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10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 1 EFDA Ceramic Irradiation Database M Cecconello, C Ingesson, E Hodgson and M Decreton.

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Presentation on theme: "10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 1 EFDA Ceramic Irradiation Database M Cecconello, C Ingesson, E Hodgson and M Decreton."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 1 EFDA Ceramic Irradiation Database M Cecconello, C Ingesson, E Hodgson and M Decreton

2 10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 2 Motivations Since the detailed design of many diagnostics and heating and current drive systems is still an ongoing process, it is important to provide the designers of such systems the appropriate information for the choice of the materials to be used. In addition, inputs from the designers are needed in case tests of new materials and component are required. Therefore a Ceramic Irradiation Database is of primary importance for the ongoing design of ITER diagnostics. The Ceramic Irradiation Database aims to provide: - reference to the results of the EFDA Ceramic Irradiation Programme - a searchable repository of documents - a searchable database suitable for designer of diagnostics and H&CD systems

3 10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 3 Overview table sorted per topic (I) Insulators plasma-sprayed low-quality spinel (LWKG) NBI large insulatorRIC, RIED, surface degradation TW1: 70 Gy/selectron irradiation, 1 kV/mm, 400°C, high vacuum Volume RIC acceptable and dose independent. Surface electrical degradation above 150°C TW1 Del. 11 alumina based porcelain (HF25) NBI large insulatorRIC, RIED, surface degradation 70 Gy/selectron irradiation, 1 kV/mm, 400°C, high vacuum Acceptable behaviour for <1kV/mm and <200°C TW0 D17 insulator gases (air and SF 6 ) NBI insulatorRICTW1: 2 Gy/selectron irradiation, 100 kV/m, 2 bar gas Good agreement with modelling, allowing extrapolation to ITER size components TW1 Del. 11 AluminaNBIInsulation resistance300 kV X-rays at 1 Gy/sVacuum, 20 – 700 °CRIC is clearly observedTW3, D13 Difficulties in the conductivity measurements MgONBIInsulation resistance300 kV X-rays at 1 Gy/sVacuum, 20 – 700 °CRIC is clearly observedTW3, D13 Difficulties in the conductivity measurements SapphireNBIInsulation resistance100 kV X-rays at 0.1-0.2 Gy/sVacuum, 100 – 500 °C Small RIC effect: from 8  10 -14 S/m to 6  10 -11 S/m TW4, D8 LWKGNBIInsulation resistance100 kV X-rays at 0.1-0.2 Gy/sVacuum, 100 – 500 °C Small RIC effect: from 4  10 -13 S/m to 4  10 -12 S/m TW4, D8 HF25NBIInsulation resistance100 kV X-rays at 0.1-0.2 Gy/sVacuum, 100 – 500 °C Small RIC effect: from 3  10 -12 S/m to 6  10 -12 S/m TW4, D8 HF10NBIInsulation resistance100 kV X-rays at 0.1-0.2 Gy/sVacuum, 100 – 500 °C Small RIC effect: from 2  10 -12 S/m to 7  10 -12 S/m TW4, D8 Epoxy glueNBIInsulation resistance100 kV X-rays at 0.1-0.2 Gy/sVacuum, 100 – 500 °C Small RIC effect: from 6  10 -13 S/m to 7  10 -12 S/m TW4, D8 Other ways of looking at the data…

4 10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 4 Property testedTW 1 & 2TW3TW4TW5 Mechanical strengthneutron irradiation 10 22 n/m 2 (10 –3 dpa) 100 °C RIA  irradiation 3.6 GGy neutron irradiation 10 22 n/m 2 (10 –3 dpa) 50 °C UV-IR Neutron irradiation Fluence 10 22 n/m 2 (E > 0.1 MeV) 50 °C UV-IR Neutron irradiation Fluence 10 20 n/m 2 (E > 0.1 MeV) 50 °C UV-IR In-situ radiation-induced absorption and luminescence of alternative radiation-resistant glasses. Radiation enhanced incorporation of hydrogen isotopes in silicas and aluminas. RIL  irradiation 3.6 GGy neutron irradiation 10 22 n/m 2 (10 –3 dpa) 50 °C UV-IR Neutron irradiation Fluence 10 20 n/m 2 (E > 0.1 MeV) 50 °C UV-NIR In-situ radiation-induced absorption and luminescence of alternative radiation-resistant glasses. Radiation enhanced incorporation of hydrogen isotopes in silicas and aluminas. Dielectric lossneutron irradiation 10 22 n/m 2 (10 –3 dpa) 100 °C < 140 GHz neutron irradiation 10 22 n/m 2 (10 –3 dpa) 50 °C < 10 GHz Radiation enhanced incorporation of hydrogen isotopes in silicas and aluminas. REDD implanted at 30-50 kV with 2-5 10 16 ions/cm 2 60 Co  -rays at 10 Gy/s and 0.8 MGy Room temperature, N 2 atmosphere 1.8 MeV electron at 220 MGy 320 °C 30 MeV Si 5+ at 25  C In-situ radiation enhanced diffusion of hydrogen isotopes in silicas and aluminas. Laser damage 7  10 22 W/m 2 laser power KS-4V Progress summary table

5 10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 5 Property testedTW 1 & 2TW3TW4TW5 Al Reflectivity 60 Co  -rays at 50 MGy Dry Air, Dry Nitrogen, Humid Air Al with SiO 2 overcoating Reflectivity 60 Co  -rays at 50 MGy Dry Air, Dry Nitrogen Al with SiO 2 overcoating Reflectivity 1.8 MeV e- at 10 MGy Vacuum, Dry nitrogen, Air TW5-TPDC-IRRCER Deliverable 14 Al with dielectric multilayer overcoating Reflectivity 60 Co  -rays at 40 MGy Dry Nitrogen TW5-TPDC-IRRCER Deliverable 14 Al with MgF 2 overcoating Reflectivity 60 Co  -rays at 40 MGy Dry Nitrogen TW5-TPDC-IRRCER Deliverable 14 Al with SiO 2 overcoating Reflectivity 60 Co  -rays at 40 MGy Dry Nitrogen TW5-TPDC-IRRCER Deliverable 14 Al with Al 2 O 3 overcoating Reflectivity 60 Co  -rays at 40 MGy Dry Nitrogen TW5-TPDC-IRRCER Deliverable 14 Al Mirrors Progress summary table

6 10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 6 Ceramic Material Database The Ceramic Irradiation Database should: 1. provide the designers diagnostic and H&CD systems information on the different physical properties of irradiation tested materials and components, 2. provide the basis for the request of the testing of new materials and components or testing to higher dose rates and doses and different conditions, 3. form the basis of a cross-party database of irradiation effects on materials and components 4. form the basis of a database for irradiation tested materials and components throughout ITER lifetime for use in the design of diagnostics for the next generation of burning plasma devices. In addition it should provide tools for: 1. the input, 2. access (query/search) and 3. management of documents and data.

7 10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 7 Provided an EU laboratory can be found to take on the task of developing the database, the following steps are foreseen as part of a task that will be initiated soon: 1.Discuss with radiation-effects experts the kind of information that is available and relevant (irradiation and measurement conditions for example). 2.Discussion with the designers of the ITER diagnostics, as potential users of the database, to assess what information is required by them. 3.Development of the database structure and content that best fits the requirements and constraints. How the experimental caveats on conditions and results in the database can be dealt with should get special attention  next page. 4.Choice of the appropriate software tools to guarantee the maximum compatibility (Excel and/or SQL server for example) and database access (such as Web based access tools to the database). 5.Set up of the database with sufficient flexibility for expansion for potential future requirements (e.g. full data storage for QA). 6.Development of appropriate tools for the database data input, edit, query and management according. Plan for the database development

8 10 th Diagnostic ITPA meeting, Moscow, 10-14 April 2006 8 Issues: 1.How to populate the database? Should be by the producers of the data. 2.How to moderate the data input? 3.Overseeing of future improvements? 4.How to turn it into a cross-party facility? Functionality and issues Three levels of functionality are foreseen: 1.Store information from experiments in a searchable form 2.Prepare reports on status of experimental information for a particular material/property/components (such as the summary tables shown above) 3.Provide a facility to ask questions such as “to what radiation level is this material radiation hard ?” and “What suitable material exists for a particular application?” This level is very challenging and will only be attempted on a best-effort basis.

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