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CRRA Catholic Newspaper Program (CNP) Overview Progress report and next steps How will my institution use this resource or add content?

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Presentation on theme: "CRRA Catholic Newspaper Program (CNP) Overview Progress report and next steps How will my institution use this resource or add content?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CRRA Catholic Newspaper Program (CNP) Overview Progress report and next steps How will my institution use this resource or add content?

2 Scope: North American Catholic newspapers 1.Conduct an environmental scan to determine what newspapers exist, where located, and extent of holdings and formats 2.Create a comprehensive, fully searchable Directory 3.Develop Repository Develop an attractive resource to showcase the Directory

3 Summer 2012 Pilot project St. Michaels at Univ of Toronto identified Canadian titles Notre Dame identified 800+ US titles mined from existing sources, including: – U.S. Newspapers Program – Center for Research Libraries – Member holdings including: Georgetown Newspaper Volumes in Special Collections Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center (PAHRC) holdings Catholic Newspapers in Microform: A Directory of Works at Notre Dame

4 Digitization – Pittsburgh Catholic, 1844-1900 (Duquesne) – Boston Pilot (Boston College) – The Catholic Standard & Times, 1866-1923 (Philadelphia Archdiocesan Historical Research Center (PAHRC), Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Villanova University – Targeted: Indiana diocesan newspapers (University of Notre Dame), Wisconsin diocesan papers (Marquette)

5 Next steps: Merge Canadian and US holdings Reconcile titles Add titles from Wisconsin Historical Society Migrate data to a relational database Gather member data Continue to mine existing sources Conduct a survey of holdings in archives and libraries within academic, diocesan, seminary and religious order institutions. Continue to identify titles for digitization Develop a user interface for the directory

6 CONTRIBUTING TO THE CNP: Content Who can use the content? How is my institution going to add content? To what are we adding? What data should we submit? How?

7 Directory Development (intellectual) Add 200 titles from list provided by the Wisconsin Historical Society Reconcile titles to support creation of master records in Directory Support intellectual work in moving data into a relational database with the goal of creating master records Mine existing sources for titles not yet identified (Worldcat, Willging and Hartzfeld’s Catholic Serials of the 19th century, Clarence Brigham’s Bibliography and History of American Newspapers) Develop tool to survey members for holdings, add member holdings to the Directory Conduct a survey of holdings in archives and libraries within academic, diocesan, seminary and religious order institutions (discover hidden collections - survey broadly for holdings not identified in existing sources) Directory Development (technical): Develop a searchable, browsable user interface (continuum of possibilities ranging from as simple as web browser in FileMaker to a platform such as Veridian or Readex)

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