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NRAO Receivers Richard Prestage

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1 NRAO Receivers Richard Prestage
(Marian W. Pospieszalski, Steve White, Steve Durand)

2 Noise Temperature Summary of Cryogenic HEMTs
ALMA Workshop, March 21-22, 2011

3 Mmin Prediction (1991) and State of the Art (2009)
NRAO Cryogenic Amplifiers

4 VLA/EVLA TRx versus Frequency
EVLA Project Book - TRx Requirements (Band Center) Band L S C X Ku K Ka Q TRx 14 15 16 20 25 34 40 48 TRx = m·F + b ; m = 0.5ºK/ GHz ; b = 8ºK NRAO Cryogenic Amplifiers

5 C-band Receiver System Specifications: Receiver noise temperature: 16K
4/16/2017 C-band Receiver System Specifications: Receiver noise temperature: 16K Receiver gain, output power and headroom: 60dB, -31dBm, 33dB Input Return Loss: <15dB The calibration noise temperature: 1.3K and 13.0K InP HFET bias data: supplied from CDL Cold station temperatures two stage: 50K and 15K

6 4/16/2017 The RF Signal Path The Feedhorn: Compact corrugated horn.

7 4/16/2017 The RF Signal Path A top view of the 15K cold plate and RF signal path: The input to the cryostat. The charcoal trap, the heaters and the thermostat.

8 The RF Signal Path(cont.)
4/16/2017 The RF Signal Path(cont.) The thermal gap and OMT assemblies: Foam window. Gap set to 5mils. The full assembly forms the circular-to- square transition, the square to quad-ridge taper and the quad- ridge to coaxial sections.

9 The RF Signal Path(cont.)
4/16/2017 The RF Signal Path(cont.) The RF Tree: Thermal gap/RF choke. Ortho-mode transducer. 90°Quadrature hybrid coupler. Cryo-isolator and calibration coupler. Three stage NRAO Cryo-3 InP HFET low noise amplifier.

10 Receiver Characterization

11 K Band Focal Plane Array (Shanghai)
Steven D. White*, Matt Morgan, Felix J. Lockman, Eric Bryerton, Glen Langston, Roger Norrod, Bob Simon,Galen Watts, Sivasankaran Srikanth, Gary Anderson

12 System Baseline Specifications
Requirement Frequency Band GHz (complete K-Band coverage) Can tune up to 27.5 GHz Instantaneous RF Bandwidth 1.8 GHz (front-end) as built Number of Beams 7 TRX (each beam, not including sky) <25K (75% of band) <35K (entire band) Aperture Efficiency >55% (any pixel) Polarization dual, circular (axial ratio <= 1dB) Polarization Isolation >25 dB Pixel-to-Pixel Isolation >30 dB Headroom >30 dB (to 1 dB compression point)

13 Bandwidth Limitations
Sub-Assembly Total Potential Bandwidth Comments cold-electronics (feed, OMT, LNAs...) >8.5 GHz degrades outside of GHz warm analog electronics DC – 7.7 GHz (up to 8 dual-polarized beams) Type II Integrated Downconverter Module

14 GBT K-Band Array Amplifiers at 19 K
Green Bank, West Virginia, January 11, 2009

15 Feedhorn Arrangement GBT:
36” mounting ring on the receiver turret would support about 60 K-Band feedhorns. 3.45” spacing (~2.5 HPBW) Shanghai: Feed Design. Efficiency ? Spacing? Mechanical Impact.

16 Compact Corrugated Feedhorns
3.4” O.D. Feedhorns 22 GHz Telescope Beams

17 Thermal Gap 0.543" circular waveguide 0.010" gap with choke groove
upper half at 300 K, lower at 15 K hollow, shaped G10 supports optimized for weight, strength, and thermal isolation Cuming Microwave PS-102 foam for vacuum seal Cuming Eccobond 45 epoxy 3-mil Kapton vapor seal

18 Quadrature Phase Shifter and OMT

19 Noise Calibration Source Integrated With Coupler

20 KFPA Uses Existing EVLA Low-Noise Amplifier Design

21 Gapped WR42 Sliding Waveguide Output Transition
0.360” maximum travel ∆ length on cool-down: ~0.144” Stable at final temperature Chomerics 1285 conductive elastomer Ecco-foam PS102 with 3 mil Kapton

22 Sliding Waveguide/Thermal Gap Assembly
This receiver incorporates two thermal transitions to reduce loading of the cryogenic refrigerators. A unique feature of this receiver is a sliding transition. As all components must conform to the shadow of the feed, each pixel is long and slender (~42”) with considerable the contraction of metal occurs during cooling. A sliding waveguide assembly provides the relief. Estimated thermal coefficient of expansion considering aluminum components with TCE of 22 x 10^-6 m/m K and length L = 0.66 m, delta T = 285 gives 4.1 mm. With order centimeter wavelengths this change is significant. Compensation for this compression during cooling must be accomplished by either short rigid stainless steel waveguide, SS coaxial cable bent to flex, a waveguide gap similar to the thermal transition, or a flexible waveguide. Paramount to the method chosen is baseline stability considerations. Flexible waveguide is known to have stability problems while SS coaxial cable presents stability problems to a lesser extent. For improved stability, development and testing thermal transition techniques, or other unknown options is required. Thermal Gap and 20 cm SS waveguide: 1.7 Watts 1st Stage Load. 30 cm SS coax: Watts 1st Stage Load. Total: 1st Stage 18 W; 2nd Stage 3 W. Contraction from 300K to 15K is ~ 4.1 mm of total 6.35 mm.

23 Downconverter Size Dominated by DC Control Functions
PCB Side MMIC Side



26 Snakes of Star Formation
KFPA NH3 (1,1) contours on Spitzer Glimpse Image The Galaxy is rich in Snakes of star forming clouds: Finn and Jackson, in preparation.

27 Langston, Batistti, Jones 2011, in preparation
Also see posters by Batistti et al and Jones et al

28 •
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. •

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