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The Comprehensive Resource Protection Management System: Field Observation Recording Tool Developed by Neal D. Labrie Backcountry Supervior Acadia National.

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Presentation on theme: "The Comprehensive Resource Protection Management System: Field Observation Recording Tool Developed by Neal D. Labrie Backcountry Supervior Acadia National."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Comprehensive Resource Protection Management System: Field Observation Recording Tool Developed by Neal D. Labrie Backcountry Supervior Acadia National Park 2004

3 A searchable database of resource and facility sites throughout the park. A training medium to familiarize staff with park resources and facilities for optimum protection and management A patrol log that allows site history information to be passed from the field to management personnel. A statistical reporting program to analyze and track patrol functions. What is the FORT?

4 A Master File A Photo Log A Patrol Log A Map View Page A Local Offender File File Search Pages A Threat Assessment Calculator The FORT is comprised of:

5 The Master File

6 Provides digital photo records of a particular site or park area. Allows for tracking of site conditions, and can provide a baseline of photographic records for 19jj prosecutions. The Photo Log

7 Provides a record of patrol by. resource area. Can be searched based on all data fields. Allows managers and field staff to analyze patrol information for the development of future protection plans. The Patrol Log

8 Allows Rangers to plot and record patrol findings on topographic maps. These maps can be referenced prior to patrols to plan routes and identify specific locations. The Map View Page

9 Provides a searchable local offender list to be used by Rangers in the field. Can be linked to the FORT to relate offender information to specific resource areas. The Local Offender File

10 Allows managers to track patrol efforts and findings by any given data field. Report Research

11 Allows for Rangers to query different resource areas for protection information. Allows field staff to review attributes of park areas before patrolling, making for more efficient patrols. Patrol Research

12 The Calculator provides numbers by which to prioritize resource patrols Provides for integration of research science when forming protection plans. Combines resource threat analysis with field patrol findings. Threat Assessment Calculator

13 This screen produces a total threat level score for inter-site comparison. The additional questions allow for more precise resource threat assessment. Each of these pages are to be completed with the cooperation of Resource Management staff. Threat Assessment II

14 Produces searchable, quantitative data for resource protection teams. Allows field staff and management to track changing resource conditions and apply more efficient operations. Provides park managers with up-to-date status reports on sensitive sites. Creates a learning tool for employees as to what resources are monitored, their location, and what steps need to be taken to continue their protection. Promotes a closer team environment by necessitating communication amongst park divisions for information. Benefits of FORT:

15 The FORT is being used by Pinnacles National Monument and Acadia National Park for the planning and tracking of resource protection efforts. At Pinnacles alone, over 70 identified sites have been entered into the system including over 400 patrol log entries and over 150 photographs. Acadia now has over 1800 records in their local offender file, over 60 identified protection sites, and over 850 patrol reports. Data entry programs have now been formatted to handheld Palm devices for “in the field” use. Where it stands now…

16 The FORT will be the foundation of a graduate study thesis through Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, in 2006. PMIS funded work is being done in coordination with Shenandoah N.P. and other park areas to combine the abilities of the FORT with other newly created resource protection management systems (Resource Protection Fund). The FORT will be networked with remote log-in capabilities to provide for total access and development away from the office. FORT will incorporate a priority ranking system to assist managers with the allocation of personnel resources based on objective, quantifiable site research. Where it is going…

17 Direct assistance from all park divisions to consolidate information and provide for the most recent information to be utilized. Quantitative measures for determining resource protection priorities. Support from field and management staff to promote the testing and application of a revolutionary system. What is needed…

18 The Field Operations Recording Tool can provide the step forward currently needed by resource managers to actively protect and monitor the Nation’s Treasures. Specific questions on the program can be directed to Neal Labrie, Back-Country Supervisor for Acadia National Park; (207) 288-8772Neal Labrie Thanks… Conclusion

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