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Topics HRM B: Leading teams

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1 Topics HRM B: Leading teams

2 Required reading The texts will be available on April 2/16 during the break for CHF 15

3 Strategic Human Resource Management
"a pattern of planned human resource deploy-ments and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals" (Noe et al., 2005) Derive human resource needs (skills, behaviors, culture) from strategy formulation Strategy implementation by means of HRM practices, which further individuals' capabilities and motivation as well as actual performance

4 HRM practices Job analysis and design Recruitment and selection
e.g. simple vs. complex tasks, specific vs. generic job descriptions Recruitment and selection e.g. external vs. internal recruitment, specific vs. general skills Training and development e.g. focus on current vs. future skills, train few vs. all employees Performance management and compensation e.g. behavioral vs. results criteria, internal vs. external equity Labor and employee relations z.B. GAV vs. individual contracts

5 Linkage between HRM and company strategy
Administraive (no) linkage HRM as purely administrative task One-way linkage HRM implements strategic goals, but is not involved in strategy formulation Two-way linkage HRM executive shows human resource implications of different strategic choices, but does not directly participate in strategic decision making Integrative linkage HRM executive is integral member of senior manage-ment team and participates in all phases of strategy formulation and implementation

6 HRM as operative leadership task
Success factors of HRM: Motivation, satisfaction, performance Feedback Performance-reward relationship Performance criteria adequate for task Performance Motivation Satisfaction ? congruence of formal/informal performance criteria r = .3 Instrumentalities for individual goals Individual coping with unfulfilled expectations Fit between individual and organizational goals Difference between expectation and reality

7 "Good" performance indicators
Adequate for task Sufficient influence -> Based on behavior and results, not personal traits Reliability, validity, objectivity Constructive feedback Participatory development Fit with organizational culture

8 Development of job (dis)satisfaction (Bruggemann, 1974)
Needs and expectations at work Characteristics of the work situation (Mis-)match Satisfaction Dissatisfaction Raising expectations Progressive satisfaction Stable satisfaction Keeping expectations Lowering expectations Resigned satisfaction Keeping expectations Problem solving Constructive dissatisfaction Fixed dissatisfaction


10 Individual differences in motivation
Different needs: Motivation = f (satisfaction / frustration of needs) __________________________________________________ e.g. Physiological needs Security needs Affiliation and affection needs Appreciation needs Self-actualization needs Different goals and expectations: Motivation = Valence x Instrumentality x Expectancy __________________________________________________ Decision to (not) undertake a certain action depends on the answers to three questions: Which goal do I want to achieve? Does this action lead to this goal? How likely is the success of the action?

11 Prototypical procedure in personnel selection
Job analysis Planning Job requirements e.g. work samples/tests; selection of predictors Selection of success criteria Assessment and combination of predictors Implementation Decision about selection/placement Assessment and combination of success criteria Validity testing Evaluation Cost-benefit analysis

12 Job and requirements analysis
Goal: Selection of predictors and success criteria Methods: Observation, interview, survey, document analysis Identification of job components and related requirements for the person executing the job (abilities, skills, interests)

13 Predictors Procedures for assessing the fit between a person and predefinied requirements Validity of predictors: Are the selected applicants in fact more successful than the rejected applicants reagrding predefined criteria (e.g. performance appraisal, work outcomes, tenure/promotion)?

14 Validity of different selection methods
Personality dispositions General cognitive ability tests ~ .5 Specific cognitive ability tests ~ .5 General personality tests ~ .3 Graphology ~ .0 Behavioral simulation Work samples ~ .5 Assessment center ~ .55 Biographical focus CV/references ~ .2 Biographical questionnaire ~ .35 Structured interview ~ .45 Unstructured interview ~ .3

15 Benefits of personnel selection
Success rate (proportion of suitable persons among the selected persons) depends on: Validity of predictors Base rate (proportion of suitable persons among the applicants) Selection rate (proportion of selected persons among the applicants) Tenure of selected individuals

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