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Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Emotions and Stress at JetBlue
Former JetBlue employee Steven Slater (shown in photo) and other flight attendants are expected to manage their emotions on the job even when faced with significant stressors. Former JetBlue employee Steven Slater (shown in photo) and other flight attendants are expected to manage their emotions on the job even when faced with significant stressors.
Emotions Defined Psychological, behavioral, and physiological episodes that create a state of readiness. Most emotions occur without our awareness Two features of all emotions: All have some degree of activation All have core affect –evaluate that something is good/bad Psychological, behavioral, and physiological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness • Brief events or episodes directed toward someone or something e.g. joy or anger toward tasks, customers, etc. • Most emotional reactions are subtle and occur without our awareness • Experiences – represent changes in our physiological state (e.g. heart rate), psychological state (e.g. thought processes), and behavior (e.g. facial expression) Features of all emotions • Evaluation (core affect) – generate a global evaluation e.g. that something is good or bad, helpful or harmless • Activation – generate some level of energy within us Moods • Not directed toward anything in particular and tend to be longer-term emotional states
Types of Emotions Two dimensions of emotions – evaluation and activation • Foundation of the circumplex model of emotions • e.g. fearful is a negative emotion that generates a high level of activation • e.g. relaxed is a pleasant emotion that has fairly low activation
Attitudes versus Emotions
Judgments about an attitude object Experiences related to an attitude object Based mainly on rational logic Based on innate and learned responses to environment Attitudes • Cluster of beliefs, assessed feelings, and behavioral intentions toward an attitude object i.e. person, object or event • Judgments – involve conscious logical reasoning • More stable over time Emotions • Experiences related to an attitude object • Operate as events, usually without our awareness • Experience most emotions briefly Usually stable for days or longer Usually experienced for seconds or less
Traditional Model of Attitudes
Purely cognitive approach Beliefs: established perceptions of attitude object Feelings: calculation of good or bad based on beliefs about the attitude object Behavioral intentions: calculated motivation to act in response to the attitude object Problem: Ignores important role of emotions in shaping attitudes Purely cognitive approach Three components of attitudes • Beliefs – established perceptions about the attitude object • Feelings – conscious positive or negative evaluations of the attitude object (assessed feelings) • Behavioral intentions – motivation to engage in a particular behavior regarding the attitude object • Problem – ignores important and parallel emotional process that shapes attitudes
Attitudes: From Beliefs to Behavior
Perceived Environment Attitude Feelings Beliefs Behavioral Intentions Cognitive process Emotional process Emotional Episodes Beliefs influence our feelings • Beliefs are perceived facts that you acquire from experience and other forms of learning Feelings influence our behavioral intentions • Feelings are calculated from your beliefs e.g. like or dislike • People with same feelings can form different behavioral intentions due to different perceptions about consequences Behavioral intentions to behavior • Whether your intentions translate into behavior depends on the situation and possibly other MARS elements Behavior
Emotions, Attitudes, and Behavior
How emotions influence attitudes: Feelings and beliefs are influenced by cumulative emotional episodes (not just evaluation of beliefs) We ‘listen in’ on our emotions Potential conflict between cognitive and emotional processes Emotions also directly affect behavior e.g. facial expression Emotions play a central role in forming and changing employee attitudes • Feelings and beliefs are influenced by numerous emotional episodes you experience (not just cognitive evaluation of beliefs) • We “listen in” on our emotions while thinking through what we like or dislike Potential conflict – cognitive and emotional processes may disagree with each other i.e. “mental tug-of-war” – sensing that something isn’t right even though they can’t think of any logical reason to be concerned Emotions also directly affect behavior e.g. facial expression
Generating Positive Emotions at Work
LeasePlan USA and other companies apply the dual cognitive-emotional attitude process. They actively create more positive than negative emotional episodes, which produce more positive work attitudes. LeasePlan USA and other companies apply the dual cognitiveemotional attitude process. They actively create more positive than negative emotional episodes, which produce more positive work attitudes.
Cognitive Dissonance A condition whereby we perceive an inconsistency between our beliefs, feelings, and behavior. This inconsistency generates emotions (e.g., feeling hypocritical) that motivate us to increase consistency. Easier to increase consistency by changing feelings and beliefs, rather than change behavior. A condition that occurs when we perceive an inconsistency between our beliefs, feelings, and behavior • Inconsistency generates emotions (e.g. feeling hypocritical) that motivate us to create more consistency by changing one or more of these elements • When it is difficult to undo or change behavior e.g. quit your job – people reduce cognitive dissonance by changing their beliefs and feelings or rebalancing their self-concept indirectly
Emotional Labor Defined
Effort, planning and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions. Higher in job requiring: Frequent/lengthy emotion display Variety of emotions display Intense emotions display Effort, planning and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions Emotional labour higher in job requiring: • Frequent and longer interactions with clients • Variety of emotions e.g. anger as well as joy • More intense emotions (e.g. showing delight)
Emotional Labor Across Cultures
Displaying or hiding emotions varies across cultures Minimal emotional expression and monotonic voice in Ethiopia, Japan, Austria Encourage emotional expression in Kuwait, Egypt, Spain, Russia Displaying or hiding emotions varies across cultures • Minimal emotional expression and monotonic voice in Ethiopia, Japan, Austria • Encourage open display of one’s true emotions in Kuwait, Egypt, Spain, Russia—people expected to be dramatic and animated
Emotional Labor Challenges
Difficult to display expected emotions accurately, and to hide true emotions Emotional dissonance Conflict between true and required emotions More stressful with surface acting Less stressful with deep acting Difficult to display expected emotions accurately, and to hide true emotions Emotional dissonance: • Conflict between true and required emotions • Potentially stressful with surface acting (pretending) • Less stress through deep acting (changing true emotions to match required emotions)
Emotional Intelligence Defined
Ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion in oneself and others A set of abilities to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion in oneself and others
Model of Emotional Intelligence
Self (personal competence) Other (social competence) Self-awareness Awareness of others’ emotions Recognition of emotions Self-management Management of others’ emotions Research findings converging around the four quadrant model —organizes EI into four dimensions representing: • Recognition of emotions in ourselves and in others • Regulation of emotions in ourselves and in others Regulation of emotions
Emotional Intelligence Hierarchy
Management of others’ emotions Managing other people’s emotions Highest Awareness of others’ emotions Perceiving and understanding the meaning of others’ emotions Self-management Managing our own emotions Four dimensions of emotional intelligence (from lowest to highest level of competence): Self-awareness of emotions • Ability to perceive and understand the meaning of your own emotions • Able to eavesdrop in on your emotional responses to specific situations and to use this awareness as conscious information Self-management of emotions • Ability to manage your own emotions • Goes beyond displaying behavior that represents desired emotions – requires deep acting to generate or suppress Awareness of others’ emotions • Ability to perceive and understand emotions of others • Empathy – understanding and sensitivity to the feelings, thoughts, and situation of others • Being organizationally aware e.g. sensing office politics and understanding social networks Management of others’ emotions • Managing other people’s emotions e.g. consoling people who feel sad, inspiring team members Self-awareness Perceiving and understanding the meaning of your own emotions Lowest
Improving Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is a set of abilities/skills Can be learned, especially through coaching EI increases with age -- maturity Emotional intelligence is a set of abilities/skills • Can be learned through personal coaching, practice, and feedback • EI increases with age – maturity
Job Satisfaction A person's evaluation of his or her job and work context An appraisal of the perceived job characteristics, work environment, and emotional experience at work A person's evaluation of his or her job and work context An appraisal of the perceived job characteristics, work environment and emotional experiences at work Most American employees say they are satisfied with their job • Probably inflated because revealing job dissatisfaction in a direct question threatens self-esteem
EVLN: Responses to Dissatisfaction
Exit • Leaving the situation • Quitting, transferring Voice • Changing the situation • Problem solving, complaining Loyalty • Patiently waiting for the situation to improve Exit-voice-loyalty-neglect (EVLN) model identifies 4 ways employees respond to dissatisfaction: 1. Exit: Leaving the situation by resigning from the organization or transferring, or at least trying to get away 2. Voice: Any attempt to change, rather than escape from the dissatisfying situation – e.g. constructive response such as recommending a way to improve the situation or more confrontational such as filing a formal grievance 3. Loyalty: Patiently wait for the situation to improve 4. Neglect: Passive activities that have negative consequences for the organization e.g. reducing work effort/attention to quality, increasing absenteeism Neglect • Reducing work effort/quality • Increasing absenteeism
Job Satisfaction and Performance
Happy workers are somewhat more productive workers, but: General attitude is a poor predictor of specific behaviors Job satisfaction effect on performance is lower when employees have less control over output Reverse explanation: Job performance affects satisfaction, but only when rewarded Happy workers are somewhat more productive workers – there is a moderately positive correlation between job satisfaction and performance…but: 1. General attitude (e.g. job satisfaction) is a poor predictor of specific behaviors – dissatisfaction might lead to turnover, complaining, or patiently waiting rather than reduced performance 2. Dissatisfaction might affect performance only when employees have control 3. Reverse explanation – job performance might cause job satisfaction i.e. higher performers receive more rewards so are more satisfied than low-performing employees who receive less rewards
Service Profit Chain at Clydesdale Bank
Clydesdale Bank in Scotland improved customer service by applying the service profit chain model. It gave its contact center employees more positive experiences at work. Clydesdale Bank’s customer service contact center has gone from 65 percent employee turnover and operating costs 25 percent above industry average (in Europe) to a global role model. This amazing turnaround was achieved by treating employees well so they treat customers well.
Service Profit Chain Model
Job satisfaction increases customer satisfaction and profitability because: Job satisfaction affects mood, leading to positive behaviors toward customers Job satisfaction reduces employee turnover, resulting in more consistent and familiar service Organizational practices Employee satisfaction and commitment Employee retention Employee motivation and behavior Employees’ job satisfaction influences customer satisfaction and company profitability: • Job satisfaction affects mood – leads to displaying friendliness and positive emotions which causes customers to experience positive emotions/service experience • Job satisfaction reduces employee turnover so employees have better knowledge and skills – customers receive more consistent and familiar service Service quality Customer satisfaction/perceived value Customer loyalty and referrals Company profitability and growth
Organizational Commitment
Affective commitment Emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in an organization Continuance commitment Calculative attachment – stay because too costly to quit Affective commitment • Emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in a particular organization – employee’s feeling of loyalty to the place where he or she works Continuance commitment • Calculative attachment to the organization, whereby an employee is motivated to stay only because leaving i.e. quitting would be too costly – employee chooses to stay because the value (typically financial) of staying is higher than the value of working somewhere else
Building Affective Commitment
Justice/ Support • Apply humanitarian values • Support employee wellbeing Shared Values • Values congruence Trust • Employees trust org leaders • Job security supports trust Justice and support • Apply humanitarian values e.g. fairness, courtesy, integrity • Support employee well-being Shared values • Employees believe their values are congruent with the organization’s dominant values Trust (positive expectations one person has toward another person in situations involving risk) – reciprocal activity • Employees trust leaders • Job security supports trust Organizational comprehension (how well employees understand the organization e.g. strategic direction) • Ensure that employees develop a clear mental model of the organization – information and opportunities to keep up to date, interact with co-workers, learn about history and plans Employee involvement • Employees feel part of company e.g. participate in decisions • Involvement demonstrates trust – builds loyalty Organizational Comprehension • Know firm’s past/present/future • Open and rapid communication Employee Involvement • Employees feel part of company • Involvement demonstrates trust
What is Stress? Adaptive response to situations perceived as challenging or threatening to well-being Prepares us to adapt to hostile or noxious environmental conditions Eustress vs. distress Adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s well-being Prepares us to adapt to hostile or noxious environmental conditions e.g. heart rate increases, muscles tighten, breathing speeds up, body releases adrenaline Eustress • Some level of stress that is a necessary part of life -- activates and motivates people to achieve goals, change their environments, and succeed in life’s challenges Distress • The degree of physiological, psychological, and behavioral deviation from healthy functioning
General Adaptation Syndrome
Stage 1 Alarm Reaction Stage 2 Resistance Stage 3 Exhaustion Normal Level of Resistance Model of the stress experience consisting of 3 stages: 1. Alarm reaction • Threat or challenge activates the physiological stress responses • Individual’s energy and coping effectiveness decrease 2. Resistance • Activates biochemical, psychological, and behavioral mechanisms giving the individual more energy and coping mechanisms to overcome or remove the source of stress • Body reduces resources to the immune system 3. Exhaustion • Usually able to remove the stressor or remove ourselves before becoming too exhausted • People who frequently reach exhaustion have increased risk of long-term physiological and psychological damage
Consequences of Distress
Physiological Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, headaches Behavioral Work performance, accidents, absenteeism, aggression, poor decisions 1. Physiological • Tension headaches, muscle pain • Cardiovascular disease – heart attacks, strokes • Some forms of cancer 2. Psychological • Job dissatisfaction, moodiness, depression and lower organizational commitment 3. Behavioral • Lower job performance, poor decision making, increased workplace accidents, aggressive behavior Job Burnout The process of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment resulting from prolonged exposure to stress • Stage 1: Emotional exhaustion – lack of energy • Stage 2: Cynicism (depersonalization) – indifferent attitude toward work, emotional detachment, strictly follow rules • Stage 3: Reduced personal accomplishment – diminished confidence i.e. learned helplessness Psychological Dissatisfaction, moodiness, depression, emotional fatigue
What are Stressors? Stressors are the causes of stress -- any environmental condition that places a physical or emotional demand on the person. Some common workplace stressors include: Harassment an incivility Work overload Low task control Stressors are the causes of stress – any environmental condition that places a physical or emotional demand on the person Some common workplace stressors include: • Harassment and incivility • Work overload • Low task control
Psychological Harassment
Repeated and hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions or gestures, that affect an employee's dignity or psychological or physical integrity and that result in a harmful work environment for the employee. Repeated and hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions or gestures that affect an employee's dignity or psychological or physical integrity and that result in a harmful work environment for the employee • Behaviors ranging from threats and bullying to subtle yet persistent forms of incivility Sexual Harassment Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that detrimentally affects the work environment or leads to adverse job-related consequences for its victims • Quid pro quo harassment -- employment or job performance is conditional on unwanted sexual relations • Hostile work environment harassment – person experiences sexual conduct from others that interferes with work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment e.g. posting pornographic material
Work Overload and Task Control Stressors
Working more hours, more intensely than one can cope Affected by globalization, consumerism, ideal worker norm Task Control Due to lack control over how and when tasks are performed Stress increases with responsibility Work Overload • Working more hours, more intensely than one can cope • Affected by globalization, consumerism, ideal worker norm Low Task Control • Due to lack of control over how and when tasks are performed • Degree to which low task control is a stressor increases with the burden of responsibility e.g. assembly-line workers have low task control but stress can be fairly low if level of responsibility is also low
Individual Differences in Stress
Individual differences that minimize distress: Better physical health – exercise, lifestyle Appropriate stress coping strategies Lower neuroticism Higher extraversion Positive self-concept Lower workaholism People experience different stress levels when exposed to the same stressor Individual differences that minimize distress: • Better physical health – regular exercise, healthy lifestyle • Better coping strategies – seeking support from others, reframing the stressor in a more positive light • Personality – possibly the most important reason i.e. low neuroticism (high emotional stability); extroversion (interact with others, degree of positive thinking); positive self-concept (high self-esteem, self-efficacy, and internal locus of control) Workaholism attracts stressors and weakens ability to cope • Workaholic – a person who is highly involved in work, feels compelled to work, and has a low enjoyment of work
Managing Work-Related Stress
Remove the stressor Minimize/remove stressors Work/life balance initiatives Withdraw from the stressor Vacation, rest breaks Change stress perceptions Positive self-concept, humor Control stress consequences Healthy lifestyle, fitness, wellness Receive social support Remove the stressor • Assigning employees to jobs that match their skills/preferences • Reducing workplace noise • Having a complaint system and taking corrective action • Giving employees more control over the work process • Work-life balance initiatives e.g. flexible and limited work time, job sharing, teleworking, personal leave, child care support Withdraw from the stressor • Permanently – transferred to jobs with better fit • Temporarily – vacations, holidays, sabbaticals, games rooms Change stress perceptions • Improved self-concept, personal goal setting, humor Control stress consequences • Physical exercise, meditation, wellness programs, employee assistance programs Receive social support Others provide emotional and/or informational support
Workplace Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress
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