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What's Working in Homebuyer Education and Counseling.

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Presentation on theme: "What's Working in Homebuyer Education and Counseling."— Presentation transcript:

1 What's Working in Homebuyer Education and Counseling

2 The Need 2005..……………………..462 2006…………………….1,057 2007…………………….2,071 2008…………………….3,563 2009…………………….3,467 2010…………………….3,953 2011………………….…3,863 2012…………………….3,659 2013…….………………2,702 Foreclosures in NH by Year



5 Creating The Response A Wonderful, Committed and Unusual Partnership NH Department of Justice, NH Banking Department, New Hampshire Housing The Core Governor Executive Council Legislature The Supporters

6 Creating The Response National Mortgage Servicing Settlement Allocation funds to serve at-risk homeowners Key concepts: – Free, statewide, in-state services – Qualified and objective services – Pre- and post-foreclosure guidance Assisting with a graceful exit

7 Creating The Response

8 Key successes of the response: – Coordinated effort Foreclosure Relief Project (NHBAR, NHLA, LARC) Counseling Partners (7 grantees) State and Federal partners – Intake Services (2-1-1 NH) – Outreach

9 Outreach Press PSA Print Mailing Radio Website Digital

10 Outreach



13 Results 16 trained staff members, at seven agencies, providing foreclosure counseling services with the help of HomeHelpNH funding. 1,429 homeowners assisted by HomeHelpNH counselors since 2013. Approximately 80% - 90% of those that were seeking help with preventing mortgage default were able to avoid foreclosure. Over 2,000 HomeHelpNH calls to 2-1-1 NH since January 2013. Website receives approximately 1500 visitors/month of which 80% are new visitors.

14 Results

15 Conclusion is unique in that it has created an effective statewide coordinated response. Statewide support from key stakeholders has been important to the initiatives success. The coordinated effort of the New Hampshire Foreclosure Relief Project, which includes, the New Hampshire Bar Association, New Hampshire Legal Assistance, and the Legal Advice and Referral Center, has been able to provide at-risk homeowners with realistic solutions and free guidance during their difficult financial crisis. Central intake service provider has united nonprofit partners and streamlined efforts Directive, but non-over burdensome reporting requirements has allowed nonprofits to continue doing the good work that they do. It has become a partnership.

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