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Curriculum Institute Presentation July 11, 2009 CCC CurricUNET A STATEWIDE CURRICULUM NETWORK MODEL.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Institute Presentation July 11, 2009 CCC CurricUNET A STATEWIDE CURRICULUM NETWORK MODEL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Institute Presentation July 11, 2009 CCC CurricUNET A STATEWIDE CURRICULUM NETWORK MODEL

2 CCC CurricUNET Objectives  Build a statewide curriculum network that:  Automates curriculum reporting to the System Office  Non-credit courses  Stand-alone courses  Programs  Provides a simple Web interface for all colleges, including:  Curricunet colleges (58 currently)  Non-Curricunet colleges that are automated  Non-Curricunet colleges that are not automated  Provides for standardized electronic forms, reports, workflows, and notifications to/from all colleges  Results in a statewide, searchable database of all approved course outlines and programs

3 Project Background  Evolved from the long-standing (10 years) CCC Clearinghouse project  Modeled after the already implemented Illinois project (ICCB and 48 CCs)  Specifications being developed by a System Office/MIS work group  Will automate:  Non-credit course submissions  Stand-alone course submissions  Program submissions  Estimated schedule targets a September, 2009 implementation

4 MIS Coordination  System Office MIS involved in work group and resulting project design  Focus will be on single point of capture of needed MIS data where practical, and streamlined process  Will result in automated updates of MIS database  Will allow simplified search and reporting capability, for both standard production reports and ad hoc reports


6 Sample Web Input


8 Sample Report Output

9 Sample Bulk Upload

10 Sample Automated Workflow

11 Statewide Curriculum Searches

12 Benefits to the College  Efficiency  Streamlines curriculum reporting to the System Office  One point of data entry for all information  Reduces labor/paper processing  Accuracy  Entry validation of coding  Online tables and Help  Timeliness  Automated workflow  Electronic notifications

13 Benefits to the System Office  Streamlined course submission and approval process  Savings  Paper  Labor  Processing Time  Standardized forms and processes  Searchable database for sharing of program and course information

14 Status/Next Steps  Prototype has been developed and is being tested by System Office  Version 1.0 is nearing completion for Beta testing by identified colleges  Non-automated  Automated, but not Curricunet  Automated, Curricunet  Beta testing June-August, with training and test script provided  Presentation at Curriculum Institute in July, with system rollout in September

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