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IE 423 Design of Decision Support System Designing Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "IE 423 Design of Decision Support System Designing Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 IE 423 Design of Decision Support System Designing Systems

2 How to get started You need to design a DSS … …what do you need to do first? Suppose you know what the problem is and you need to develop a DSS to help solve the problem…. What do you do first?

3 Requirements Analysis You need to find out what is needed or required. Referred to as Requirements Analysis – Common tool in systems engineering – Sometimes called requirements engineering A process for determining what is needed or required from the system that you will design and develop

4 Requirements Analysis So, how do you do this? Identify stakeholders Who are the stakeholders

5 Requirements Analysis Who are the stakeholders? – The decision makers – Management above the decision makers – Others that might be impacted by or benefit from the system – Regulators – Maybe antagonists – Horizontal integrators (often missed)

6 Requirements Analysis Now that you know the stakeholders, … What are you going to do with them?

7 Requirements Analysis What are you going to do with them? Elicit the DSS requirements from them? How?

8 Requirements Analysis Elicit the DSS requirements from them? There are several ways…

9 Requirements Analysis Elicit the DSS requirements from them? There are several ways… – Interviews – Should start with a brief discussion of the context.. – What is the issue Should be carefully structured to focus on the system Meticulous record keeping and documentation Restatement and acknowledgement Multiple interviews – hard to integrate

10 Requirements Analysis Elicit the DSS requirements from them? There are several ways… – Focus groups – Group discussion process – Structured process Contextual briefing (but be careful) Use predefined questions – But allow for discussion drift Get all participants to respond (eye for commonality) Document responses – Whiteboard – Newsprint tablets

11 Requirements Analysis Elicit the DSS requirements from them? There are several ways… – Focus groups Usually done face-to-face Teleconference Video conference On-line collaboration tools

12 Requirements Analysis Elicit the DSS requirements from them? There are several ways… – Questionaires and surveys – polls

13 Requirements Analysis Important – Feedback loop

14 Requirements Analysis Document results Share with stakeholders Create process for feedback Revise per feedback as appropriate

15 Requirements Analysis Final revised document become the Requirements Document – Should be defined in exquisite detail – Will be your “master plan” for the design of your DSS – Formalize a change management process ???

16 Requirements Analysis Requirements Analysis tools Requirements Document (Specs) Prototyping Use Cases

17 Requirements Analysis Prototyping – Sometimes rapid prototyping – Quick and dirty version of the system Why quick? Why dirty Not the real thing!!

18 Requirements Analysis Prototyping – Problems with prototyping? Been there, done that! Stealing code

19 Requirements Analysis Use Case – Scenario analysis Define the usage scenarios for all relevant stakeholders Define inputs for each scenario Define outcomes

20 Requirements Analysis Unified Modeling Language – Tools for modeling the behavior of systems


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