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Business Strategies that Work: Employing People with Disabilities

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1 Business Strategies that Work: Employing People with Disabilities
ODEP-NILG Alliance Action Call Series June 27, 2012 Business Strategies that Work: Employing People with Disabilities

2 Alliance and Related Activities Importance of ILG Feedback
ODEP-NILG Alliance Action Call Series June 27, 2012 Introductions Overview of ODEP-NILG Alliance and Related Activities Importance of ILG Feedback and Today’s Dialogue

New resource from ODEP for employers that – Identifies promising employment strategies and practices for recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing qualified individuals with disabilities Reflects input and ideas from successful employers of all sizes Includes proactive, dynamic strategies that companies can refine and adopt to create a vibrant, diverse workforce

4 7 ACTION AREAS Lead the Way: Inclusive Business Culture
TODAY Lead the Way: Inclusive Business Culture Build the Pipeline: Outreach and Recruitment Communicate: Company Policies and Practices Hire the Best: Personnel Processes Ensure Productivity: Reasonable Accommodations Be Tech Savvy: Accessible Technology Grow Success: Accountability and Continuous Improvement

5 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
KEY INGREDIENTS Leadership and commitment at the highest levels Understanding by mid-level managers and supervisors of roles and responsibilities Communication to employees at all levels

6 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
EFFECTIVE STRATEGY – Make Policies Visible Develop and communicate policy statements and other visible examples of the company’s commitment to hiring, promoting and retaining employees with disabilities

7 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
Example COMPANY POLICY STATEMENT Business is becoming increasingly global. As we continue to expand, our differences – from our culture and work habits, communication style, and personal preferences – are becoming even more essential to our business strategy. We are working hard to create an environment in which all employees, including those with disabilities, are valued and respected.

8 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
Example Include people with disabilities in media images used on company website, brochures, and recruitment materials

9 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
EFFECTIVE STRATEGY – Create and Support Leadership Teams Establish an enterprise-wide team of executives, managers, and employees with disabilities to advance employment goals and function as a disability-focused employee resource group, affinity group, or business group

10 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
Examples See ODEP’s Toolkit for Establishing and Maintaining Successful Employee Resource Groups

11 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
EFFECTIVE STRATEGY – Share the Business Case Make the business case for employing people with disabilities and publicize it through multiple communication and media strategies

12 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
Example Making the business case includes framing the issue in communications with managers, employees, and vendors/suppliers in terms of –  Return on investment  Direct and indirect benefits to the company and all its employees  Employing people with disabilities recognizes changing demographics of workforce  Enhances retention and return-to-work of employees, which has significant cost savings

13 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
Example AN INCLUSIVE CORPORATE CULTURE MEANS INCREASED PROFIT$ AND PRODUCTIVITY INCREASE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Meeting affirmative action and nondiscrimination requirements REFLECT RAPIDLY EXPANDING CUSTOMER BASE Tapping into the needs of the third largest market segment in the U.S. ENSURE A DIVERSE, SKILLED WORKFORCE Leveraging new talent and retaining skilled employees

14 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
EFFECTIVE STRATEGY – Include Disability in Diversity Initiatives Incorporate disability as a component of company diversity efforts

15 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
Example DIVERSITY POLICIES AND ACTIVITIES Use the words “disability” and “people with disabilities in statements defining the company’s diversity policies Invite disability organizations to the company’s diversity events Recognize that people with disabilities are part of the company’s other diverse communities (including racial and ethnic minority populations, veterans, and the LGBT community

16 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
EFFECTIVE STRATEGY – Try Useful ODEP Resources! Campaign for Disability Employment Nationwide campaign to help implement disability employment awareness Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN) Free consultation and technical assistance for employers seeking to recruit and hire qualified individuals with disabilities, access to the Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) and a business case National Disability Employment Awareness Month Annual outreach effort that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates contributions of America’s workers with disabilities

17 LEAD THE WAY: Inclusive Corporate Culture
EFFECTIVE STRATEGY – Try Useful ODEP Resources! Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Free, expert and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations for employees with disabilities Return-to-Work Toolkit Information about the return-to-work process and resources to assist in getting employees back on the job quickly and smoothly after illness or injury

18 Additional Questions/Comments
ODEP-NILG Alliance Action Call Series June 27, 2012 Additional Questions/Comments BUILD THE PIPELINE: OUTREACH AND RECRUITMENT NEXT CALL

19 Thanks for joining us today!

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