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Using e-books for research Nicola Conway Liaison Librarian.

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Presentation on theme: "Using e-books for research Nicola Conway Liaison Librarian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using e-books for research Nicola Conway Liaison Librarian

2 E-books for research Use as part of your reading strategy – Keyword search – Annotate – Copy key quotations E-book databases offer more functionality when searching than the library catalogue – access to a broader range of titles Still make use of print resources for in depth reading – not everything is available electronically

3 Advantages of e-books Print surrogates with added benefits: – Accessibility - 24/7 access for multiple users – Substitute for antiquarian texts – Do not deteriorate – Space-saving – Reduced processing costs

4 Advantages of e-books Added value with each e-book: – Full-text searching – Reformatting, cut & paste – Highlight text and add notes – Group working – Export options

5 Disadvantages of e-books Finding them Learning how to use them Access to computers Tiring to read on screen Publication dates Quality of image Copyright

6 Different providers & formats Some catalogue entire book but allow full-text searching; others catalogue individual chapters Some display book within the database; others link to a separate pdf Some scanned items (possibly text searchable); others free text

7 Finding e-books Durham University catalogue – Individual titles – Collections Monographs Reference Historic Databases and e-books groupings

8 Finding e-books Free books on the web – Book previews – Open access – Out of copyright

9 Hands on Use the library catalogue to find an e-book Browse the collections from either : – Databases|Other Online Resources|e-books OR – Databases|Other Online Resources|Online Reference Look at some free books on the web (also available from above pages)

10 In text citations From an e-book collection: Smith and Jones (1992: 34) “important quotation” (Fowler, 2007: 12) From an e-book reader: “an additional and equally important point” (Hughes, 2004: chapter 3, section 2, paragraph 8)

11 Bibliographic reference Via e-book collection Author (Year of publication of book) Title of book. Name of e-book collection [Online]. Available at: URL (accessed: date).

12 Bibliographic reference Graham, S. and Marvin, S. (2001) Splintering urbanism: networked infrastructures, technological motilities and the urban condition. Netlibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 11 November 2010).

13 Bibliographic reference e-book reader Author (Year of publication of book) Title of book. Title of download collection [e-book reader]. Available at: URL (accessed: date).

14 Bibliographic reference Adams, D. (1979) The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy. [e-book reader]. Available at: y.asp?IID=161294 (Accessed: 29 October 2010). y.asp?IID=161294

15 Summary Use as print surrogate or for added value elements Varied appearance and access points Citation varies from that for a print book

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