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Understanding Healthcare Information HLG Conference July 19th-20th 2010 Lyn Robinson

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Healthcare Information HLG Conference July 19th-20th 2010 Lyn Robinson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Healthcare Information HLG Conference July 19th-20th 2010 Lyn Robinson

2 What does a healthcare information specialist need to know?

3 Something about information resources?

4 UCL Medical School Library

5 data-protection privacy freedom-of- information personal-profile security identity- theft ebooks 3G iPad smart-phones books libraries digital-collections repositories digitization avatar apps open-data gps data- visualization social-network-services social- media censorship preservation centralized- data-collection database-state collection- mangement meta-data semantic-web classification tags thesauri mashups search retrieval users information-architecture 3D- graphics

6 the information communication chain creator > dissemination > organization > indexing/retrieval > user Robinson L (2009). Information Science: the information chain and domain analysis. Journal of Documentation, vol 65(4), 578-591.

7 Domain Analysis epistemological studies historical studies user studies bibliometrics creation of resource guides knowledge organization informal retrieval Hjorland B (2002). Domain Analysis in Information Science. Journal of Documentation vol 58(4), 422-462.

8 Drivers for Change technology economics politics society

9 The ipad 3 million sold in 80 days since US launch





14 the end of printed materials? the death of the library? no need for information specialists?

15 Understanding Healthcare Information understanding of the information communication chain, as it applies to the domain of healthcare working to facilitate communication between the author and the user fundamental practice - not likely to change soon


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