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 To show the personal values linked to advertising message design  To present the various appeal formats and to demonstrate their approaches to persuasion.

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Presentation on theme: " To show the personal values linked to advertising message design  To present the various appeal formats and to demonstrate their approaches to persuasion."— Presentation transcript:


2  To show the personal values linked to advertising message design  To present the various appeal formats and to demonstrate their approaches to persuasion

3  Comfortable life  Equality  Excitement  Freedom  Fun, exciting life  Happiness  Inner peace Pleasure Salvation Security Self-fulfillment Self-respect Sense of belonging Social acceptance Wisdom

4  Feature: Focus on dominant traits of the product  Competitive: Makes comparisons to other brands  Price: Makes price offer the dominant point  News: News announcement about the product  Popularity: Stresses the brand’s popularity

5  Fear  Humor  Sex  Music  Rationality  Emotions  Scarcity

6  Used in 30% of ads.  Excellent in capturing attention.  Score high in recall tests.  Should be related directly to customer benefit.

7  Sex and nudity do increase attention.  Rated as being more interesting.  Often leads to strong feelings about the ad.  Brand recall is lower.  Often interferes with message comprehension.  May impact feelings toward the brand

8 Less influence today Reduces brand recall Affects comprehension Creates dissatisfaction with one’s body  Females  Males Stereotyping of females

9  Has intrusive value  Gains attention  Increases retention of visual information  Can increase persuasiveness

10  Based on  Limited supply  Limited time to purchase  Tied with promotional tools such as contests, sweepstakes, and coupons.  Encourage customers to take action.

11  See separate set of slides

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