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Honors English I Vocabulary

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1 Honors English I Vocabulary
Lesson 8: Activity and Inactivity

2 Alacrity (noun) Speed and willingness in acting or responding; cheerful readiness; eagerness. Example: Carmella accepted our invitation with alacrity.

3 Composure (noun) Control over one’s emotions; steadiness of manner; tranquility. Example: Theodore Roosevelt was famous for his composure in stressful situations.

4 ennui (noun) Listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from inactivity or lack of interest; boredom. Example: Mrs. Keller suggested finger painting as a way to relieve the children’s rainy-day ennui.

5 Imperturbable (adjective) Not easily disturbed or excited; unshakably calm and collected. Example: The imperturbable cat slept in the sun, ignoring butterflies and bees that flew around it.

6 Impetuous (adjective) Tending toward suddenness and boldness of action; impulsive; hasty. Example: Dirk’s impetuous decisions often get him into trouble.

7 Incite (transitive verb) To provoke to action; rouse; stir up or urge on. Example: The cheerleaders and fans incited the football team to victory.

8 Indolent (adjective) a. Reluctant to exert oneself; habitually lazy. b. Suggesting a calm idleness and ease. Example: Margaret gave an indolent sigh as she stretched out in the deck chair.

9 Inert (adjective) a. Having no power to move or act; lifeless. b. exhibiting no chemical activity. Example: The new mayor had no patience with the inert city council.

10 Pandemonium (noun) a. Wild uproar or noise; tumult. b. A place of wild disorder and confusion. Example: Pandemonium occurred at Leslie’s house when a family of five raccoons got in through the attic.

11 Serenity (noun) The quality of being untroubled or unruffled; peacefulness. Example: The painting of the landscape conveyed a sense of serenity.

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