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Applications of Computer Graphics in the Aerospace Industry CSE598 Presentation Yosei Sugiyama.

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Presentation on theme: "Applications of Computer Graphics in the Aerospace Industry CSE598 Presentation Yosei Sugiyama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applications of Computer Graphics in the Aerospace Industry CSE598 Presentation Yosei Sugiyama

2 Motivation  Computer graphics has revolutionized the aerospace industry  CG is instrumental in all phases of an aircraft’s development process  Very wide range of applications

3 The Development Process  Design  Implementation  Integration & Manufacturing  Maintenance & Sustainment

4 Design  Computer Aided Design (CAD) –No more 2-D illustrations and drawings –All parts designed and stored on a computer –Catia by Dassault Systems  Electronic mock-ups –Assemble the parts digitally –Allows engineers to visually inspect and understand the design –Check for the proper fit between structures, run interference checks and spatial searches, and test for load predictions –Consider more design alternatives  Goal is to eliminate the need for physical mock-ups –Significant cost reductions and time savings

5 Visualization: FlyThru CAD  Boeing’s real-time visualization and interaction software  “Preassemble” an entire aircraft on the computer  Features: –Walk-through of the assembled aircraft –Large-scale manufacturing illustrations –Pilot/maintenance training Source:

6 Human Modeling  Create a virtual environment by importing CAD data, and populating it with biomechanically accurate human figures.  Analysis of: –Vision & Vision Obscuration Plots –Vision & Vision Obscuration Plots –Distance Analysis –Distance Analysis –Collision Detection using Voxel Point Shell (VPS) –Automated Population Analysis –Automated Population Analysis –Reach Accommodation –Reach Accommodation –Reach Envelopes –Reach Envelopes  Eliminate the need for any mock-ups  Boeing Human Modeling System (BHMS) by Boeing  Transom Jack by Transom Technologies, Inc. Source:

7 Human Modeling  Another human- modeling technique  Maintainers can use a head-mounted display and gloves to physically immerse themselves in a virtual environment and simulate a maintenance task Source:

8 Rapid Prototyping  Cockpit development stations allows rapid prototyping of cockpit displays –Simulates the layout and displays on each screen –During reviews, change instrumentations, layouts, and displays on the fly –Maximizes utility and efficiency of controls –Designer’s Workbench by Centric Software Source:

9 The Development Process  Design  Implementation  Integration & Manufacturing  Maintenance & Sustainment

10 Graphics in the Aircraft  One of the core components that needs to be built and implemented is the graphics system  Consists of: –Displays  Cockpit displays  HUD  Helmet-mounted displays –Graphics processor –Inputs to the graphics processor  The visual displays are the integral component in providing the pilot with situational awareness

11 Graphics Processing Graphics Processor RadarFuel System Navigation System Weapons System Digital Map System Cameras Infrared Sensors Avionics System Source:

12 Graphics Processor  Consists of: –General purpose processor  Processing of data from various modules  Generate graphics commands –Image processing  Processes graphics commands  Similar to OpenGL commands –Vector processor  Draws symbols and lines on displays –Input/Output module  Communication with other systems –Video multiplexer  Some aircrafts have over 8 displays  Sends the correct video to each of the displays

13 Graphics Processor  Advanced features: –Overlaying graphics data from different systems  Ex. Overlay radar data (such as enemy locations) over camera footage. –Helmet-mounted display adjusts displays depending on where the pilot is looking –Night mode and day mode  Redundancy and fault tolerance to increase survivability  Built-in tests

14 The Development Process  Design  Implementation  Integration & Manufacturing  Maintenance & Sustainment

15 Manufacturing & Integration  Machine the parts using CAD drawings – very precise  Electronic mockup means 100% fit at assembly  With joint ventures & subcontracting, it is more important that everything be designed digitally, and then prototyped to ensure compatibility and fit  Manufacturing participates in the design process –Evaluate how the aircraft will be serviced or how weapons will be loaded –Incorporate efficiencies up front –Resolve assembly issues beforehand –Reduces assembly cost

16 Testing - Visualizations  During testing, very large amounts of data are gathered. We need a way to represent that data visually.  Used to evaluate: –Material flightworthiness –Structural mechanics –Computational fluid dynamics –Multidisciplinary design optimization  Identify potential flaws that could lead to part failure under stress conditions  A lot of this type of analysis can be done during the design phase, before the aircraft is even built Source:

17 The Development Process  Design  Implementation  Integration & Manufacturing  Maintenance & Sustainment

18 Maintenance & Sustainment  A large part of the maintenance and sustainment effort training: –Courseware & manuals –Pilot training  Interim training & testing during development  Formal training after the aircraft is deployed –Maintenance-crew training

19 Courseware & Manuals  Using the cockpit simulations and prototypes used during the design phase, courseware developers can become intimately familiar with the aircraft.  All of the images and displays can be captured directly from the simulations and CAD drawings –What used to take 100 technical illustrators months to do can now be down with 6 graphics engineers in much less time. –Since the aircraft was constructed from the same drawings, the images are guaranteed to be accurate.

20 Flight-Crew Trainers  Prototype trainers can use the cockpit simulations.  The full trainers will use the actual operational flight programs (OFP) with slight modifications.  Uses commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS). –Out-the-window displays use graphics techniques similar to game design –AI for simulating other aircrafts –Network with other trainers for combat mission rehearsal. Source:

21 Maintenance Trainers  VR trainers used during design phase  Smart boards: –Touch-screen displays that allow you to zoom-in and perform virtual maintenance functions on the aircraft. –Replaces full-scale mock-ups –Updates are easy (a software change, as opposed to a hardware change). –Graphics can be based off of CAD drawings –Avionics simulations and cockpit displays can use the real OFP or the cockpit simulations from the design phase.

22 Conclusion  The use of computer graphics in the aerospace industry will continue to expand.  Other industries such as the automotive industry are seeing similar trends.  End result is: –Lean manufacturing –Lower costs and labor –Faster development time –Shorter time-to-market –Less problems –More complete, sophisticated, and maintainable products  Leverage the initial CAD effort across all other phases

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