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Chapter 3 3-1 lines and angles.

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1 Chapter 3 3-1 lines and angles

2 Problem of the day

3 Objectives Identify parallel, perpendicular, and skew lines.
Identify the angles formed by two lines and a transversal.

4 Lines What kind of different lines you know? What are parallel lines ?
Solution: Lines that go next to each other and they will never intersect . Examples are? What are perpendicular lines ? Solution: Lines that intersect and form a 90 degree angle. Example are?

5 Lines What are skew lines?
Solution: A re lines that are not parallel and do not intersect. Examples?


7 Example#1 Identify each of the following.
A. a pair of parallel segments LM ||QR B. a pair of skew segments KN and PQ C. a pair of perpendicular segments NS  SP a pair of parallel planes plane NMR || plane KLQ

8 Student guided practice
Identify each of the following. a pair of parallel segments BF || EJ a pair of skew segments BF and DE are skew. a pair of perpendicular segments BF  FJ


10 Example#2 C. alternate exterior angles
Give an example of each angle pair. corresponding angles 1 and 5 alternate interior angles 3 and 5 C. alternate exterior angles 1 and 7 same-side interior angles 3 and 6

11 Student guided practice
Give an example of each angle pair. corresponding angles 1 and 3 alternate interior angles 2 and 7 alternate exterior angles 1 and 8

12 Transversal lines What is a transversal line?
Solution: Is a line that intersects two coplanar lines at two different points How can you identify a transversal line? Solution: To determine which line is the transversal for a given angle pair, locate the line that connects the vertices.

13 Example#3 Identify the transversal and classify each angle pair.
A. 1 and 3 transversal l corr. s B. 2 and 6 transversal n alt. int s C. 4 and 6 transversal m alt. ext s

14 Student guided practice
Identify the transversal and classify the angle pair 2 and 5 in the diagram.

15 Homework!! Go to page 148 in your book and di problems 2-12

16 Closure Today we learn about lines and the different pair of angles in a transversal Next class we are going to see chapter 3-2

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