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Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Planar Ion-Exchanged Glass Waveguide Devices Seppo Honkanen, Brian West and Sanna Yliniemi Optical Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Planar Ion-Exchanged Glass Waveguide Devices Seppo Honkanen, Brian West and Sanna Yliniemi Optical Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Planar Ion-Exchanged Glass Waveguide Devices Seppo Honkanen, Brian West and Sanna Yliniemi Optical Sciences Center University of Arizona Collaborators: Nasser Peyghambarian, Ray Kostuk, David Geraghty, Axel Schulzgen, Mike Morrell (University of Arizona)

2 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Outline Introduction Ion Exchange Glass Waveguide Technology –Molten Salt Process –Extensive Process -and Device Modeling –Study on Waveguide Birefringence –Dry Ag-Film Process –MM-diode pumped Er-doped Waveguide Lasers Outlook and Conclusion 2

3 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Waveguides Defined by Standard Photolithography Simple Processing Potential for Adjustment Through Annealing Molten Salt Ion Exchange 3

4 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Binary Ion Exchange Diffusion Equation C A = normalized concentration of in-diffusing ions D A = self-diffusion coefficient of in-diffusing ions D B = self-diffusion coefficient of out-diffusing ions α = 1 - D A /D B q = electron charge k = Boltzmann’s constant T = absolute temperature E ext = externally applied electric field 4

5 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Example: Process Modeling for a Directional Coupler The common procedure in device modeling: 1. Model the fabrication process of an isolated waveguide 2. Determine the device geometry 3. For each waveguide within the device, use the modeling results of (1) This procedure is inaccurate when modeling ion exchanged devices 5

6 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Concentration and Mode Profiles 3 μm mask opening9 μm mask opening 6

7 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Burial Depth vs. Waveguide Width Opt. Lett. 28 (13), 2003 7

8 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Waveguide Birefringence 8

9 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Selectively Buried Waveguides Polymer-Glass Modulator Masking During Burial: 9

10 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Adiabatic Vertical Waveguide Transition 10

11 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Calculated Cross Section Profile in the Middle of the Transition: ConcentrationIntensity 11

12 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Device Example: Add/Drop Wavelength Filter Add/Drop Provides Access to Signal Common Configuration Fiber Bragg grating Two circulators 12

13 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Asymmetric Y-Branch Add/Drop Filter Asymmetric Y branches Wide guide excites even mode Narrow guide excites odd mode Bi-directional Tilted Grating Breaks orthogonality of 2 modes Benefits Ion-Exchanged Waveguides Single component Structures defined photolithographically Possible mass integration 13

14 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Adiabatic 4-Port Coupler 14

15 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Add/Drop Performance 20 dB Extinction 0.4 nm 3 dB Bandwidth Electron. Lett. 37(13), 2001 15

16 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Ag-Film Ion-Exchange +V+V GND a) Spin-coat Photo Resistb) Mask Patterningc) Ag film deposition d) Electric Field Assisted Ion-Exchange f) Thermal Diffusion e) Ag Removal PR Er-Doped Phosphate Glass Ag Surface Waveguide 16

17 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Pumping with a Broad Area Laser Diode Erbium/Ytterbium codoped glass Ion exchanged waveguide Undoped glass Single mode waveguide Multimode section (100 µm) Dielectric mirror (R>99%) 10 mm 30 mm 10 mm Surface Relief Bragg grating (R = 72 %) 965 nm pump Appl. Phys. Lett. 82(9), 2003 17

18 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Output vs. Pump Power Wavelength = 1538 nm Slope = 4.9 % Threshold = 280 mW Output power = 54 mW 18

19 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Outlook New device innovations –Mode-locked waveguide lasers –MMI-Waveguide lasers –Tunable dispersion compensators –All-optical header recognition chip Exotic host glasses Integration with other materials 19

20 Industrial Affiliates Workshop, March 2004 Conclusion Ion-Exchange in Glass –A Proven Low-Cost Integrated Optics Technology –Offers Unique Advantages for Various Passive and Active Waveguide Devices 20

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