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FRENCH 2601 Initiation à l'analyse littéraire Winter 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "FRENCH 2601 Initiation à l'analyse littéraire Winter 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRENCH 2601 Initiation à l'analyse littéraire Winter 2011

2 Types of Scholarly Information Sources You Need to Find Un livre critique A scholarly book about your author’s work Trois articles ou chapitres de livres ou livres critiques Articles published in scholarly journals, book chapters (essays), or books that address the specific issues/themes you’ve been assigned Une première édition The first edition of the literary work you have been assigned

3 Types of Research Tools Library Catalogues Examples: – The Mt. A Library Catalogue, other University Library Catalogues, WorldCat Subject-Specific Indexes/Databases Examples: – MLA International Bibliography – Repère (searchable online index) Other Library Databases (multidiscliplinary, not literature- specific) Examples: – Érudit, Cairn, JSTOR, Project Muse, Oxford Journal Online, Periodicals Archive Online (PAO), etc.

4 Which Tool for which Source? Information SourcePrimary Research Tool(s) Book (monograph) - May be available in print or as an e-book Library Catalogue Example: Mt.A Library Catalogue, WorldCat Journal Articles - May be available in print or in digital format in a library database/journal archive Subject-Specific Indexes/Databases; other library databases Example: MLA, JSTOR, Project Muse Essay/Chapter - May be available in print or as an e-book Library Catalogue + Subject-Specific Index/Database Example: Mt.A Library Catalogue, WorldCat, MLA

5 Search Tips Truncation Symbol $ in the Library Catalogue * in most other library databases Example: Canad $ will find: Canada, Canadian, Canadians, Canadiana…

6 Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) The examples that follow in the next two slides are from the Boolean Searching on the Internet Guide, (a OR b) AND (c OR d) finds: ac, ad, abc, bd, etc. ≠ (a AND b) OR (c AND d) finds only: ab OR cd

7 OR: College or University

8 AND: Poverty and Crime

9 Example music AND (pop OR rock) AND (encyclopedia OR history) Every item found will have: “music” + either/both “pop” or “rock” + either/both “encyclopedia” or “history” Finds titles such as: Canuck Rock : a History of Canadian Popular Music Encyclopedia of Canadian Rock, Pop & folk Music





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