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 The most complex organ both structurally and functionally in our body  Much is still not known about the brain and all its abilities  Best way to.

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Presentation on theme: " The most complex organ both structurally and functionally in our body  Much is still not known about the brain and all its abilities  Best way to."— Presentation transcript:


2  The most complex organ both structurally and functionally in our body  Much is still not known about the brain and all its abilities  Best way to understand it, is to break it into regions, and discuss what each region does

3  Brain is composed of 4 main regions:  Brain Stem  Cerebellum (cerebel=little Brain)  Diencephalon (di- =through, encephal=brain)  Cerebrum (cerebr- =brain)

4  Contains 3 major structures:  Medulla Oblongata (Think “Waterboy”) ▪ Houses respiratory and cardiovascular control centers ▪ Breathing, blood pressure, coughing, vomiting ▪ ata_waterboy/ ata_waterboy/  Pons (Pons=Bridge) ▪ Assist Medulla in breathing ▪ Relays info to diencephalon and cerebellum  Midbrain ▪ Connects upper and lower brain areas ▪ Reflex center for eyes, head, neck


6  Regulates posture and balance  Bnio Bnio  Smoothes and coordinates skilled skeletal muscle movements

7  Located in brains central area  Three main regions:  Thalamus (thala-=inner chamber) ▪ “Grand Central Relay Station” ▪ Principle relay station for sensory fibers ▪ Involved in consciousness, emotions, learning, memory  Hypothalamus ▪ Controls many body fxns and homeostasis ▪ Emotions, behavior, body temp, eating, drinking  Epithalamus ▪ Houses small endocrine gland, secretes melatonin


9  Right and Left Hemispheres  Largest, most complex part of brain  Center of Higher mental processes  Intelligence, communication, memory, reasoning, emotions  Interprets sensory input and initiates skeletal muscle contraction

10  Named so because of overlying bone structure  Certain lobes carry certain fxns ▪ (Ex. Temporal Lobe contains auditory cortex, Occipital Lobe contains visual cortex)

11  There are many…I want you to know two  Broca’s Speech Area ▪ Initiates impulses that result in speech ▪ What would happen if this part of the brain were injured?  Wernicke’s Area ▪ Recognizes spoken words, translates words into thoughts ▪ What were to happen if this area of the brain were injured? ▪ ▪


13  Right Hemisphere  Controls Left side of body  Spatial abilities  Face Recognition  Visual Imagery  Music  Left Hemisphere  Controls right side of body  Language  Math  Logic  Connected by the corpus callosum

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