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Creating a Searchable Media Archive for Modern Language and Culture: The REALIA Project Jeff Overholtzer, Washington and Lee University Scott Siddall,

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Searchable Media Archive for Modern Language and Culture: The REALIA Project Jeff Overholtzer, Washington and Lee University Scott Siddall,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Searchable Media Archive for Modern Language and Culture: The REALIA Project Jeff Overholtzer, Washington and Lee University Scott Siddall, Denison University

2 Introduction  REALIA: Rich Electronic Archive for Language Instruction Anywhere  Database developed through a collaboration of faculty, librarians and technologists from Global Partners institutions:

3 Associated Colleges of the South

4 ACM and GLCA Associated Colleges of the Midwest 1.Beloit College 2.Carleton College 3.Coe College 4.College of the University of Chicago 5.Colorado College 6.Cornell College 7.Grinnell College 8.Knox College 9.Lake Forest College 10.Lawrence University 11.Macalester College 12.Monmouth College 13.Ripon College 14.St. Olaf College Great Lakes Colleges Association 1.Albion College 2.Antioch College 3.Denison University 4.DePauw University 5.Earlham College 6.Hope College 7.Kalamazoo College 8.Kenyon College 9.Oberlin College 10.Ohio Wesleyan University 11.The College of Wooster 12.Wabash College

5 Rationale  Strong mandate from language faculty  Generation of visually-oriented students  Authentic materials best promote cultural literacy  Serves a multiplicity of student learners: images can serve at all levels of language instruction, in culture courses, in preparation for study abroad programs

6 Our Philosophy  Archive significant images with cultural information and pedagogical suggestions  Ensure quality through peer-review and editorial assistance  Capture the present while preserving the past  Free for educational use

7 Organization  Managing Board comprises technologists, librarians, faculty members  Language-specific editorial boards  Role of ACS Technology Center

8 Organization  Annual workshops Student-faculty teams Refine metadata, add images Policy-making, planning

9 Organization  Cataloging workflow: Faculty contributor (or student-faculty team)  Photographer, Title, Description, Pedagogical suggestions Librarian  Realia type, LC subject, geographic locations, other… complete listcomplete list

10 Partnerships and affiliations  MERLOT Ideas, critiques, cross-promotion Federated searching Showcase best practices  ARTstor Part of pilot project  OAIster Part of this meta-collection

11 Technology and standards  Software: CONTENTdm server at ACS Tech Center  Metadata: Standards-based structure Fields mapped to Dublin Core Use of LC Subject Headings OAI metadata harvesting XML export of metadata

12 Demonstration of web site and database  Browse by language, simple or complex search, compound objects (multiple views), thematic groupings for searching, showcase contributor collections; teaching tools including comparisons, creating personal, downloadable collection  Demo 1 Demo 1  Demo 2 Demo 2  Demo 3 Demo 3 New image here…

13 Technologies behind REALIA  System selection Proprietary, homegrown, open source, partnerships Centralized versus desktop  Requirements Metadata flexibility Avoid data lock-in Distributed management with approval queue Open standards Support and continued R & D

14 Digital Asset Management Marketplace  Scope and size of DAM market $1.5-3.0 billion annually; $320 million in profits 600+ vendors with 1,200+ applications Ripe for consolidation  The Commercial Players Artesia (publishing) Canto (desktop to small workgroup) eMotion (broadcast) MediaBin by Interwoven (corporate) North Plains ‘Telescope’ (publishing) Webware (corporate) IBM and Stellent (corporate) Extensis (desktop to small workgroup)

15 Digital asset management in higher ed  Auto-Graphics Digital Asset Management Auto-Graphics Digital Asset Management  CONTENTdm CONTENTdm  Documentum DAM Documentum DAM  Dynix Horizon Digital Library Dynix Horizon Digital Library  Endeavor ENCompass Endeavor ENCompass  Ex Libris Digitool Ex Libris Digitool  Innovative Interfaces Millennium Metasource Innovative Interfaces Millennium Metasource  Luna Imaging Insight Luna Imaging Insight  SIRSI Hyperion SIRSI Hyperion  VTLS VITAL VTLS VITAL

16 Digital asset management – open source  FEDORA FEDORA Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture Release 1.2.1 released April 20, 2004  Digital Library Extension Service Digital Library Extension Service from the University of Michigan  Greenstone Greenstone e.g., Chopin collection at the University of ChicagoChopin collection  Madison Digital Image Database Madison Digital Image Database MDID; v2.0 in July

17 Technologies behind REALIA - CONTENTdm Web-based presentation

18 Technologies behind REALIA - CONTENTdm And web-based administration

19 Technologies behind REALIA - CONTENTdm

20 CONTENTdm – export functions  Thumbnail, service and full resolution images stored in directories in standard image formats

21 CONTENTdm – export functions  Metadata exporting

22 CONTENTdm – OAI harvesting

23 CONTENTdm – support  Distributed and supported by OCLC  Predictable costs  Continued development JPEG2000 PowerPoint plug-in Community open source developments

24 CONTENTdm and open source  Proprietary software + open standards has led to an open source community Controlled vocabulary analyzer Importable Library of Congress Subject Headings E-commerce extension for ordering images RSS feed generator to subscribe to collections Direct linking to objects XML Gateway for federated searching of CONTENTdm collections Feedback tool for commenting/reviewing objects OASIS – a web-based tool for organizing and importing images

25 Feedback tool  A means to solicit comments or review of CONTENTdm images  Feedback data sent via email to collection administrators  Modified from Oregon State’s e-commerce scripts by Tim Moore (ACS)




29 OASIS  A substitute for CONTENTdm’s Windows-only image preparation tool  PHP and MySQL  Developed by staff at The Midwest Instructional Technology Center Associated Colleges of the South Technology Center





34 Technologies behind REALIA  What’s next?  Automated metadata creation

35 Technologies behind REALIA  What’s next?  OCLC E-learning report: make content accessible OCLC E-learning report  Open standards, open source Interoperability with other repositories Sakai, Open Source Portfolio Initiative, Fedora

36 What’s next  Forming language editorial boards  NEH grant

37 By the numbers  Involvement in REALIA Project  Total images: ~1,000  Page accesses: ~2,000/month RoleNumber Faculty contributors19 Student contributors2 Student technology assistants2 Librarians6 Technologists2 TOTAL Doesn’t include ACS, MITC, CET staff 31 (17 ACS, 13 MITC, 2 other)

38 How you can be involved  Use the resource for teaching; give us feedback  Contribute images  Consider how we might collaborate if you have complementary resource

39 Contact information  REALIA Project This presentation: Presenters  Jeff Overholtzer (  Scott Siddall (

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