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WRAP-UP MODULE. GENERAL GUIDELINES  Feel free to ask questions during a presentation.  Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point.  Speak.

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Presentation on theme: "WRAP-UP MODULE. GENERAL GUIDELINES  Feel free to ask questions during a presentation.  Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point.  Speak."— Presentation transcript:


2 GENERAL GUIDELINES  Feel free to ask questions during a presentation.  Follow agenda : Please stay on topic and to the point.  Speak one at a time and so everyone can hear you.  Please return from breaks promptly (or quietly).

3 VIRTUAL ADMINISTRATIVE REMARKS  Please ensure your phone is kept MUTED.  NEVER put your phone on hold.  Review participant logon screen features.  Slides and reference materials are posted on-line.

4 ASIS 2010 STRATEGIC PLAN ASIS International Vision ASIS International will be the recognized leader advancing security worldwide. ASIS International Mission To achieve its vision, ASIS International will promote excellence in and recognition of the security profession.

5 ASIS 2010 STRATEGIC PLAN ASIS International Goals 1. Identify and fulfill the needs of members and potential members. 2. Provide quality education and training. 3. Provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and information. 4. Become the recognized leader in developing and promulgating security standards and supporting guidelines. 5. Promote professionalism, certification, and ethical conduct. 6. Promote and represent the profession and ASIS to key audiences. 7. Enhance the effectiveness of ASIS volunteer leadership. 8. Assure the continued strength of ASIS.

6 ASIS 2010 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2010 Planning Issues 1. The current and anticipated short-term economic environment will cause many changes in security, among ASIS members, employers, and affect ASIS itself. 2. Soft-target vulnerability and protection is receiving increased visibility and attention in light of recent terrorist attacks. 3. Critical infrastructure protection is being enhanced because, in part, DHS-private industry relationships have become strengthened and more productive. 4. Security functions in many organizations are being reorganized and “right-sized” in order to bring greater value to and achieve alignment with businesses processes and objectives.

7 ASIS 2010 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2010 Planning Issues (Cont.) 5. Globalization of internationalization of the security industry and profession will continue. 6. The development of security standards and guidelines will continue to increase. 7. Well-conceived strategies to promote the concept and implementation of Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) are needed to advance the profession. 8. An emphasis on physical or traditional security in many organizations will increase in the short term.

8 ASIS 2010 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2010 Planning Issues (Cont.) 9. ASIS members and non-members are becoming increasingly interested in accessing and using social networking sites to gain information education. 10. A variety of other organizations will continue to compete with ASIS in the delivery of education programs, trade show sponsorships, advertising, etc. while other non- and for-profit entities offer opportunities or partnering. 11. Research in security will be needed in the short-term to provide data and information on key issues in security. 12. Increasing Federal and state regulations-legislation will impact security, standards, and emergency requirements

9 ASIS 2010 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2010 Planning Issues (Cont.) 13. The ASIS value equation for all members is based upon: Cutting edge education Delivery of timely and relevant information Networking and relationship building opportunities Security certifications Security standards and guidelines development

10 ASIS 2010 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2010 Planning Issues (Cont.) 14. The preceding short-term trends and issues are likely to produce the following impacts on these ASIS metrics: A slight erosion in ASIS membership retention rates will occur in the short-term. ASIS membership growth rates will diminish in the short- term. Exhibitor growth rates at the Seminar will decline and the amount of booth space rented by some exhibitors are likely to diminish in 2009 and 2010. Utilization of ASIS programs and services will increase over the short-term.

11 ASIS 2010 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2010 Implementation Priorities 1.Accelerate the delivery of timely, relevant, searchable, and accessible education-information – delivered in user-friendly formats – to enable members to successfully develop and employ innovative security strategies in a resource scarce but at-risk environment. 2. Continue to develop security standards and guidelines while more aggressively and effectively promoting ASIS’s standards and guidelines to members and non-members while also communicating ASIS’s role as a standards developer to the media, government officials, and other targeted stakeholders.

12 ASIS 2010 STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2010 Implementation Priorities (Cont.) 3. Continue to build, market, and communicate its brand position as the “recognized leader advancing security worldwide” to members, non-members, and other key stakeholders in the security community of interest. 4. Continue to aggressively advance development of ESRM and promote it to all levels of member and non-member security professionals as well as to other targeted stakeholders.

13 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP “TO-DO” LIST  Hold first 2010 Executive Committee planning meeting no later than December 30th: Decide chapter meeting schedule and venue(s) for year. Determine timeline milestones for major chapter events. Identify any leadership gaps in chapter committees.  Find out NOW what your members really want from their chapter and their chapter leaders in 2010: Email them another Survey Monkey ? (No.) Mail them another survey form ? (No.) Or, divide roster among officers and start dialing ? (Yes.)

14 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP “TO-DO” LIST  Plan to support 2 certification study groups in FY10.  Select your chapter recipient NOW and then fax a completed Allan J. Cross Certification Award application to ASIS Foundation right after 12 AM EST on January 1 st to get the award. (Happy New Year!)  Select your chapter recipient NOW and then fax a completed Timothy J. Walsh APC 1 Award application to ASIS Foundation by February 5th to compete for award selection. (Must play to win!)

15 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP “TO-DO” LIST  Decide NOW to compete for one or more ASIS chapter recognition awards in 2010: Community Service Award Newsletter of the Year Website of the Year I.B. Hale Chapter of the Year  Decide NOW to recognize an unsung hero in your chapter by nominating him/her for the Criscuoli Volunteer of the Year Award.

16 CHAPTER LEADERSHIP “TO-DO” LIST  What other leadership focus items should be added to this list?

17 LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE # 1 Ensuring your chapter is “value-added” to your members. (And stays that way for the entire year!)

18 LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE # 2 Soliciting for Chapter Committee Chairs. (And then holding them accountable.)

19 LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE # 3 Positioning your Chapter for success in 2011. (You’re heading where, why and by whom?)


21 TRAINING SEMINAR FEEDBACK  What did we do right?  What did we do wrong?  What should we add or change?  Please call or e-mail me with your comments: 817-763-3406


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