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September 2009 USAS/SAAS Release Highlights. September Release Highlights – New Funds 532 School Fiscal Stabilization Fund 533 Stimulus Title II Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2009 USAS/SAAS Release Highlights. September Release Highlights – New Funds 532 School Fiscal Stabilization Fund 533 Stimulus Title II Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2009 USAS/SAAS Release Highlights

2 September Release Highlights – New Funds 532 School Fiscal Stabilization Fund 533 Stimulus Title II Technology Grants 536 Title I School Improvement - Stimulus A 537 Stimulus School Improvement Subsidy G

3 September Release Highlights – Five Year Forecast New lines added for fund 532 amounts: ▫01.045 Restricted Federal Grants-in-Aid - SFSF ▫09.045 Fiscal Stabilization (reserv. of fund bal.) ▫21.010 Personal Services SFSF ▫21.020 Employees Retirement/Insurance Benefits SFSF ▫21.030 Purchased Services SFSF ▫21.040 Supplies and Materials SFSF ▫21.050 Capital Outlay SFSF ▫21.060 Total expenditures - SFSF

4 September Release Highlights – Five Year Forecast ADM lines removed from forecast: ▫20.020 Kindergarten – February Count ▫20.025 Grades 1-12 – February Count

5 September Release Highlights – Changes to USASFF 532 fund will now be included Revenues to appear in new line: ▫01.045 Restricted Federal Grants-in-Aid – SFSF Expenditures ▫Reported on normal 03.* lines ▫Categorized per normal formula PLUS – reported in new disclosure lines ▫21.010-21.050 correspond to 03.010 thru 03.050 ▫But contain just the 532 amounts

6 September Release Highlights – Changes to USASFF If using USASFF in conjunction with SSDT spreadsheets – ▫MUST use new spreadsheets from SSDT website:   Click on “five year forecast spreadsheets” under Downloads section All related programs also updated to use new formula

7 FIVE-YEAR FORECAST 1.045 Restricted Federal Grants-in-Aid - SFSF

8 9.045 Fiscal Stabilization

9 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds 21.010 Personal Services SFSF 21.020 Employees’ Retirement/Insurance Benefits SFSF 21.030 Purchased Services SFSF 21.040 Supplies and Materials SFSF 21.050 Capital Outlay SFSF 21.060 Total Expenditures - SFSF

10 September Release Highlights – SM1/SM2 New line added ▫01.045 Restricted Federal Grants-in-Aid – SFSF ▫Will include all revenue for fund 532 ▫Affects all SM1/SM2 related programs & reports Fix program provided for ITC to run ▫Will recalculate SM2 amounts for months already closed Use SM1MNT to manually update estimates if desired

11 September Release Highlights – Converting Template Requisitions Requisitions coded as “Template” can no longer be converted to purchase order ▫Type = “T” in requisition header ▫Clone to non-template requisition, then convert Affects REQSCN, POSCN, MASCNV Will not affect USASWeb until v2.6 is released

12 September Release Highlights – AUTOREC/Extract Export file will be created in output directory ▫“Positive Pay” files ▫Easier for subsequent ftp process ▫Makes AUTOREC consistent with PAYREC  ITC custom procedures may need updated

13 September Release Highlights – POFORM Add question for “Transmission Status” ▫Do you wish to re-print POs already transmitted? ▫Will only see if “Using Requisition Approvals” district configuration flag set to Yes ▫3 rd party system can update “Transmission Status” to indicate p.o. already sent by their software  allows bypassing of po’s already transmitted when creating the file of po’s to print.  POFORM can only exclude po’s if 3 rd party system is updating “Transmission Status” field

14 September Release Highlights – USALOAD/VENLOAD Update highest vendor number And highest memo vendor number ▫If vendor number created higher than current “highest number”

15 September Release Highlights – USASWeb/Invoices Added item number to error message: ▫Invoice error, item # xx, cancelled amt exceeds remaining encumbered amt

16 September Release Highlights – VALACT Added warning for funds to be removed after fiscal year 2010 ▫As listed in the AOS manual: ▫420, 429, 438, 447, 458, 462, 495, 497, 556

17 September Release Highlights – Problems Corrected ARF ▫Fixed zip code format on non-district remit-to ARRPT ▫Fixed access violation if > 400 ledger codes ▫Now allows 600 and gives friendly error message AUTOPOST/Other ▫Added validation to fix posting error ▫Trying to post payroll clearance check with no #

18 September Release Highlights – Problems Corrected STUFEES ▫Exclude.posted files from list of files to post USAEMSEDT ▫Fixed reports to work correctly in FISCALCD USASCN/MASCNV ▫Fixed bug creating purchase order with blank date ▫Requisition must have date if using option to use requisition date for p.o. date

19 September Release Highlights – Problems Corrected USASWeb/Receipts ▫Fixed ability to update blank ‘received from’ or header description fields USASWeb/Requisitions ▫Fixed requisition total at top of query ▫Was incorrect if any items had negative amounts

20 SAAS/EIS Release Highlights – EISEMS Extracts capital assets data for EMIS Creates ▫EISEMS.SEQ file to load into EMIS ▫EISEMS.TXT summary report ▫EISEMSE.TXT error report if any errors/warnings Based on EIS103 and EIS104 calculations


22 SAAS/EIS Release Highlights – Problems Corrected EISEMS ▫Fatal error changed to warning ▫Blank or invalid asset class EISRPT/EIS104 ▫Beginning and Continuing grand totals reversed

23 September Release Highlights Technical Changes

24 September Technical Changes – AUTOREC/Extract Extract option now creates “positive pay” file in OECN$OUT instead of OECN$DTA Consistent with PAYREC functionality Any local procedures which may manipulate or look for these files may need to be updated to locate the file in OECN$OUT instead of OECN$DTA

25 September Technical Changes – USAS0909 Fix program to recalculate SM2 amounts ▫Recalculates months already closed in fy 2010 ▫Amounts pulled from USAHIST monthly amounts ▫Run only in live files ▫Can be run multiple times without harming files USAS0909.COM can be used $ SUBMIT/NOPRINT/KEEP/USER=district_username OECN$BUD_61:USAS0909.COM

26 September Technical Changes – USAS_CONFIG_REC USAS_CONFIG_REC.DTR_REC ▫Fixed typo in datatrieve record layout ▫Caused installation to fail and reports not to run

27 END

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