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Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington, DC, March 23-27, 2015 Dr. Nicola Favretto Applying Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis To Inform.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington, DC, March 23-27, 2015 Dr. Nicola Favretto Applying Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis To Inform."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington, DC, March 23-27, 2015 Dr. Nicola Favretto Applying Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis To Inform Policies That Better Protect Ecosystem Services: Insights From Botswana’s Kalahari

2 A harmonized assessment of the economic value of land and land- based ecosystems Draws on a range of case studies Overall aims To improve the awareness of stakeholders on the economic value of SLM To propose effective solutions, policies, and activities to reduce land degradation, mitigate climate change, and deliver food, energy, and water security worldwide The ELD Initiative

3 Aim: to assess the costs, benefits and trade-offs associated with different land uses and management strategies in rangeland systems in Botswana Brings together socio-economic & environmental dimensions of land degradation: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) Uses interdisciplinary methods The Botswana case study

4 Study area Data collection: east-west transect in south-west Botswana encompassing communal livestock grazing, private cattle ranches, private game ranches and Wildlife Management Areas

5 Objectives 1.To assess the socio-economic and ecological characteristics of the study area 2.To assess patterns of ecological change 3.To identify the Ecosystem Service (ES) benefits provided by each land use, and discuss the costs and trade-offs associated with their delivery under different land uses and management 4.To identify the major political and economic drivers of particular land use and management strategies

6 MCDA criteria and indicators

7 Final scoring of the MCDA

8 MCDA results I Weighted performance of the four alternative land uses

9 MCDA results II Economic values (US$/yr) estimated for the quantitative criteria of the MCDA

10 Conclusions I Cattle production provides the largest financial benefits to private land users, but generates broad negative environmental externalities Fencing & support provided to borehole drilling for ground water extraction: concentration of cattle around water points  Retreat of grass cover and bush encroachment  Reduced access to ES other than commercial food  Decreased livestock income

11 Conclusions II Livestock encroachment, rangeland degradation & obstructed wildlife mobility  declining wildlife numbers in & next to Wildlife Management Areas  Decreased economic viability of Community-Based Natural Resource Management and ecotourism activities

12 Implementing the results Policy workshop Dissemination of project findings to policy makers from a range of sectors Feedback and discussion about findings with input from policy audience Identification of research gaps and elaboration of future research agenda

13 Thanks for your attention

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