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Parent Viewpoint Parent and Guardian Survey School survey 10 th July 2010 Report 15 th October 2010.

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1 Parent Viewpoint Parent and Guardian Survey School survey 10 th July 2010 Report 15 th October 2010

2 Background In May 2010 Stamford Park Infant School commissioned a survey to understand parent opinion of school performance and to provide guidance for future improvement initiatives. Survey format The survey took the form of a short booklet containing a series of statements on a range of parameters including teaching, child well-being, parental involvement and school facilities, as well as a number of items specific to current initiatives under discussion by the school governors. Many of the statements were taken from similar widely used and therefore validated surveys already in the public domain, others were designed specifically for Stamford Park. Parents indicated the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with each statement. There was also a short section where parents were asked to contribute their own comments. Distribution method Questionnaires were printed and distributed in children’s book bags, as a paper and pencil method was considered less onerous for a 5-10 minute task than web-based completion, and therefore more likely to yield a high level of returns.

3 Background Sample structure Each family received one questionnaire, and indicated from the outset the number and year group of their child or children. This allows us to examine any differences in opinion between families with a longer or shorter association with the school Timeframe Questionnaires were distributed and collected during July 2010. Parental views were therefore provided from the perspective of a full academic year’s experience for their child/children. Sample size Total of 136 questionnaires collected, comprising 94% of families in school in 2010 Summer term. Of the sample, experience of Stamford Park schools was New (reception or nursery only) 21%, Experienced (Y1/Y2) 37%, Very experienced (also with Junior school child) 38%

4 Executive Summary This is a school which is performing extremely well in the eyes of parents High teaching quality, high standards & healthy, happy children progressing well. A few parents did raise some concerns and suggestions for improvement These will help in scoping and prioritising the following initiatives for the coming year Investigate ways to engage parents in current teaching methods and their own child’s progress to promote a feeling of involvement and ability to support learning at home Further investigate means to ease parental congestion around the school railings in the morning Consider extending morning drop off cover by 10 minutes. This could also help to ease congestion Consider the option of a shorter settling-in period for reception children Think about the possibility of a school trip Discuss how improve awareness of cooperation and communication between the Junior and Infant school, especially for parents without experience of the Junior school

5 Executive Summary Parents are overwhelmingly positive in their overall assessment of Stamford Park Infant School, believing that the school is well led and well managed (98%), feeling happy with their child’s experience at the school (97%) and proud that their child attends it (97%). A number of glowing comments made spontaneously bear further testimony to this opinion. Stamford Park Infant School is also rated extremely highly on children’s enjoyment of school (99%), safety (96%), healthy eating and exercise (93%), pupils’ behaviour and rewards (95- 93%), quality of teaching and child’s progress (93%), friendly atmosphere, encouragement to participate and approachability for parents and guardians (89-91%) and buildings/equipment that are clean and fit for purpose (85%). The identified areas for attention should therefore be viewed as the desire to make constructive suggestions for improvement, from parents who think highly of the school overall.  (% ) relate to those in agreement/strong agreement with the statement

6 Executive Summary There is a lack of understanding of current teaching methods in general and involvement in the progress of their own child in particular. This manifests itself not only in the statistics, but also in verbatim comments where the desire to be better, more frequently informed in order to be more involved is clearly voiced. (Overall 29% do not understand current numeracy methods, 11% do not feel well informed about how their child is getting on and 9% are not aware of the reading expectations. These figures are significantly higher amongst parents who are new to the school) There is a high level of interest in an extended morning drop off time, with over half of parents claiming that they would regularly drop their child off earlier if this option were available. Congestion around school in the morning is certainly viewed as a safety issue - interestingly several parents comment that this could be eased somewhat by extending the drop off time. (Note that a handful of parents mention that there is not always prompt cover at 8.50am) Although there is generally felt to be a good range of external visitors to school (84%), a high proportion of parents feel that the school falls short in the area of excursions (30%). This is supported by suggestions from many parents for a school trip.

7 Executive Summary The extended settling in period for new reception children is an issue around which there is polarisation of views. Whilst many feel that this was a benefit to their child at the time (57%), for a high proportion of parents this was not beneficial (21%) and, according to the verbatim comments, caused disruption to the child and to parents. Relationships with the Junior School is of concern to some parents. In terms of the statistics gathered in the survey very few felt that there was good communication between the two schools (most having no strong impression). Homework is a concern to a small group of parents, especially those with a Y2 child (10% overall, 18% Y2) As the survey did not provide insights into the reason for this dissatisfaction it may be worth canvassing parents further in order to address concerns. Finally, there were relatively high numbers of parents unable to comment either positively or negatively on whether the school deals well with bullying (29% neither agree nor disagree) or whether the school has good IT facilities (37% neither agree nor disagree) or whether the school is preparing their Y1/Y2 child well for the next year group (32%). If it is felt important that parents have a clear positive view, then action should be taken to communicate positively and effectively about these areas of school provision

8 Overall I am happy with my child’s experience at this school The school is well led and well managed Strongly agree Agree Neither/nor Disagree Strongly disagree Overall Parents were overwhelmingly positive about school performance overall

9 My child enjoys being at school most days The school helps and encourages my child to eat and drink healthy things Strongly agree Agree Neither/nor Disagree Strongly disagree Health and Well Being Highly positive about wellbeing, health and safety Many unsure about how bullying is dealt with The school keeps my child safe The school is good at stopping things like bullying and harassment or dealing with it when it happens

10 Involvement Generally welcoming atmosphere, encouragement to participate and approachability for parents and guardians Some desire to be kept better informed of progress I think this is a good school and am proud my child attends it The school is a welcoming and friendly place for parents and guardians Strongly agree Agree Neither/nor Disagree Strongly disagree The school takes account of my suggestions and concerns I am kept well informed about how my child is getting on Communication from the school is timely and useful The school encourages me to play an active part in the school and its activities I feel comfortable about approaching the school with questions, a problem or complaint

11 The school helps and encourages my child to exercise or participate in sporting activities The school’s buildings and equipment are clean and fit for purpose Strongly agree Agree Neither/nor Disagree Strongly disagree School Facilities and Activities Generally positive about activities,visitors and equipment Unsure about level of IT facilities Some dissatisfaction with level of external excursions There is a good range of external visitors to school in addition to lessons There is a good range of local excursions from school in addition to lessons The school has good IT facilities

12 Learning and Teaching Satisfaction with teaching quality and progress Need to communicate current teaching methods, especially numeracy Some dissatisfaction with level of challenge and with homework I am satisfied with the quality of teaching and support Strongly agree Agree Neither/nor Disagree Strongly disagree My child’s school work seems to provide him/her with the right level of challenge The school provides my child with additional coaching/support when required I am happy with the homework that my child is given My child seems to be making good progress Staff have explained that my child’s reading will best progress by reading 10 minutes daily at home I understand enough about the current methods used in numeracy to enable me to support my child in their homework

13 Pupils at the school behave well Strongly agree Agree Neither/nor Disagree Strongly disagree Behaviour Highly positive about pupils’ behaviour The school encourages and rewards good behaviour within the school community The school deals with inappropriate behaviour effectively

14 Congestion around school causes a safety issue in the morning The extended settling in period was a benefit to my child when he/she started at the school Strongly agree Agree Neither/nor Disagree Strongly disagree Stamford Park Infant School If the morning drop off time was extended to 8.40am I would regularly drop my child off earlier There is good communication and cooperation between the infant school and junior school

15 My child is being well prepared for the transition to the junior school Transition Generally positive about Y2 preparation for transition to the Junior school Many R/Y1 parents unsure whether children prepared for next year group The school is helping to prepare my child for their next year group My child/children were well prepared for the transition to the junior school Strongly agree Agree Neither/nor Disagree Strongly disagree Not stated

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