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ECE465 Lecture Notes # 11 Clocking Methodologies Shantanu Dutt UIC Acknowledgement: (1) Most slides prepared by Huan Ren from Prof. Dutt’s Lecture Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE465 Lecture Notes # 11 Clocking Methodologies Shantanu Dutt UIC Acknowledgement: (1) Most slides prepared by Huan Ren from Prof. Dutt’s Lecture Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE465 Lecture Notes # 11 Clocking Methodologies Shantanu Dutt UIC Acknowledgement: (1) Most slides prepared by Huan Ren from Prof. Dutt’s Lecture Notes (some modifications made by Prof. Dutt). (2) Some slides extracted from Prof. David Pan’s (UT Austin) slides as indicated.

2 Memory Timing Methodologies Synchronous Sequential Circuits Comb. Logic Clk External I/P External O/P Features Required for Correct Operation –1) All State Transitions take place only with respect to a particular event in the clock (e.g., positive or negative edge, etc. ) A C 11/0 B 00,11/0 01/1 00,01,10/0 01/0 10,00/1 Transition occurs only on positive edge of Clk T OP P,Logic T NS P,Logic (critical path delay In the o/p logic part) (critical path delay In the NS logic part)

3 Timing Methodologies (contd) Features Required for Correct Operation –2) Only one state transition should take place in one clock period. –3) All inputs to all FFs/latches should be correctly available with appropriate setup time (T setup or T su ) and hold time (T hold or T h ) around the triggering edge of the clock. i’th state transition (i+1)’th state transition (i+2)’th state transition (i+3)’th state transition T period =T Clk [could be to the same state] ≥ T setup ≥ T hold Input Clock

4 Clock Routing A path from the clock source to clock sinks (FFs) Different FFs are at different distances from the clock source Clock Source FF From: David Pan, UT Austin This leads to the clock arriving at different FFs at slightly different time. This difference in clock arrival times is called clock skew

5 Timing Methodologies: Clock Skew Problem Real-world problems that can cause the three requirements to be violated –A) Clock Skew: Max(arrival time difference of the “same” clock edge betw all FF pairs). 01 D1D1 FF1 DQ Logic FF2 DQ IN Q1Q1 0  1 D2D2 Q2Q2 0 Clk Clk1Clk2 0010 Current state Correct transition 11 Incorrect transition New value of D2 overwrites old value before Q2 changes This causes an incorrect Q2 change when +ve edge arrives at Clk2 Clk1 Clk2 D1 D2 Q1 Q2 T skew Safe: If blue horse wins race & wins it by a margin of at least T h 2 1 Unsafe: If brown horse wins race 2 1 Values before the clock +ve edge

6 Safe Value of T skew Clk1 Clk2 D1 D2 Q1 ≥T su ≥Th≥Th Typical or min T PLH min T P,Logic T skew ≥Th≥Th 01 D1D1 FF1 DQ Logic FF2 DQ IN Q1Q1 0 D2D2 Q2Q2 0 Clk Clk1 Clk2 Safe if: min (T PLH of FF)+min (T P,Logic between Q 1 & Q 2 )>T skew +T h i.e. if: T skew < min (T PLH )+min (T P,Logic )-T h Similarly for 1 to 0 transition of Q 1 : T PHL comes into play, then safe if : T skew < min (T PHL )+min (T P,Logic )-T h Thus we need: T skew < min (min T PLH, min T PHL )+min (T NS P,Logic ) –T h = min(T P,FF ) + min(T NS P,Logic ) – T h, where T NS P,Logic is the prop. delay of the next state (NS) logic portion of the entire comb. logic in the system. Thus, the safe T skew limit is based on minimum propagation delay of FFs and the NS logic Tskew= max (|difference between clock pulses (rising edges) of clock inputs of any two FFs in the system|)

7 Another problem of clock skew 01 D1D1 FF1 DQ Logic FF2 DQ IN Q1Q1 0 D2D2 Q2Q2 0 Clk1 Clk2 Clk Clk2 Clk1 T skew Less time avail. for logic and FF delays T FF + T logic + T su Clock skew causes another problem: 1.If the clock is not designed taking skew into account, then there will not be enough time to complete the FF-load and comb. logic operations T su time before the next clock edge arrives at Clk2 2.If clock skew is taken into account, as it should be, the clock period T clk will be larger by an amount of T skew, thus making it “unnecessarily” slower T clk

8 Determining Clock Period: Edge Triggered System Comb. Logic FF1 FF2 Clk Clk1 Clk2 Clk Level sens. latch Positive edge trigg. Clk negative edge trigg. Memory of FF bank with delay T P,FF T OP P,Logic Clk1 Clk2 T P,FF T su T P,Logic T skew T Clk T Clk -T skew > max(T P,FF )+ max( TNS P,Logic )+T setup = T P,FF + T NS P,Logic +T setup i.e., we will use the normal convention of using T P,FF to mean max(T P,FF ) T NS P,Logic to mean max(T NS P,Logic ) Also, T Clk -T skew > T P,FF + T OP P,Logic, where T OP P,Logic is the output logic portion of combinational logic. Max(typical T PHL and typical T PLH ) T NS P,Logic

9 Determining the Clock Period (Contd.) If with skew –T Clk > T skew + T P,FF + T NS P,Logic +T setup AND –T Clk > T skew + T P,FF + T OP P,Logic –Thus T Clk > max(T skew + T P,FF + T NS P,Logic +T setup, T skew + T P,FF + T OP P,Logic ) Use 10% buffer for safety –T Clk =1.1max(T skew + T P,FF + T NS P,Logic +T setup, T skew + T P,FF + T OP P,Logic ) T skew = max (|difference between clock pulses (rising edges) of clock inputs of any two FFs in the system|) Clk1 ≥ T P,FF + T NS P,Logic + T setup, AND ≥ T P,FF + T OP P,Logic T Clk

10 Determining the Clock Period of a Datapath w/ a Controller FSM FFs n CLK n Output Logic m2m2 Next State Comb. Logic m1m1 I/Ps (external + from datapath) O/Ps (= Control Signals) Datapath Registers Control logic (muxes, decoders, tri-state buffers, load/enablei/ps) Delay1 = T P,FF + T NS P,Logic +T setup Delay2 = T P,FF + T op P,Logic +max(T control_logic ) FU(s) Subpath delay = T P,FF + T FU(s) + T setup T 1 =max(Delay1, Delay2) A simple technique: Find the approximate greatest common divisor (gsd) of the various subpath delays. Update T 1 =max(Delay1, Delay2, above gsd) T Clk = 1.1T 1 Each subpath w/ delay Di will have cc delay of ceiling(Di/ T Clk ) Ignoring clock skew here for simplicity. Can be added later on after deciding the non-skew clock period by adding 1.1T skew to it.

11 Another Problem in Seq. Circuits: Race Condition A race condition occurs when a FF/latch output changes more than once in a clock cycle (cc). This happens when after the O/P of a latch changes, it feeds back to its input via some logic when the latch is still enabled in the same cc. This cause the O/P to change again. Clk D Q ≥T su 2 changes of state in Q in 1 cc Clk D latch Comb. Logic Other I/Ps D Q

12 Race Condition (contd) Race condition is generally a problem with level sensitive latches. Can be solved using: –a) Edge-triggered FFs. Clk D Q D FF Comb. Logic Other I/Ps Clk D Q –b) Narrow-width clocking. Only 1 O/P change per cc. T Clk TwTw T Clk > T skew + T P,FF + T P,Logic +T setup Tw < min (T P,FF )+min(T P,Logic ) min (min T PLH, min T PHL ) D latch Comb. Logic Other I/Ps D Q Narrow Width Clk

13 Correct State Transition Using Level-Sensitive Latches: No race cond. but potential exists 0010 0/0 0/1 01 1/1 01 1/1 1/0 0/0 Comb. Logic 0 1 0 1 0 1 Transition for the darkened arrow: Clk Comb. Logic 0 1 0 0 1 1 Clk Comb. Logic 0 0 1 0 1 1 Clk 0/1 2 level sens. latches CSNS

14 Race Condition due to unequal path delays for different NS bits: Incorrect State Transition Using Level-Sensitive Latches Required transition for the thick arrow becomes incorrect transition corresponding to the dashed arrow Comb. Logic 0 1 0 1 0 1 Clk Comb. Logic 0 1 0 1 1 1 Clk Comb. Logic 0 1 1 1 1 1 Clk Comb. Logic 1 1 1 0 0 1 Clk Comb. Logic 1 0 0 0 0 1 Clk 2 level-sens. latches fast slow 1/0 0010 0/0 0/1 01 1/1 11 1/1 1/0 0/00/1

15 No Race Condition Using Edge-Triggered FFs 0010 0/0 0/1 01 1/1 01 1/1 1/0 0/0 Correct transition for the darkened arrow irrespective of the relative speed of different excitation (next state) outputs Comb. Logic 0 1 0 1 0 1 Clk Comb. Logic 0 1 0 1 1 1 Clk Comb. Logic 0 1 0 1 1 1 Clk 0/1 Comb. Logic 0 1 0 0 1 1 Clk Comb. Logic 0 0 1 0 1 1 Clk 2 M-S or edge- triggered FFs fast slow Period Between State Transitions (also clock period)

16 No Race Condition Using 2-phase clocking and MS level sensitive latches Generally, Cost(master-slave (MS) LS latches) < Cost(edge-trigg. FF) Correct transition for the darkened arrow irrespective of the relative speed of different excitation (next state) outputs 00 100/0 0/1 01 1/1 1/0 0/0 Comb. Logic 0 1 00 1 1 Clk2Clk1 Comb. Logic 0 0 11 0 1 Clk2Clk1 Clk2 Clk1 Comb. Logic 0 1 01 1 1 Clk2Clk1 fast slow Comb. Logic 0 0 01 1 1 Clk2Clk1 fast slow T 2-1 T gap T 1-2 0 1 OR

17 Two-phase clock period determination T gap1 > T skew (to avoid overlap and thus a race condition & this also takes care of the skew problem that reduces that part of clock period available for the delays of the FF + logic + T su ) T 2-1 +  T 1-2 (0 T P,FF +T P,Logic +T su + T skew (1) (Note: Introducing a T gap1 of at least T skew also takes care of the reqmt to allow for T skew in the above sum of the 3 delay components) (1-  )T 1-2 > T P,FF + T su (2) The value of  is really not going to matter, since disappears in  T 1-2 + (1-  )T 1-2 = T 1-2, and on adding (1) and (2) we get: T 2-1 +T 1-2 > 2T P,FF +T P,Logic +2T su (3) T 1-2 = T 2-1 (for symmetry requirements) T gap1 = T gap2 (for symmetry requirements) > T skew  this again takes care also of skew reducing the clock period in the various prop. delays and setup times are incurred. So, finally: T clk = 1.1(T 2-1 + T 1-2 + T gap1 + T gap2 ) = 1.1(2T P,FF +T P,Logic +2T su +2T skew ) [w/ 10% safety gap] Comb. Logic O/PsI/Ps Clk2Clk1 CSNS Clk2 Clk1 T 2-1 T gap1 T 1-2 T Clk T gap2  T 1-2  T 1-2 Note: T gap1 = T gap2 = T skew, takes care of both requirements: a) no overlap in Clk1 and Clk2 due to skew; b) enough clock period T clk to process all delays, where two different arrival times of clk1 (or clk2) at two different master (or slave) latches can differ by T skew (the "usual" problem that we saw for edge-triggered FFs). No extra T skew allowance needed in T clk for the latter issue.

18 Clock Skew Clock skew is the maximum difference in the arrival time of a clock signal at two different components. Clock skew forces designers to use a large time period between clock pulses. This makes the system slower. So, in addition to other objectives, clock skew should be minimized during clock routing. From: David Pan, UT Austin

19 Clock Design Problem What are the main concerns for clock design? Skew –No. 1 concern for clock networks –For increased clock frequency, skew may contribute over 10% of the system cycle time Power –very important, as clock is a major power consumer! –It switches at every clock cycle! Noise –Clock is often a very strong aggressor –May need shielding Delay –Not really important –But slew rate is important (sharp transition) From: David Pan, UT Austin

20 The Clock Routing Problem Given a source and n sinks (FFs). Connect all sinks to the source by an interconnect tree so as to minimize: –Clock Skew = max i,j |t i - t j | –Delay = max i t i –Total wirelength –Noise and coupling effect From: David Pan, UT Austin

21 H-Tree Clock Routing 4 Points 16 Points Tapping Point From: David Pan, UT Austin

22 Method of Means and Medians (MMM) Applicable when the clock terminals are arbitrarily arranged. Follows a strategy very similar to H-Tree. Recursively partition the terminals into two sets of equal size (median). Then, connect the center of mass of the whole circuit to the centers of mass of the two sub-circuits (mean). Clock skew is only minimized heuristically. The resulting tree may not have zero-skew. From: David Pan, UT Austin

23 An Example of MMM centers of mass From: David Pan, UT Austin

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