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ADN Educational Fields March 2004. 2 Educational Purpose Describe educational and pedagogical characteristics of resources where resources are: – Curriculum,

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Presentation on theme: "ADN Educational Fields March 2004. 2 Educational Purpose Describe educational and pedagogical characteristics of resources where resources are: – Curriculum,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ADN Educational Fields March 2004

2 2 Educational Purpose Describe educational and pedagogical characteristics of resources where resources are: – Curriculum, activities, modules etc. – Datasets – Model output – Visuals (maps, satellite imagery)

3 3 More educational characteristics Provides useful educational information about learning/teaching use Does not provide detailed explanations on use or resource review (use annotation framework) All metadata is subjective, generally the viewpoint of the cataloger or occasionally the resource creator - particularly true with educational fields

4 4 Educational Development DPC - Katy Ginger, Holly Devaul ADL/ADEPT - Tim Tierney Colorado School of Mines - Tom Boyd NASA - Shelley Olds Other sources - IMS, GEM and DC Development period - Jan 2000 to June 2002 with some implementation fixes in Dec 2002

5 5 Educational fields (1 and 2) 1. Interactivity level - the level of interaction with the resource – Optional; can’t repeat – Controlled vocabulary from IMS (e.g. high, low) – Not yet searchable or displayed 2. Interactivity type - the type of interaction – Optional; can’t repeat – Controlled vocabulary from IMS (e.g. active, expositive, mixed) – Not yet searchable or displayed

6 6 Educational fields (3) 3. Resource type - describes how the resource can be used in the classroom, professional development or in an informal educational setting – Required & repeatable; searchable & displayed – Controlled vocabulary – E.g. Text:Reference, Learning material:Classroom activity

7 7 Educational fields (4) 4. Audience information - a group of fields that encompass grade range, typical age range, tool for, beneficiary, instructional goal, teaching method, typical use time – Required and repeatable – Controlled vocabularies - see individual fields

8 8 Audience Information (Cont’d) Audience Example 1 – Grade range - Graduate or professional – Tool for - Teachers – Beneficiary - Teachers – Teaching method - Distance learning Audience Example 2 – Grade range - High school – Tool for - Teachers – Beneficiary - Students Teaching method - Small group learning

9 9 Educational fields (5) 5. Grade Range - the appropriate grade levels for users of the resource – Required and repeatable – Controlled vocabularies - see individual fields – E.g. K-2, 3-5, graduate, general public, informal education – Searchable and displayed

10 10 Educational fields (6) 6. Typical Age Range - the appropriate age levels for users of the resource (often used when informal education is chosen for grade range) – Optional – Can’t repeat – Free text – E.g. appropriate for 10-12 year olds girls – Not yet searchable or displayed

11 11 Educational fields (7) 7. Tool for - who should use the resource for the learning/teaching setting – Optional and repeatable – Controlled vocabulary from GEM with DLESE modifications – E.g. GEM:student teachers, GEM:middle school teachers, GEM:curriculum supervisors, DLESE:Media specialists – Not yet searchable or displayed

12 12 Educational fields (8) 8. Beneficiary - who in the selected grade range benefits from use of the resource – Optional and repeatable – Controlled vocabulary from GEM with DLESE modifications – E.g. GEM:Female students, GEM:At-risk students, DLESE:Evaluators – Not yet searchable or displayed

13 13 Educational fields (9) 9. Instructional goal - for the selected grade range what is the instructional goal of the resource (not applicable to all resources) – Optional and repeatable – Free text – Not yet searchable or displayed

14 14 Educational fields (10) 10. Teaching Methods - for the selected grade range what methods of instruction are successful (not applicable to all resources) – Optional, repeatable – Controlled vocabulary from GEM with DLESE modifications – E.g. DLESE:Small group learning, GEM:Hands-on learning, GEM:Cooperative learning – Not yet searchable or displayed

15 15 Educational fields (11) 11. Content Standards - an expectation of student knowledge, literacy and understanding that a resource addresses (not applicable to all resources) – Optional – Repeatable – Controlled vocabulary from NSES, Geography, Math, Technology, AAAS – Searchable and displayed

16 16 Educational fields (12) 12. Teaching Standards - an expectation of teacher knowledge, literacy and understanding in the methods of teaching science that a resource addresses (not applicable to all resources) – Optional – Repeatable – Controlled vocabulary from NSES and Technology – Not yet searchable or displayed

17 17 Educational fields (13) 13. Process Standards - an assessment of student ability and understanding that the resource addresses (not applicable to all resources) – Optional – Repeatable – Controlled vocabulary from Math (NSES not done yet) – Not yet searchable or displayed

18 18 Educational fields (14) 14. Typical Use Time - for the selected grade range, the length of time needed to complete or interact with the resource – Optional and repeatable – Encoded string like P1T2M3DT10H30M – Not yet searchable or displayed

19 19 Educational fields (15) 15. Description - other pertinent educational information – Optional – Free text – E.g. best done during an actual eclipse – Not yet searchable or displayed

20 20 Educational fields (16) 16. Language - the language of the resource – Required – Controlled vocabulary built into XML – E.g. en – Not yet searchable or displayed

21 21 Educational Comparison IMSADN Interactivity type - yes Interactivity level - yes Resource type - yes Semantic density - yes Grade range - yes, (context) Beneficiary - yes, (intended user) Tool for - no Difficulty - yes Typical use time - yes Language - yes Description - yes Teaching method - no Instructional goal - no Standards - yes (classification) Interactivity type - yes Interactivity level - yes Resource type - yes Semantic density - no Grade range - yes Beneficiary - yes Tool for - yes Difficulty - no Typical use time - yes Language - yes Description - yes Teaching method - yes Instructional goal - yes Standards - yes

22 22 Educational Comparison DC QualifiedADN Interactivity type - no Interactivity level - no Resource type - yes Semantic density - no Grade range - yes, (education level) Beneficiary - yes, (audience) Tool for - yes, (mediator) Difficulty - no Typical use time - no Language - yes Description - yes Teaching method - no Instructional goal - no Standards - yes (conforms to) Interactivity type - yes Interactivity level - yes Resource type - yes Semantic density - no Grade range - yes Beneficiary - yes Tool for - yes Difficulty - no Typical use time - yes Language - yes Description - yes Teaching method - yes Instructional goal - yes Standards - yes

23 23 Educational Comparison FGDCADN Interactivity type - no Interactivity level - no Resource type - no Semantic density - no Grade range - no Beneficiary - no Tool for - no Difficulty - no Typical use time - no Language - no Description - no Teaching method - no Instructional goal - no Standards - no Interactivity type - yes Interactivity level - yes Resource type - yes Semantic density - no Grade range - yes Beneficiary - yes Tool for - yes Difficulty - no Typical use time - yes Language - yes Description - yes Teaching method - yes Instructional goal - yes Standards - yes

24 24 Educational Summary ADN is comprehensive for education ADN is compatible with NSDL ADN plays well in the IMS and DC world As more collections have this info, it will be displayed and searchable ADN encompasses the big 3 of geospatial, temporal & education for effective search

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