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Web of Knowledge – Workflow solution for the research community University of Nizwa, September 2012 Dr. Uwe Wendland Country Manager Turkey, Middle.

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Presentation on theme: "Web of Knowledge – Workflow solution for the research community University of Nizwa, September 2012 Dr. Uwe Wendland Country Manager Turkey, Middle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web of Knowledge – Workflow solution for the research community University of Nizwa, September Dr. Uwe Wendland Country Manager Turkey, Middle East & Africa 1

2 Agenda A brief history of Thomson Reuters’ Citation Indexes
Overview of existing customers The Web of Knowledge / Web of Science Philosophy Web of Science – How does it work? Q & A

3 Thomson Reuters – A tradition of innovation
Evaluation Services InCites Arts & Humanities Citation Index Web of Knowledge 5.0 Science Citation Index Web of Science Thomson Scientific - A culture of innovation with an emphasis on our customers 1961 Science Citation Index launched - In 1955, Dr. Eugene Garfield revolutionized scientific research with his concept of citation indexing and searching. Science Citation Index® (SCI) was launched in 1961 which included 562 journals and 2 million citations. 1966 Dialog online information retrieval system is operational long before the commonplace use of the Internet. 1972 Dialog offers the first publicly available online research service. A company is born. MDC Founded and original mainframe/time-share IP management systems PatentMaster (Patents) and MarkMaster (Trademarks) launched. First ever patent payment service introduced. 1974 World Patents Index - In 1948 Monty Hyams would make frequent visits to the British Patent Office and identifying passages of particular interest in chemical patents. The line numbers were passed on to his father, who transcribed the passages in neat longhand. In 1974 his company Derwent provides complete coverage of patents from all technologies through launch of World Patents Index 1976 Derwent is one of the first organisations to go online with the first online implementation of WPI on the host SDS-ORBIT. 1989 MicroPatent is founded in 1989 in response to the needs of patent professionals who required electronic data in CD-ROM format. This is at a time when hard-copy documents were the norm. 1990 Derwent launches GENESEQ, the first database of sequences from patents, delivered in a format that runs on new sequence analysis software   1995 IDRAC global regulatory intelligence database is launched with 15 country modules. It is a CD-ROM product and the first of its kind. 1996 Techstreet (then called CSSINFO) launches first-ever web site for searching and ordering industry codes and standards online. 1997 ISI launches Web of Science providing seamless access to current and retrospective multidisciplinary information from approximately 8,700 of the most prestigious, high impact research journals in the world. The product is a breakthrough listing both the cited and citing works that allows researchers to move back in time to locate previously published papers but uniquely allowing you to move forward in time--to determine who has subsequently cited an earlier work. The database covers virtually all disciplines whereas traditional services are limited to a single field. 1998 MicroPatent becomes the first company in the world to provide PCT full text electronically. Similarly, the Company is the first to have US full text data back to 1836 and the first with published Great Britain applications back to 1916, among many others. 2000 Delphion is launched using IBM's existing Intellectual Property Network and uses it as the foundation for its marketplace, enables businesses to search, analyze, buy, sell and license millions of patents across different industries. Techstreet launches first-ever searchable database of industry standards and technical books combined. 2001 ISI develops ISI Web of KnowledgeSM - the single, sophisticated platform that unites journal literature, patents, chemical compounds, and genetic sequencing, and integrates proceedings and additional print and electronic sources. Newport Horizon, a Web-based strategic intelligence system for generic and speciality pharma is released 2004 Thomson Pharma is launched - A dynamic information solution for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. It is a single solution that professionals working at all stages of drug development can personalize to suit their needs. 2005 Century of Science makes hundreds of thousands of older, twentieth century scientific journal items available in one place and on one platform for the first time. Social Sciences Citation Index Research in View SciSearch SCI-CD Web of Knowledge

967 institutions 2 countries North America Europe, Middle East and Africa 4,200+ institutions 51 countries Asia- Pacific 770 institutions 18 countries 269 institutions 11 countries Latin America Research institutions 90+ countries

5 Existing Web of Knowledge customers in Turkey, Middle East & Africa (2012)
- Saudi Arabian Consortium (30 sites Univ. 11 new in 2012) + KACST& KAUST - UAE: AUS, UAE Univ, NRF, PI, Masdar Institute - Kuwait: University of Kuwait Qatar: QNRF, University of Qatar Oman: SQU Egypt National Consortium (19 universities) Turkey National Consortium (over 170 institutions, 34 new in 2012)

6 11,760 unique titles Diverse – International
Evaluated, Selected Content Extremely thorough, detailed journal evaluation and selection processes. For every journal. Natural Sciences – from 1900 Social Sciences – from 1900 Arts & Humanities – from 1975 Quality Diversity Depth Coverage of all disciplines within: Natural Sciences – 7,922 Social Sciences – 2,642 Arts & Humanities - 1,415 11,760 unique titles Diverse – International The Web of Science is indeed the foundation of the ISI Web of Knowledge platform, the perfect foundation, and these characteristics make it so. Quality: Our team of highly qualified and experienced editors select journals for coverage using a stringent and time tested journal selection process Because we are not associated with any primary publishers of academic journals our selection process is unbiased and impartial. We evaluate all types of journals including journals from commercial publishers, academic society journals, open access journals and electronic only journals. Selection criteria is unbiased, impartial, time-tested. We are “Publisher-Neutral”. Diversity: Truly Multidisciplinary. This allows one to discover obscure relationships between disciplines and get the complete picture of any particular research topic. It also gives you a broad and even insight into the entire academic publishing community. AND -- Web of Science journals are all fully indexed- all articles, review papers, editorials, book reviews, etc. are captured. Depth!: Coverage of the Sciences from 1900, over 100 years or research! Social Sciences coverage from 1956, Arts & Humanities from Impact of previous findings, even decades old, may be very significant – this is easily exposed in the Web of Science through Results Analysis on the citations to classic works by Einstein, RA Fisher, and Linus Pauling for example. Data: Unique Capabilities -- Capture of Author Cited References for over 100 years of data provides for methods of discovery that are simply not possible elsewhere. Navigate “Cited References” and “Times Cited” backward and forward in time. The Web of Science is a carefully developed and maintained collection of journal information – superior collection development at work at all times. Selection, Cover-to-Cover Indexing, Diversity, Depth, and inclusion of Author Cited References provide a uniquely valuable tool -- driving discovery within the Web of Science A Unique Resource!

7 Evaluation, Comparison
Decision making aids Analysis Alerting Full text links CrossSearch Multidisciplinary Citation searching Quality content Editorial content Specialized indexing Powerful Search tools Collate

8 Web of Science: 1900 - Journal Category
Current Contents Connect: Discipline Name BIOSIS: Major Concept Zoological Record: Descriptors / Systematics CAB Abstracts: CABI Code Inspec: Classification Code MEDLINE: MeSH Heading, Major Topic, Qualifier FSTA: Section / Subsection Derwent Innovations Index: Derwent Class Code Chinese Science Citation Database: Chinese Library Classification Number ENGINEERING   INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION   COMPUTER SCIENCE   PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY- 8591  MATHEMATICS- 8375  BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY- 7854  CHEMISTRY-7602 ...... All Databases One single index Unified subject classification Coverage from 1864 Cited references from 1900 22,000 journals 85 million records

9 Web of Science

10 Easy to build a comprehensive search query
Search for a specific time frame, or since a specific date Note: No stop words!

11 Web of Science – What is a citation?
2004 2008 Times Cited 2003 2009 2000 Cited References 2000 Related Records 1998 1974 Locate a single paper using traditional search techniques, this is the paper in the center of the screen. Click the “Cited References” link to see all the research that this discovery was based upon. Click the “Times Cited” link to see the more recent developments. Click “Related Records” to see research that is closely related to the original article. Related Records using the concept of co-citation to establish the relationship; based on the fact that similar items often cite the same thing. 2008 1993 1999 2002 2000

12 Citation Index - The Value Add
The language of research is constantly changing, as research progress concepts and terminology evolve. Text based searching may miss critical information Network linkages through citations facilitate the discovery of information across the boundaries of terminology LAV (Europe) HTLV-III (USA) HIV + many variants, “SIV” ??? 1983 1987 Present Future As research areas develop the terminology associated with them also develops and one of the inherent weaknesses of traditional free-text searching is that a knowledge of the terminology of the topic is required before one can search for it. A good example of this can be shown with the changes in terminology of the virus that causes AIDS, now known as HIV. in 1983 the Institut Pasteur in France report their findings into the isolation of the “LAV” virus, and in 1984 the US National Cancer Institute separately reported the in-vitro isolation of the HTLV-III virus. Both terms refered to the same virus, and mixed usage of the two terms continues until 1987 when the research community adopt the new term “Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV”. There are also many variations such as SIV for monkey equivalent of the virus. A traditional free-text search on the term “HIV” will miss many of important papers in this field of research. A good example is the 1991 paper shown here, it refers to the HIV equivalent denoted as “SIVmac239” and the term HIV is not mentioned anywhere in the title or abstract. However, it is a very important and very influential paper that has been cited 994 times. Looking at the items which are citing this paper around 85% of them mention the term HIV so it clearly has been highly influential to HIV research and would be an easy paper to locate through citation navigation and related records searching. This particular article is highly cited and relevant, but does not contain the term “HIV” Therefore, this record cannot be found by searching for the text “HIV” but is easily found by using citations

13 Metrics Journal-level data Researcher-level data Article-level data
Science Citation Index Expanded Social Sciences and Arts&Humanities Citation Index 先ほどご紹介したとおり、Web of Scienceは引用ナビゲーションを特長とする論文データベースです。Web of Scienceは週に一度更新されます。 ここから、雑誌タイトル毎に集計をとることによって、各雑誌の引用データを収録するJCR、Journal Citation Reportsがつくられます。JCRは年に一度の更新です。 本日のテーマであるインパクトファクターは、このJCRに収録される指標のひとつです。 利用者の方から弊社にしばしば寄せられる質問の中に、「JCRで私の論文が何回引用されているか教えてください」というものがあります。これはよくある誤解ですが、JCRでは個々の論文の被引用数を知ることはできません。 個々の論文の引用を調べるものはWeb of Science、JCRは雑誌の引用動向を調べるツールであって、それぞれデータベースの構成も目的も異なるのです。 Journal-level data Researcher-level data Institution-level data Country/region-level data Field/discipline-level data Article-level data

14 Citation Index – The Value add
Analyze results for detailed analysis such as collaborator identification Instant Citation Reports to easily evaluate research and identify trends Visualize citations using the Citation Map. Identify trends and track research pathways

15 The separate data sources are selectable for specific search objectives
Search lemmatization: Generate more comprehensive results. Searching for “tooth” will also retrieve alternates such as “teeth”

16 Sort the results by “Times Cited” to identify the most influential research

17 No limits to the number of search results.
Refine results to efficiently narrow the search or run a detailed analysis of the entire result set

18 Expandable abstracts for easy browsing


20 The Analyze feature is a powerful analytical tool to identify trends and refine searches. Export of the analysis is simple …or any other field Identify the top countries for a particular research topic… And identify trends


22 Link to the Citing Articles
Citation Report provides an instant overview of the publication and citation history Link to the Citing Articles 28.6 Summary statistics and a breakdown per article are provided.

23 All author names captured, including the full name when available
Authors are linked to addresses making the affiliation clear All addresses are captured and addresses are standardized for easy searching

24 Funding Acknowledgements are captured for easy identification of grant based research and commercial interests

25 Link to external resources
Link to other resources on the Web of Knowledge platform

26 Cited References Now includes the Times Cited count. Immediately identify the most important papers

27 2004 Times Cited 2008 2003 2009

28 Better distinguish the value and relevance of the citing articles.
Citations from other sources are also included and a breakdown of the citing source is shown This narrow focus of the individual databases is configurable and is optional for customers to include. Better distinguish the value and relevance of the citing articles.

29 Use the Citation Map to visualize the citation network

30 Web of Science – Citation Map
Displays an interactive visual map of forward and backward citations. It is possible to dynamically scroll around the map to show greater detail This map represents forward citations to Hobbs BF’s 1997 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT article. The box in the center of the screen labeled “Hobbs, BF” represents this article. 30 30

31 Web of Science – Citation Map
Modify the color of the nodes to display trends. Options include: Author, Source, Year, Subject Category, Institution and Country. Click the Appearance link to color code or change the text of the nodes. In this example the nodes have been color coded by country. 8 of the 15 first generation citations are red, which represents the United States on this map. One first generation citation is blue, which represents Germany. The map then shows that this article was cited 19 times by authors from various countries – 8 from Germany. 31 31

32 Web of Science – Citation Map
Roll over any node to see the details.

33 Result save / export options include print, save, e-mail, marked list, alerting and RSS.
Can also export automatically to EndNote and EndNote Web

34 Archiving Search Results Sharing Information Formatting Bibliographies
Permanently archive results. Organize results around your different projects etc. Share folders with colleagues, for example a research group or the reading list for a class EndNote Web Archiving Search Results Sharing Information Formatting Bibliographies Writing efficiently 34

35 Cite While You Write™ IMPORTANT NOTE when discussing the Online Search -- Connections to online databases through EndNote Web originate from the EndNote Web server rather than the users’ library server, so IP authentication or proxy authentication will not take place. What this means is that one will not be able to search databases using IP authentication (except for ISI Web of Knowledge). This needs to be made clear so as not to mislead potential users. Also, Find Duplicates -- EndNote Web compares references and identifies duplicates based on the following fields: Author, Year, Title, Reference Type As you write an article – search your EndNote Web for items you wish to cite Automatically insert the complete bibliography of the paper and format to the style you require. Saves researchers and students a huge amount of time, enabling them to focus on writing the article

36 EndNote Web is included as part of the Web of Knowledge platform, fully integrated with the Web of Science and ResearcherID 36

37 ResearcherID is a freely available website where researchers can register themselves and list their publications. A useful tool to help researchers increase their global visibility and network with other researchers

38 ResearcherID also includes basic citation metrics, available to the public

39 ResearcherID also includes network analysis tools for co-author and citing articles.

40 Search Discover Write and Publish Research Cycle Evaluate outcomes
Thomson Reuters: Solutions for the entire research cycle ISI Web of Knowledge -- Web of Science & other searchable databases Search Discover Quality Researcher ID Integrated IR Write and Publish Manage & Promote Research Output Research Cycle Endnote EndNote Web Scholar One Evaluate outcomes Research analytics InCites Journal Citation Reports Web services

41 Web of Knowledge – Workflow solution for the research community University of Nizwa, September THANK YOU ! Dr. Uwe Wendland Country Manager Turkey, Middle East & Africa 41

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