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SDP 12 Project “PRASER” Senior Design Project Comprehensive Design Review Team Mosaic Advisor: Professor Lixin Gao Members: Allen Chew, Charles Essien,

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Presentation on theme: "SDP 12 Project “PRASER” Senior Design Project Comprehensive Design Review Team Mosaic Advisor: Professor Lixin Gao Members: Allen Chew, Charles Essien,"— Presentation transcript:

1 SDP 12 Project “PRASER” Senior Design Project Comprehensive Design Review Team Mosaic Advisor: Professor Lixin Gao Members: Allen Chew, Charles Essien, Brian Giang, Simon Ma Evaluators: Professor Gong, Professor Vouvakis

2 2 SDP 12 2 Agenda  Introduction Recap from MDR Refined project definition  Project Specification System block diagram Subsystem components Application Demonstration  Cumulative Design Review Distribution of tasks Team responsibility Internal deadlines

3 3 SDP 12 3 Reintroduction - Motivation  Hand held laser pointers Only facilitate basic highlighting  Online presentations are boring Difficult to view both presentation and presenter at the same time Low quality slides (streaming video) Loss of focus on presenter  Viewing remote presentations Bad visual quality Loss of expression

4 4 SDP 12 4 Reintroduction - Goals We want to:  Improve presentation experience More interactive More entertaining  Rethink approach to capturing presentations Bring focus back to the presenter Facilitate “emotion” for remote presentation

5 5 SDP 12 5 Design Specification – Project Definition Praser is … “A redesigned platform capable of delivering an enhanced presentation experience, both for in person and remote viewers.”  More interactive utility for presenters  Better experience for viewers with avatars

6 6 SDP 12 6 Design Specifications –Block Diagram System Block Diagram

7 7 SDP 12 7 Design Specifications – Kinect Subsystem  OpenNI & NITE Generate “users” Return interpreted motions and gestures  OpenGL Real-time image manipulation OpenNI NITE OpenGL

8 8 SDP 12 8 Kinect Subsystem - Capabilities  Gesture Recognition Hand gestures for control User poses  Tracking Mapping user position to screen Location based “selections”  Compositing Background removal Image manipulation

9 9 SDP 12 9 Kinect Subsystem – Avatar Application  Capture presenter in on screen avatar  Walk around and point modes X, Y coordinates mapped with Kinect Depth information Presenter avatar points mapped to actual points

10 10 SDP 12 10 Kinect Subsystem – Avatar Application cont’d Benefits:  More expression and emotion  Better interaction with slideshow slides  More efficient remote viewing of presentation

11 11 SDP 12 Kinect Demonstration 11

12 12 SDP 12 12 Design Specifications –Laser Subsystem  Laser subsystem manipulates a laser to create image based on persistence of vision.  Four major components: Galvo, DAC, Laser Pointer, Power Supply  Galvanometer - reflect the laser on x & y axis  Digital to Analog Converter - communication between the computer and galvo

13 13 SDP 12 13 Laser System Design – Galvanometer

14 14 SDP 12 Laser System Demo 14

15 15 SDP 12 15 Problems Addressed  We recently purchased safety goggles to prevent any retinal damage and can now work on emitter  Blanking not currently implemented  Attached heat sink to laser module to prevent overheating  Mounting the laser to board and aligning to galvos  Memory Leak in software

16 16 SDP 12 16 Final Design Review - Team Responsibility Allen Chew (CSE) – Team Manager, Coordinated laser projection system, Software Development, Researched on how to build correctional amplifier, Researched and ordered parts for project in a timely manner Charles Essien (CSE) – Software coordinator, Research graphics libraries, Isolated user pixels and overlay onto slides, Compiled sections of MDR report Brian Giang (EE) – Laser Projection Coordinator, Coordinated team meetings and set deadlines, Assembled laser projection system and figured signal lines from DAC Simon Ma (CSE) – Compiled OpenLase Binaries, Ported code over to Ubuntu, Installed and configured JACK to work correctly in Ubuntu.

17 17 SDP 12 17 Final Design Review  Final design and start prototyping applications  Praser Interface with the Kinect as input  A fully working laser system that will project onto any surface  Using the laser, draw more complex animations and implement a menu system.

18 18 SDP 12 18 FDR - Internal deadlines February - April Spring Break Implement blanking in laser system Calibrate to ILDA standards Have Kinect program interact with OpenLase Develop applications with Kinect input FDR – April 2-6

19 19 SDP 12 19 FDR - Internal deadlines FDR – April 2-6

20 20 SDP 12 20 Application Layers

21 21 SDP 12 21 Laser System Design – Entire System  OpenLase converts ILDA files to sound  Soundcard outputs three different signals: Right stereo channel orients X galvo Left stereo channel orients Y galvo Green Laser Modulation turns on/off the laser

22 22 SDP 12 Correctional Opamp  Built a negating opamp circuit to simulate a differential signal suitable for galvo 22

23 23 SDP 12 23 Laser System Design – SmartPoint Application  “Smarter” laser pointer  Laser menu and utilities  Presenter holds hand up to reveal menu  Grab and manipulate elements from slides E.g. copy a figure to board

24 24 SDP 12 24 Design Specifications -Hardware  Kinect Specification 30Hz 8-bit VGA resolution (640 × 480 pixels) Usable distance 3.9 ft – 11 ft Angular FOV 57° horizontally and 43° vertically motorized tilting up to 27° minimum viewing horizontal distance of 34 in minimum viewing vertical 63 cm microphone array features four microphone capsules

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