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Dr. Harper’s Plans and Agendas 6 th Grade Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills January 7 -11, 2013 Week 19 1.

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2 Dr. Harper’s Plans and Agendas 6 th Grade Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills January 7 -11, 2013 Week 19 1

3 Language Arts Monday, January 7, 2013 Target Learning: I can identify end rhymes, internal rhymes, alliteration, meter, and free verse and explain how each poetic element creates tone and meaning in poetry. Idiom of the Day: (2 minutes/2 points) Feel blue – to be sad. Context clues sentence – I always feel blue when I think about being away from my grandson. 2

4 Language Arts Monday, January 7, 2013 Writing Prompt: (3 minutes/3 points) Today is Old Rock Day. List all the possible uses for a rock. Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: © 3

5 Language Arts Monday, January 7, 2013 Week 19:1 Proofreading Sentences: (3 minutes/3 points) a. the author Olivia Coolidge didnt like greek literature untill she braked her ankel and spent more time at reading b. i dream last night about a horse with wings Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 4

6 Language Arts Monday, January 7, 2013 Week 19:1 Proofreading Check: (2 minutes/2 points) a. T he author Olivia Coolidge didn ’t like Greek literature until she broke her ankle and spent more time reading. [at deleted] b. I dreamed last night about a horse with wings. Total corrections: 10 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 5

7 Weekly Participation Points Weekly Participation Points Word/Idiom: 2 pts. Writing prompt: 3 pts. Proofreading Sentences: 5 pts. (3 correct/2 check). 1. Total Warm-Up Points = 10 pts. 2. Target Learning Instruction = 30 pts. 3. Homework/Lesson Close = 10 pts. Total Daily Participation Points =50 points 6

8 Weekly Participation Grading Scale 201 - 250 pointsA 151 - 200 pointsB 101 - 150 pointsC 51 - 100 pointsD 1 - 50 pointsF Absent or Tardy Points Participation points can be earned for absent days by turning in class work within 3 days of absence. Participation points lost due to being late to class are lost. These points may be earned back with a parent note and completion of missed class work. 7

9 Language Arts Monday, January 7, 2013 Target Learning Instruction: (30 minutes/30 points) 1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Students tap out beat to song. Teacher points out variations used to promote interest. Identify rhyming words and other words that could also rhyme. Point out repetitions in the song and use Equity Cards to call on students to identify other repetitions. 8

10 Language Arts Monday, January 7, 2013 Target Learning Instruction continued… 2. Drop-in-Reading: Rhyme: Chiming Sounds, p. 378. 3. Choral Reading of poem The Pied Piper of Hamelin, by Robert Browning, p. 378: Step 1: Teacher reads. Step 2: Everyone reads aloud with the teacher. Step 3: Table groups read aloud together. Step 4: Number students 1-4 and assign lines of poem to read. 9

11 Language Arts Monday, January 7, 2013 Target Learning Instruction Continued… Repeat fill-in-the-blank and choral reading strategies for: Alliteration: Repeating a Sound, Cynthia in the Snow, Meter: The Beat of the Poem, and Good Hot Dogs—pp. 378-379. Students create word maps for: 1. Rhyme 2. End rhymes 3. Internal rhymes 4. Alliteration 5. Meter 6.Free verse 10

12 Word Map Sentence ExampleDefinition Illustration/Picture Synonym and/or Antonym Word 11

13 Language Arts Monday, January 7, 2013 Lesson Closure Reflection card: For each poetic element, complete the following: The poetic element of ______ creates tone and meaning in poetry by________________. 12

14 Language Arts Monday, January 7, 2013 Dr. Harper’s Grading Scale for Home Reading Log 13 Total Weekly Reading TimeGrade 3 hours – 3 hours 30 minutes (6-7 days) A 2 hours – 2 hours 30 minutes (4-5 days) B 1 hour – 1 hour 30 minutes (2-3 days) C 30 minutes – 1 hour (1 day)D

15 Choral Reading Procedures Students follow along silently while teacher reads the story aloud. Students should track the words while reading using either their fingers or eraser end of their pencils. Everyone reads aloud with the teacher on the second read. Remind students to not speed up or slow down while reading—keep pace with the teacher. Pauses will be count of 1,2 at periods and count of 1 at commas. Select different groups of student to take turns reading lines, stanzas, or paragraphs of the story for the third reading. During the fourth reading, group students into boys or girls, eye color, odd and even birthdays, or odd and even birth months. 14

16 Social Studies Monday, January 7, 2013 Target Learning: I can link text information to draw successful conclusions from what I have read. (R2.6). Social Studies Warm-Up: (5 minutes) KWHL Chart, pp. 84-85. Complete under the K (What you Know): What do you already know about Ancient Egypt? What books or articles have you read about Ancient Egypt? What photos or movies have you seen about Ancient Egypt? Have you ever seen any Egyptian jewelry? 15

17 Social Studies Monday, January 7, 2013 1. Think/Pair/Share: Discuss what is known about Ancient Egypt with partners then group. Write group knowledge on post-its to post on class KWHL chart. 2. Creating a Key Term Fold Note, p. 87. 3. Guided Reading in Small Groups while rest of class works on Key Term Fold Note. 4. After completing guided reading, answer Drawing Conclusion questions, p. 87. Continued on next slide… 16

18 Social Studies Monday, January 7, 2013 5. Closure: Drawing Conclusions About Pets. All house cats are related to large, wild cats such as the tiger. My pet, Jimmy, is not related to large wild cats. Conclusion: Homework: Any unfinished Key Term Fold Notes must be completed at home. 17

19 Study Skills Monday, January 7, 2013 Target Learning: I can analyze a list of issues and write a response explaining my feelings about each issue. (W1.2). 1. Welcome/Review Agenda 2. Read Aloud: Michael Vey Prisoner of Cell 25. 3. Work on Michael Vey Story Maps. 4. Introduction to Holes: Think/Pair/Share— Engaging Issues, TE p. 13. (next slide). Instructional Activities Continued on slide 20… 18

20 Engaging Issues Friendship Courage Punishment Failure Outlaw Prejudice Perseverance Bullying 19

21 Study Skills Monday, January 7, 2013 5. Independent Practice: Write about at time when you may have been falsely accused of a wrongdoing. How did you feel? How did you respond? How was the situation resolved? 6. Lesson Closure: Discussion about the importance of keeping Reminder Binders up-to-date and successful participation in class. Both contribute to weekly grades. 20

22 Language Arts Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Target Learning: I can write a reflective essay about a time when a person was treated unfairly. Idiom of the Day: (2 minutes) Fish out of water – a person out of his or her proper environment. Context clues sentence: I felt like a fish out of water at the Academy Awards. 21

23 Language Arts Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Writing Prompt: (3 minutes) Elvis Presley was born on this day in 1935. Presley is well known as “The King of Rock and Roll.” Do you have a certain song or type of music that you listen to depending on your feelings? Explain why you listen to this song or type of music. 22 Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: © ew.php?id=1091612

24 Language Arts Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Week 19:2 Proofreading Sentences: (3 minutes/3 points) a. tobys cousin made a face as terrible as medusas b. all frogs use to be tadpole Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 23

25 Language Arts Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Week 19:2 Proofreading Check: (2minutes/2 points) a. T oby ’ s cousin made a face as terrible as M edusa ’ s. b. A ll frogs used to be tadpoles. Total corrections = 8 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 24

26 Social Studies Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Target Learning: I can link text information to draw successful conclusions from what I have read. (R2.6). K-W-H-L Chart: What do you know about Ancient Egypt? You Try It!, pp. 86-87. Key Term Fold Note, p. 87 (Must be turned-in tomorrow by the end-of-class). Complete all work and turn-in. The only thing 25

27 Study Skills Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Target Learning: I can analyze a list of issues and write a response explaining my feelings about each issue. (W1.2). Read Aloud: Michael Vey, Chapters 20-22. Story Maps Write about a time when someone was falsely accused. 26

28 Language Arts Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Target Learning: I can demonstrate knowledge of the poetic elements used to create tone and meaning in poetry. Idiom of the Day: (2 minutes) Jump the gun – to begin prematurely; act too hastily. Context clues sentence– If I had not jumped the gun and waited for my friend I could have gone out to a steak dinner instead of eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. 27

29 Language Arts Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Writing Prompt: (3 minutes) The 1st U.S. balloon flight occurred on this day in 1793. Would you like to take a ride in a hot air balloon? Why or why not? Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: © 28

30 Language Arts Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Week 19:3 Proofreading Sentences: (3 minutes) a. mama holded her ears and yelled is that noisy music neccesary Isaiah b. the hole village feasted on figs grapes apples and other friut Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 29

31 Language Arts Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Week 19:3 Proofreading Check: (2 minutes) a. M ama held her ears and yelled, “I s that noisy music necessary, I saiah ?” b. T he w hole village feasted on figs, grapes, apples, and other fruit. Total corrections = 16 Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 30

32 Language Arts Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Target Learning Instruction: 1. Warm-Ups 2. Poetry & Prose Portfolio: Table of Contents 3. Collect Word Maps. 4. Review SLANT. 5. I Say, You Say. 6. Read Aloud - The Just Us Club : Interactive Reader, pp. 264-267. 7. Homework: Write a reflective essay about a time when you or someone you know was treated unfairly. 31

33 Social Studies Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Target Learning: I can survey and analyze text to complete Cornell Notes. Complete: 1. Key Term Fold Notes 2. You Try It! pp. 86-87 3. K-W-H-L Chart (Just fill in the ‘K’—what you know about Ancient Egypt). 4. Cornell Notes: Geography and Early Egypt, pp. 88-92. 32

34 Study Skills Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Target Learning: I can describe what real friendship is all about. 1.Update Story Map for: Michael Vey Prisoner of Cell 25 2.Complete Issue Statements 3.Complete “Falsely Accused of a Wrongdoing” 1.Create a HOLES Portfolio – 2.Describe a friend journal entry… Study Guide, p. 13. 3.Read Aloud, pp. 23-25. 33

35 Language Arts Thursday, January 10, 2013 Target Learning: I can use choral reading strategies to interpret information and improve my comprehension. Idiom of the Day: (2 minutes) Make waves—to cause trouble. Context clues– I don’t like it when my neighbors have loud parties, but since I don’t want to make waves, I don’t complain. 34

36 Language Arts Thursday, January 10, 2013 Writing Prompt: (3 minutes) On this day in 1901, the first major oil strike was made near Beaumont, Texas. This discovery began the Texas petroleum industry. There are a number of new energy sources that have been developed over the past decades. What do you think are the advantages/disadvantages to using various forms of energy. Prompt created by: © 2011 Photo: © 35

37 Language Arts Thursday, January 10, 2013 Week 19:4 Proofreading Sentences: (3 minutes) a. him and me carried our sheilds and arrows into the forrest b. morgiana spied the mans dagger and took it Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 36

38 Language Arts Thursday, January 10, 2013 Week 19:4 Proofreading Corrections: (2 minutes) a. H e and I carried our shields and arrows into the forest. B. M orgi ana spied the man ’ s dagger and took it. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 37

39 Language Arts Thursday, January 10, 2013 Target Learning Instruction: 1. Collect reflective essays about unfair treatment. 2. Return Word Maps, pp. 378-379. 38

40 Social Studies Thursday, January 10, 2013 Collect/check/return You Try It! p. 87 39

41 Study Skills Thursday, January 10, 2013 40

42 Language Arts Friday, January 11, 2013 Target Learning: I can review and validate answer choices on the Sneetches comprehension test with 70% accuracy. Idiom of the day: (2 minutes) Walk on Eggshells—to act very cautiously. Context clues sentence— I have to walk on eggshells around my friend because she gets upset so easily. 41

43 Language Arts Friday, January 11, 2013 Writing Prompt: (3 minutes) Today is Secret Pal Day. Select someone in your classroom or school. Write that person a short letter explaining why you appreciate them. Remember…don’t sign your name. Have someone else deliver your special message. Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: © 42

44 Language Arts Friday, January 11, 2013 ANALOGIES Analogies show relationships between pairs of words. FOUNDATION : HOUSE : : A roof : shed B wheel : car C tale : story D seat : chair E legs : table The answer is E. A foundation supports a house, and legs support a table. 43

45 Language Arts Friday, January 11, 2013 Analogies: Part to Whole (48)-(3 minutes) 1. BLADE :KNIFE:: A sword: sheath B handle: shovel C teeth : comb D string : kite E campfire : knapsack 2. ATOMS :MOLECULE :: A villain : hero B rehearsal : play C stars : constellation D hammer : toolbox E comets : meteor 3. MERCHANDISE : STORE : : A medicine : pharmacy B management : office C professional : amateur D book : library E surgery : hospital 4. HOUR : DAY : : A second : time B day : week C millennium : midnight D day : calendar E second : hour Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 44

46 Language Arts Friday, January 11, 2013 Analogies: Part to Whole (48)-(2 minutes) 1. C A blade is the part of a knife that is used not for gripping but for cutting, and teeth are the part of a comb that are used not for gripping but for combing. 2 C A molecule is made up of atoms, and a constellation is made up of stars. 3 A Merchandise is offered for sale in a store, and medicine is offered for sale in a pharmacy. 4 B An hour is the standard unit that makes up a day, and a day is the standard unit that makes up a week. Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. 45

47 Language Arts Friday, January 11, 2013 46 Target Learning: Students will complete Literary Response and Analysis activities with 70% accuracy. 1.

48 Social Studies Friday, January 11, 2013 Target Learning: Students will complete Cornell Notes and Assessment Questions. 47

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