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Using Gaussian & GaussView on CHPC Resources Anita M. Orendt Center for High Performance Computing Fall 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Gaussian & GaussView on CHPC Resources Anita M. Orendt Center for High Performance Computing Fall 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Gaussian & GaussView on CHPC Resources Anita M. Orendt Center for High Performance Computing Fall 2012

2 Purpose of Presentation To discuss usage of both Gaussian and GaussView on CHPC systems To provide hints on making efficient use of Gaussian on CHPC resources To demonstrate functionality of GaussView

3 Switch Ember 382 nodes/45684 cores Infiniband and GigE 67 nodes general usage Ember 382 nodes/45684 cores Infiniband and GigE 67 nodes general usage /scratch/ibrix/chpc_gen ember, updraft /scratch/ibrix/chpc_gen ember, updraft Administrative Nodes Administrative Nodes NFS IBRIX Owner nodes Home Directories Sanddunearch 156 nodes/624 cores Infiniband and GigE Sanddunearch 156 nodes/624 cores Infiniband and GigE Telluride Turret Arch Meteorology Updraft 256 nodes/2048 cores Infiniband and GigE 85 nodes general usage Updraft 256 nodes/2048 cores Infiniband and GigE 85 nodes general usage scratch systems serial – all clusters general – updraft scratch systems serial – all clusters general – updraft NFS 12 GPU nodes (6 CHPC)

4 Getting Started at CHPC Account application – now an online process – Username unid with passwords administrated by campus Interactive nodes –two per each cluster ( with round-robin access to divide load CHPC environment scripts – – Getting started guide – Problem reporting system – or email to issues@chpc.utah.edu

5 Security Policies (1) No clear text passwords - use ssh and scp Do not share your account under any circumstances Don’t leave your terminal unattended while logged into your account Do not introduce classified or sensitive work onto CHPC systems Use a good password and protect it – see for tips on good passwords

6 Security Policies (2) Do not try to break passwords, tamper with files, look into anyone else’s directory, etc. – your privileges do not extend beyond your own directory Do not distribute or copy privileged data or software Report suspicions to CHPC ( Please see for more details

7 .tcshrc/.bashrc Gaussian users need.tcshrc even if normally use bash – both are put in new accounts –Gaussian setup under individual compute cluster sections –Uncomment out (remove # from start of line) EITHER the line that does a source of g03.login OR the line for g09.login – they are mutually exclusive! The script can be modified for individual needs with source.aliases at end and the creation of an.aliases file Gaussian Users Group User also needs to be in the gaussian group (check box on account application form) – otherwise you will not have permission to run gaussian/gaussview –Command groups will show your groups; look for g05

8 Batch System All jobs run on compute nodes accessed through batch system with Moab & Torque (PBS) as scheduler/resource manager More or less a first in – first out, but with backfill for best utilization of resources Sanddunearch - no longer allocated - 72 hours max walltime Ember – 72 hours max walltime on CHPC nodes; long QOS available –can also run in smithp-guest mode (#PBS –A smithp-guest); 24 hours max walltime and preemptable on smithp nodes Updraft – 24 hours max walltime on CHPC nodes –with allocation, can also run as preemptable (qos=preemptable in your #PBS –l line); charged.25 the normal charges, but is preemptable No allocation – can still run in freecycle mode; this mode is preemptable on updraft and ember. Automatic with no allocation - cannot choose Special needs/time crunch – talk to us; we do set up reservations

9 Job Control Commands qsub script – to submit job qdel job number – to delete job from queue (both waiting and running jobs) showq – to see jobs in queue (add –r, -i, or –b, for running, idle, or blocked only) –Use with | grep username to focus on your jobs only –Idle jobs with reservations have * after job number –If in blocked section there may be problems qstat –a – PBS version of showq; has some different information (also –f jobnumber) mshow –a – –flags=FUTURE – what resources are currently available to you qstat –f job number – valuable info on deferred jobs showstart job number – estimation of when your job will start (based on jobs ahead of yours lasting for entire time requested); only works for jobs with reservations checkjob (–v) job number – more detailed information; error messages at end diagnose –n – shows you activity on nodes More info on web pages and user guides – –

10 Gaussian03 Version E.01 (last version) installed –/uufs/ for AMD (sanddunearch) –/uufs/ for Intel (updraft/ember/PI-owned nodes on sanddunearch) Main web site: Have site license for both unix and windows versions With G03, GaussView4 is standard General information on CHPC installation Has information on licensing restrictions, example batch scripts, where to get more information on the specific package Gaussian use is restricted to academic research only

11 Gaussian09 Version C.01 current (still have B.01 and A.02 if needed) –/uufs/ for Intel procs /uufs/ for AMD procs Have site license for unix version only Standard version of GaussView with G09 is GV5 Chemistry groups purchased Windows license for both G09 and GV5 –Groups can purchase share to gain access General information on CHPC installation

12 GaussView Molecular builder and viewer for Gaussian input/output files CHPC has campus licenses for linux version – For Gaussian03 – standard is version 4 – For Gaussian09 – standard is version 5 Access with gv & – provided you have uncommented the Gaussian setup from the standard.tcshrc DO NOT submit jobs from within GaussView – instead create and save input file and use batch system Examples of how to use to show MO’s, electrostatic potentials, NMR tensors, vibrations given on Gaussian’s web page

13 Highlights of G03/G09 Differences G09 does not use nprocl –Limit of about 8 nodes due to line length issue New Restart keyword –For property and higher level calculation restarts –Still use old way for opt, scf restarts New easier way for partial opts/scans –See G09 opt keyword for details New capabilities, new methods –“What’s New in G09” at Improved timings

14 G03/G09 Script Two sections for changes: #PBS -S /bin/csh #PBS –A account #PBS –l walltime=02:00:00,nodes=2:ppn=12 #PBS -N g03job And: setenv WORKDIR $HOME/g09/project setenv FILENAME input setenv SCRFLAG LOCAL setenv NODES 2

15 Scratch Choices LOCAL (/scratch/local) –Hard drive local to compute node –60GB on SDA; 200GB on updraft; 400GB on ember –Fastest option - recommended IF this is enough space for your job –Do not have access to scratch files during run but log/chk files written to $WORKDIR –Automatically scrubbed at end of job SERIAL (/scratch/serial) –NFS mounted on all clusters (interactive and compute) –15 TB GENERAL (/scratch/general) –NFS mounted on UPDRAFT compute nodes and all interactive nodes –3.5 TB IBRIX (/scratch/ibrix/chpc_gen) –Parallel scratch file system (HP IBRIX solution) –On UPDRAFT and EMBER compute nodes and on all interactive nodes –55 TB

16 Functionality Energies –MM : AMBER (old one), Dreiding, UFF force fields –Semi-empirical: CNDO, INDO, MINDO/3, MNDO, AM1, PM3, PM6 –HF: closed shell, restricted and unrestricted open shell –DFT: Many functionals, both pure and hybrid, from which to choose –MP: 2 nd -5 th order; direct and semi-direct methods –Other high level methods such as CI, CC, MCSCF, CASSCF –High accuracy methods such as G1, G2 etc and CBS

17 Functionality (2) Gradients/Geometry optimizations Frequencies Other properties –Population analyses –Natural Bond Order analysis (NBO5 with G03) –Electrostatic potentials –NMR shielding tensors –J coupling tensors

18 Input File Structure Free format, case insensitive Spaces, commas, tabs, forward slash as delimiters between keywords ! Comment line Divided into sections (in order) –Link 0 commands (%) –Route section – what you want calculation to do –Title –Molecular specification –Optional additional sections

19 Input File: Link 0 Commands First “Link 0” options –%chk –%mem –%nprocs Examples –%chk=Filename.chk –%mem=2gb –%nprocs=4 Note nprocl no longer used in G09

20 Number of Processors %nprocs – number of processors on one node –sanddunearch – 4; updraft – 8; ember – 12 –There are owner nodes on sanddunearch with 8 processors per node

21 Memory Specification Memory usage: default is 6MW or 48MB – all nodes have much more than this! If you need more use %mem directive – Units : words (default), KB, KW, MB, MW, GB, GW – Number must be an integer Methods to estimate memory needs for select applications given in Chapter 4 of User’s Guide %mem value must be less than memory of node – Sanddunearch nodes have 8GB – Updraft nodes have 16GB – Ember nodes have 24GB

22 Input - Route Specification Keyword line(s) – specify calculation type and other job options Start with # symbol – for control of the print level in the output file use #n, #t, #p for normal, terse, or more complete output – #p suggested as it monitors job progress; useful for troubleshooting problems Can be multiple lines Terminate with a blank line Format – keyword=option – keyword(option) – keyword(option1,option2,..) – keyword=(option1,option2,…) User’s Guide provides list of keywords, options, and basis set notation

23 Input - Title Specification Brief description of calculation - for user’s benefit Terminate with a blank line

24 Input – Molecular Specification 1 st line charge, multiplicity Element labels and location –Cartesian label x y z –Z-matrix label atom1 bondlength atom2 angle atom3 dihedral If parameters used instead of numerical values then variables section follows Default units are angstroms and degrees Again end in blank line

25 Parallel Nature of Gaussian All runs make use of all core per node with nprocs Only some portions of Gaussian run parallel on multiple nodes (includes most of the compute intensive parts involved with single point energies/optimizations for HF/DFT) If time consuming links are not – job WILL NOT benefit from running on more than one node Nmr and mp2 frequency are examples that do not run parallel; opt and single point energies tend to scale nicely Not all job types are restartable, but more are restartable in G09 than G03 (e.g., frequencies and NMR) – see new restart keyword –Requires rwf from previous run –Still restart optimizations and single point energies the old way CHPC does allow for jobs over standard walltime limit on ember if needed – but first explore using more nodes or restart options

26 Timings G09 varying scratch system Timings G09 varying scratch system All jobs on 1 ember node; run at the same time on valinomycin (C 54 H 90 N 6 O 18 ) Scratch setting Medmp2 882 bf 536GB rwf file Large opt 1284 bf; 51 opt steps 1GB rwf file Large freq of same 8GB rwf file local4.5 hrs (used maxdisk) 10.25 hrs10.5 hrs serial>30 hrs (ran out of time) 27.5 hrs14.75 hrs ibrix5.75 hrs11.75 hrs10.75 hrs ***depends strongly on amount of I/O and on other jobs usage on scratch system

27 Scaling G03/G09 Scaling G03/G09 B3PW91;650 bf; 8 opt steps; time in hours # quad nodes wall time# 8way nodes wall time# 12way nodes wall time 123.25/18.515.75/5.513.25 212/9.2523/321.75 46.25/542/1.75 84/381/1 163

28 DFT Frequency of same case # quad nodes wall time# 8way nodes wall time# 12way nodes wall time 120.25/13.515.5/513.25 211/7.2523/2.7521.5 46/7.541.75/1.5 84.25/681/1 163.5

29 SDA/UP Scaling MP2 G03/G09 SDA/UP Scaling MP2 G03/G09 8 opt steps 338bf; time in hours (freq added) # quad nodes wall time# 8way nodes wall time# 12way nodes wall time 113.5 9.75(32.5) 1 4(19) 11(9.5) 1(7.5) 210 5.5(27.5) 2 1.5(16.5) 2 <1(7) 48.5 3(24) 4

30 RWF Sizes – Choice of Scratch For a DFT optimization with 462 basis functions –150mb RWF For a DFT freq of above structure –1.1gb RWF For a MP2 optimization with 462 bf –55gb RWF AND 55gb SCR file For a MP2 frequency of above structure –247gb RWF

31 GaussView Demos Building molecules Inputting structures Setting up jobs Looking at different types of output –Optimization runs –Frequencies –MOs –Electron density/electrostatic potential

32 Any questions – contact me – –Phone: 801-231-2762 –Office: 422 INSCC

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