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By: Nikko, Vicky, Ava, and Luci

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1 By: Nikko, Vicky, Ava, and Luci
Case Study 3: Soldiers in Time of Peace Case Study Power Point By: Nikko, Vicky, Ava, and Luci

2 Summary (during the war)
Friction was created between the colonists and the British; The colonists worried that the British could impose a tyrannical government. During the War for Independence, generals including George Washington complained about lack of supplies, including food and clothes for the Continental Army. Soldiers were promised Enlistment bonuses, and were not getting paid; entire regiments were threatning to revolt. Washigton was able to keep the army together because to gifts and foreign loans. Some officers spent their own money for war suppliesfor themselfs and their soldiers. 1780- Congress promised lifelong pensions that would be equal to half of their regular salery at the end of the war. Within two years, Congress withdrew their pledge. October British surrendered at Yorktown; Officers doubted they would have influence over Congress in their absence from war.  Februrary Many of Washington's officers planed to use army power to get the state Legistatures to authorize Congress to raise their pay; Washington harshly criticized the officers who were not yet payed. April 11, War was officially over; Washington thought soldiers should be sent home. *There are 10 points on this page. I think we should split them up

3 Summary (After the war)
Soldiers refused to leave and put their weapons down until they were paid.  Congress feared a revolution and paid soldiers three months of service.  May Society of Cincinnati formed and elected Washington as President. Although the Society of Cincinnati was met with opposition locally most infuential people saw the movement as a powerful group to best strengthen the national governmaent. Some in local government still saw the movenment as a challenge to their power base.  This all took place in a few years before the official treaty was signed ending the war in 1787. *We should also split up these points.

4 1. In what respect were the Articles of    Confederation both EFFECTIVE and INEFFECTIVE?
Article 9: states that Congress shall have the authority to ascertain the certain sums of money to be raised, but they weren't able to pay the army so the army rebelled. If the government had the money they would be able to buy the necessities needed for the soldiers, but they weren't able to. Effective:  -Article 3: states that the states are to help each other out with money and when the country is attacked- -Article 7: states that when forces are needed the state raising the army will appoint all officers under colonel *Are Ava and Luci going to type any thing. Maybe one person could do Effective, and another person could do ineffective.

5 2. How did the problem contribute to the growing dissatisfaction the Confederate System? 
The major contributing problem was dissatisfaction of the Confederate system.  Many of the people thought they were going to get money to support there country in exchange for their fighting efforts. They earned no money until the three month idea came out which left many soldiers extremely frusrated.  To solve the problem  Congress formed the Society of Cincinnati.  Another problem that contributed to the dissatisfaction of the Confederate System was that while the soldiers were fighting for a fair and free country, Congress was refusing to pay the soldiers which also prodused the risk of another revolution after or during the war for Independence.

6 Thanks for watching our power point presentation!!!
Thanks for watching our power point presentation!!! Ok Ava and Luci finish your slide and then we are done! 

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