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ISSP 2010 The Magazine of Magazines Project Directors: Professor Geraldine Sheridan; Dr. Michael Griffin.

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Presentation on theme: "ISSP 2010 The Magazine of Magazines Project Directors: Professor Geraldine Sheridan; Dr. Michael Griffin."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISSP 2010 The Magazine of Magazines Project Directors: Professor Geraldine Sheridan; Dr. Michael Griffin

2 Project Dissemination  Zi Parker, ISSP Government of Ireland Scholar, University of Limerick  Yvonne Diggins, ECRG Research Assistant, University of Limerick

3 The Eighteenth Century Research Group: Background  The Eighteenth Century Research Group (ECRG) was established to undertake interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research into the ‘long’ eighteenth century (c. 1650-1830). It draws on existing research strengths across Colleges and Departments at the University of Limerick (UL) and Mary Immaculate College (MIC), and seeks to expand on these by fostering collaboration.University of LimerickMary Immaculate College

4 The Eighteenth Century Research Group: Activities  The ECRG provides a forum for Limerick based researchers (staff, post-doctoral and postgraduate), and facilitates the consolidation and expansion of links with scholars based at institutions throughout Ireland and abroad. The ECRG have launched a new website, which can be found online at:

5 Compiled from original pieces, with extracts from the most celebrated books and periodicals published in Europe Limerick: published by Andrew Welsh January 1751 – September 1769 c.100 pages monthly: Price 1 shilling The Magazine of Magazines

6 Welsh’s Munster Journal, 17th January 1751: “ The Magazine of Magazines –will be published and delivered to the subscribers (to be continued monthly, printed in large Octavo page for page with the London edition, on a beautiful new type and on superfine paper)” Paper made specially by Joseph Sexton at Annacotty

7 Breakdown of the content of articles in 1759 edition of The Magazine of Magazines Source: The Magazine of Magazines, (Limerick, 1759) January-December

8 The Limerick-printed Magazine of Magazines.  The Gentleman’s Magazine  The London Magazine  The Universal Magazine  The British Magazine  The Theological Magazine  Oxford Student  Monthly Review  Adventurer  Mercure historique  Dr Matty’s Journal Brittanique  Bibliothèque raisonée  Journal des sçavans  Acta Eruditorum  Transactions of the Royal Societies of Berlin, London, Paris and Petersburg  Westminster Journal  The World  London Gazetteer  Daily Advertiser  London Evening Papers “With other additions” The Magazine of Magazines, (Limerick), front covers, May 1756, September 1760, August 1768. Joly Collection National Library of Ireland.

9 Candide Source: The Magazine of Magazines, (Limerick, May 1759) p.391 Source: The Universal Magazine, (London, May 1759) p.269Source: The Magazine of Magazines, (Limerick, May 1759) p.391

10 Reis Rizard Source: The Gentleman’s Magazine, (London, January 1759) p.23 Source: The Magazine of Magazines, (Limerick, May 1759) p.38

11 Number of announcements in the Magazine of Magazines per county. 1751 0-5 – White 6-10 - Yellow 11-15 - Orange 16+ - Red Source: The Magazine of Magazines, (Limerick, 1751) January-December

12 Number of announcements in the Magazine of Magazines per county. 1755 0-5 – White 6-10 - Yellow 11-15 - Orange 16+ - Red Source: The Magazine of Magazines, (Limerick, 1755) January-December

13 Number of announcements in the Magazine of Magazines per county. 1759 0-5 – White 6-10 - Yellow 11-15 - Orange 16+ - Red Source: The Magazine of Magazines, (Limerick, 1759) January-December

14 ECRG Digitisation Projects  The ECRG successfully secured funding to carry out two exciting digitisation projects on the Magazine of Magazines.

15 Digitisation Project 1: University of Limerick Research Seed Fund and PRTLI4  Digitise the Magazine of Magazines, to be fully text searchable as a public good  Create over 150 Portable Document Formats (PDFs), creating static, searchable and reusable learning objects  Funded by the University of Limerick Seed Fund & PRTLI4

16 Tools Used: ABBYY Finereader Version 10  Highly intelligent Optical Character Recognition Software (text recognition, editable & searchable electronic files from scanned paper docs, pdfs & digital photographs)  Trained to read 18 th Century characters  Keeps the original visual representation of the Magazine of Magazines  Adds the OCR text behind the original images

17 Example of a Trained User Pattern

18 Interactive Simulation of ABBYY Finereader & Final Output  1/video-1.swf 1/video-1.swf

19 P1: Storing & Dissemination of Output  Uploaded, along with corresponding metadata, to the UL Institutional Repository (UL IR) and will then be harvested from the UL IR, through Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), to the National Digital Learning Resources (NDLR) Repository.  Access to these digitised documents will be available as a public good  Direct links available from

20 Digitisation Project 2: NDLR Funded  Create approximately 150 interactive ebooks  Insert informative annotations  Develop valuable, reusable teaching and learning resources  Funded by the National Digital Learning Resources (NDLR) Service

21 Tools Used  Photoshop CS5 (saving of images for web)  Audacity (recording annotations)  iMark- interactive Media Annotation Resource Kit – a 2009 NDLR 2009 national funded project, developed by Prof. Frank Boland and Darren Kavanagh, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

22 iMark - interactive Media Annotation Resource Kit  Document Annotation System  Facilitates the annotation of precious documents in a digital (electronic) fashion with accompanying text fields, audio inserts, web URLs, video etc.  Packaged within an interactive book environment for the end user  Available as open source software to Irish Higher Education Academics from the NDLR

23 Interactive Simulation of iMark & Final Output  2/video-2.swf 2/video-2.swf

24 P2: Storing & Dissemination of Output  Ebooks will be uploaded to the UL IR & the NDLR and will be available for OAI-PMH harvesting and for public access  Direct links available from

25 P1 & P2 Digitisation Outputs  Bringing the Magazine of Magazines online to lecturers, students & researchers nationally and internationally  Enabling research in a broad range of disciplines for the period 1751-1761  Collaborating with similar projects internationally

26 Future Plans  Presenting at ISSP 2010 (December)  JISC online case study (January)  Presenting at NDLR Fest (February 2011)  ECRG Digitisation Project Launch (April 2011)  Social media campaigns to generate awareness of the project (Facebook, Twitter, ECRG Blog & RSS Feed)  Completing the set (1761-1768)

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