in sectors We want to help in steering scientific research for all to benefit We want to provide the channels for informal and formal dialogue

14 CEH Water Science Professor Alan Jenkins Director of Water Science Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

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