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Surrey Libraries Computer Learning Centres Totally New to Computers Computer Basics March 2013 Teaching Script.

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Presentation on theme: "Surrey Libraries Computer Learning Centres Totally New to Computers Computer Basics March 2013 Teaching Script."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surrey Libraries Computer Learning Centres Totally New to Computers Computer Basics March 2013 Teaching Script

2 The Keyboard Now that you’re familiar with the mouse, you will now learn about the next vital piece of equipment – the keyboard.

3 Keyboarding Functions 1 2 3 4 5 6 3

4 Start Menu and Program List The Start menu has two basic parts:  The large pane shows a list of programs on your computer.  The search box is located in the lower left corner.  If you want to start using a program, you can click on it from the Start menu.

5 Starting a Program from a Shortcut Icon  A “shortcut” icon with a black arrow is normally found on the desktop.  It can be created for any programs, files and applications. This is a shortcut.

6 Internet Explorer  To view a website, you need to use a program called Internet Explorer.  Double-click on the Internet Explorer shortcut icon on the desktop or from the Start menu  If you open Internet Explorer on a library computer, it will automatically take you to the Surrey Libraries homepage.

7 Windows Properties  Minimize – Puts a program on hold and places it on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.  Maximize – Brings an active window to fill the entire computer screen.  Restore - Use this size when you want to display more than one window on the desktop.  Close – Closes an active window.

8 Windows Properties  Arranging the Windows - Put the mouse pointer on the title bar. Drag the window to another location.  Scrolling - To continuously move forward, backward or sideways through the text and images on screen or within a window.

9 Where Did I Save My File?  When you save a file, it needs a location to be stored, just like a physical file folder in a cabinet.  Click on the ‘Start’ button and then select ‘Computer’

10 Where Did I Save My File? From this example, the document is saved in a subfolder of Classroom called Documents. How do we know? The path at the top is: > Classroom > Documents And the document is called Letter to Mom.docx

11 Accessing the Library Catalogue


13 Placing a Hold




17 Library Resources Review this session via Surrey Libraries’ website: > Programs & Services > Computers & Technology > Computer Learning Centre Classes > Class Activities & Handouts > Computer Basics Also review: Programs & Services > Learn Online > Tech Knowledge

18 Thank You

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