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Teaching Philosophy Jeff Joines

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1 Teaching Philosophy Jeff Joines (

2 Quote Taped to my Monitor “Teaching is not a profession; it’s a passion. Without passion for your subject and a desire for your students to learn and be the best in the world, then we have failed as a teacher and failure is not an option.” John F. Podojil If your not excited about the subject then how can they be. Bring in real life experiences.

3 Teaching with Student Owned Computers –“Immediacy Effect” – Students get immediate response on what works and more importantly what doesn’t –Using technology requires a paradigm shift in teaching in order for it not be a distraction Students now have an Attractive Distraction –Surfing internet, Instant messaging and Emailing –Playing games, Ordering online –Working on other classes Keep them Engaged with Active Learning Teaching with Technology in the Classroom

4 Active Learning Give them something to do during class –Answer question, sketch a flow chart, solve a problem, predict what is going to happen –Tell them to work individually, in pairs or groups –Stop them after the allotted time and call a few individuals for accountability –Short 3-5 minutes tasks Proven to enhance the learning of students in terms of retention and depth

5 Active Learning Example “Ask your neighbor” Tool What are the three most dense States where density is defined by Population of the state/Area of state? Take 30-60 seconds to think about the question. Turn to a neighbor and come up a consensus answer Get answers from the class

6 Top 5 Answers New Jersey (1042 people/sq mi.) Rhode Island (960.3) Massachusetts (767.6) Connecticut (678.4) Maryland (489.2) – does not include DC

7 Collection of in-class labs (Integrated Lecture and Lab) –27 In-class Labs (7 Pure Excel and 20 Integrate VBA and Excel to build decision support systems) –Real-world case studies/problems presented in each lab Two to five different problems/ case studies Problems they will see later in other course (e.g., physics, chemistry, upper level engineering courses) –Students given small tasks/steps leading them to solving the entire problem, answering questions along the way In-Class Assignments

8 To be effective, in-class assignments must –Occupy students during entire two hour class period –Students are held accountable by having to answer a series of questions to be graded each day –Challenge students to think critically –Allow students to seek help from teacher, TA and/or Neighbor –Allow some flexibility for “teaching moments” Homework & projects test problem-solving skills –Real Data driven problems (Internet, Consulting, Research, Colleagues) –Word problems with reflection questions

9 Challenge Your Students Inspire your students to reach new levels –They will reach whatever expectations are set –If your passionate, they are willing to do more Push all the students (i.e., A, B, C, D) to ensure they all grow –Academically Adrift – Reading Circle –Students who have faculty who challenge and take an interest in them have larger gains in critical thinking –Have them reflect and not just give you an answer (i.e., 2+2 = 4) Goal is to move the students higher up on Bloom’s taxonomy of learning toward applying and evaluating.

10 Try New Things Continue to improve and try new things in the classroom –Learn from mentors –Adapt what great teachers do to fit your style and personality Some things will work out and some want but learn from these and make it better the next time Talk to instructors who are good get their perspective on what your trying

11 Show Students You Care Talk to them before the class starts about important events in their lives. When they come to your office hours, help them by engaging them Virtual Office hours – Students like Instant Messaging. Setup a times when you will be available online as well

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