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SP2 CAP. 2B 1.Que vas a hacer? = What are you going to do? 2.Buscar= to look for 3.Comprar= to buy 4.Ir de compras= to go shopping 5.Pagar= to pay 6.Vender=

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Presentation on theme: "SP2 CAP. 2B 1.Que vas a hacer? = What are you going to do? 2.Buscar= to look for 3.Comprar= to buy 4.Ir de compras= to go shopping 5.Pagar= to pay 6.Vender="— Presentation transcript:

1 SP2 CAP. 2B 1.Que vas a hacer? = What are you going to do? 2.Buscar= to look for 3.Comprar= to buy 4.Ir de compras= to go shopping 5.Pagar= to pay 6.Vender= to sell 7.Adonde vas?= Where are you going? 8.El almacen= the store 9.Los almacenes= the stores 10.La tienda= the store 11.Las tiendas= the stores 12.El centro comercial= the mall 13.La joyeria= the jewelry store 14.La libreria= the bookstore 15.La tienda de descuentos= the discount store

2 SP2 CH 2B 16. la tienda de electrodomesticos= the electronic stores 17.La tienda de ropa= the clothing store 18.La zapateria= the shoe store 19.Que vas a comprar? = What are you going to buy? 20.Unos anteojos de sol= some sun-glasses 21.Un bolso= A bag/handbag 22.Una cartera= a wallet 23.Un disco compacto = a compact disk 24.Un llavero= a keychain 25.Un regalo= a present/ gift 26.El software = the software 27.Un videojuego= a videogame 28.Como es?= How is he/she/it? 29.Barato/a= cheap/ unexpensive 30.Bonito/a= pretty/cute

3 SP2 Cap.2B 31. caro/a= expensive 32.Feo/a= ugly/ bad-looking 33.Grande= big 34.Nuevo/a= new 35.Pequeno/a= small 36.Viejo/a= old 37.De que color es? = What color is it? 38.Amarillo/a= yellow 39.Anaranjado/a= orange 40.Azul = blue 41.Blanco/a = white 42.Gris= grey/gray 43.Marron/ marrones= brown 44.Morado/a = purple 45.Negro/a = black

4 SP2 Cap.2B 46. Rojo/a= red 47.Rosado/a= pink 48.Verde= green 49. 10 = diez ( pagina 99 gramatica- repaso) 50.20= veinte 51.30= treinta 52.40= cuarenta 53.50= cincuenta 54.60= sesenta 55.70= setenta 56.80= ochenta 57.90= noventa 58.100= cien 59.100 plus = ciento 60.200= doscientos

5 Ch 2B vocabulary 61. 300 = trescientos 62. 500= quinientos 63. 700= setecientos 64. 900= novecientos 65.1000= mil 66. un is not used before cien, ciento, and mil 67.La entrada= the entrance 68.La salida= the exit 69.Liquidacion= liquidation 70.Descuento= discount 71.El verano= the summer 72.Los colores = the colors 73.Vivos= bright 74.Pastel= pastel color ( also means “cake” when it has “el” in front) 75.Oscuro= dark

6 Ch 2B vocabulary 76.Claro/a = light 77.Aquellos/as= those 78.Una ganga= a bargain 79.Tan = as 80. estar de moda= to be in style 81.Precio/s= price(s) 82.Bajo/s= low 83.Probarse= to try on (reflexive) 84.El letrero = the sign 85.Anunciar= announce 86.El cheque de viajero= traveler’s check 87.El cupon de regalo= the gift certificate 88.La lana= the wool 89.El numero = the shoe size / the number 90.La seda= the silk

7 Ch 2B vocabulary 91. la marca= the brand 92.Encontrar= to encounter / to find 93.La talla= the size 94.Mediano/a= medium 95.Pequeño/a = small 96.Grande= large 97.En realidad= in reality 98.El estilo= the style 99.Costar= to cost/ the value 100.Tener razon= to be right/ to be in agreement 101.La caja= the cash register 102.La cajera/el cajero= the cashier 103.En efectivo= in cash 104.Tarjeta de credito= credit card 105.Un cheque personal= the personal check

8 CH 2B Vocabulary 106. gastar= to spend 107.Altos= high (price)/ height 108.Exagerado/a= exaggerated 109.Que te parece? = What do you think? 110.Me parece= It seems like/ I think/ I believe 111.Aquel/aquella= that one over there 112. me importa= it matters to me 113.Recientemente= recently 114.Flojo/a= loose 115.Apretado/a= tight 116.Dinero= money 117.Un mercado= a market 118. aqui= here 119.La/s blusa/s= the blouse/s 120.De que esta hecha?= what is it made of?

9 Ch 2B vocabulary 121. Esta hecha de…..= It is made of….. 122. algodón= cotton 123. Las telas sinteticas= the synthetic fabric 124.Escoger= to choose 125.De solo un color= solid color 126.Inmediatamente= immediately 127.Mientras= in the meantime 128.Chaqueta= jacket 129.De cuero = of leather 130.Camisa/s= shirt/s 131.Corbata= tie 132.Zapato/s= shoe/s 133.Estar pasado/a de moda= to be out of style 134.Accesible= affordable ( accessible) 135.Contar (ue) = to count

10 Ch 2B vocabulary 136. la novia= the girlfriend 137.El novio= the boyfriend 138.La madre de la novia= the bride’s mom 139.Ropa= clothes 140.Maniqui= mannequin

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