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Progress in the 21st Century A few questions Gaell Mainguy

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1 Progress in the 21st Century A few questions Gaell Mainguy


3 Fragmentation of Science

4 Evidence-based decision making Policy Makers <> Companies/NGOs Science Better Solutions in real life

5 Evidence-based decision making Science Better Solutions in real life Egotism Belief Rhetoric Opinion Rhetoric Bias Conflict of interest Fallacy Ideology Policy Makers <> Companies/NGOs

6 Our common problem Demographics Consumption Ecosystems Other Ressources Climate Water Ressources

7 Our common problem Rockstrom et al. Nature 2009

8 2005 2009 2015

9 Vidal et al. Metals for a low-carbon society, Nature Geoscience 6, 894–896 (2013) Metals for a low-carbon society: The hidden “fuels” of renewable energy



12 Issues are complex, intricated and global Comprehensive and integrated solutions In need of

13 Kramer,GJ and Haigh,M. No quick switch to low-carbon energy, Nature Vol462, 2009 $890 Billions $1.25 Billion 0.1% CF The energy systems evolves slowly

14 Issues are complex, intricated and global Decision makers are Knowledge is fragmented, uncertain and contradictory Solutions take several decades to scale up

15 What can be done?

16 « Science is organised knowledge » Herbert Spencer The word science originates from scire, the Latin word for “to know”: -an organized corpus of knowledge -a method for building knowledge based on rational criticism

17 How could millions of articles be assembled and integrated in a dynamic way?


19 The problem is NOT technical

20 Progress comes from very conservative institutions Top down Elitist Conflict of interest (career vs public good) Resilient to change Knowledge is power Helping other is not valued (Education)



23 ACHIEVEMENT ORANGE ORGANIZATIONS Beat the competition Achieve profit and growth Innovation is the key to staying on top Management by objectives (command and control on what; freedom on the how) Accountability Meritocracy Multinational companies Metaphor: machine Gifts: unprecedented abundance, scientific curiosity & innovation, the optimism to risk Problems: materialistic, indifferent to nature, social inequality, loss of community, unhappiness at the bottom of the pyramid

24 EVOLUTIONARY TEAL ORGANIZATIONS Organizations as living systems Self-management, based on peer relationships Reclaim wholeness, bring all of who you are to work Organization has a life and direction of its own, and we can listen in Egos claimed and tamed Trust vs. control Roles, not job titles GIFTS: COMPASSION FOR ALL WORLDVIEWS, SCIENTIFIC AND HOLISTIC, AUTHENTIC, SYSTEMS THINKING

25 People are creative, thoughtful, trustworthy adults People are accountable and responsible for their decisions and actions People are fallible and make mistakes, sometimes on purpose People want to use their talents and skills to make a positive contribution to the organization and to the world Assumptions

26 A solution that scales up

27 Progress comes from flexible and inclusive organizations Flat Inclusive Aligned with values Embracing, promoting to change Sharing knowledge Helping other is valued Top down Elitist Conflict of interest (career vs public good) Resilient to change Knowledge is power Helping other is not valued (Education)

28 Thank You! Gaell Mainguy

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