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Implicit Association Test July 15, 2010 Punjaporn Pojanapunya

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1 Implicit Association Test July 15, 2010 Punjaporn Pojanapunya

2 Speak your mind Can you speak your mind? Do you know your mind? Questionnaire Implicit Association Test (IAT)

3 Implicit Association Test Assess your unconscious preferences using Implicit Association Test ‘‘a measure of strengths of automatic associations” which examines performance speeds on classification tasks (Greenwald et al., 2003, p. 197)

4 Implicit Association Test words/ pictures link to the concept Concept 1 words/ pictures link to the concept Concept 2 Source: Concepts - Attributes characteristics: link to the attribute Attribute 1 characteristics: link to the attribute Attribute 2

5 Implicit Association Test This IAT often reveals a relative link between: Liberal arts & Females Science & Males Man Boy Father … Male Woman Girl Mother … Female Biology Physics Chemistry … Science Philosophy Humanities Arts … Liberal Arts Concepts - Attributes Gender – Science IAT Source:

6 Implicit Association Test Male Science Female Liberal Arts Man Girl Humanities Biology

7 Implicit Association Test More IAT:

8 IAT research Implicit attitudes towards native and non-native speaking teachers Implicit attitudes: IAT Explicit attitudes: preferences and feelings Watson Todd, R. and Pojanapunya, P., 2009, Implicit attitudes towards native and non-native speaker teachers, System, Vol. 37, No.1, pp. 23-33.

9 IAT research RQs: What are Thai university students’ explicit attitudes towards NESTs and non-NESTs? What are Thai university students’ implicit attitudes towards NESTs and non-NESTs? Is there a relationship between explicit and implicit attitudes towards NESTs and non-NESTs? Is there a relationship between previous learning experience with NESTs and attitudes towards NESTs and non-NESTs?

10 This IAT often reveals a relative link between: NESTs & positive non-NESTs & negative Ajarn Michael Ajarn Julia Ajarn David … NESTs Ajarn Chokchai Ajarn Nipaporn Ajarn Teeradech … nNESTs Active Creative Enjoyable … Positive Passive Derivative Cheerless … Negative Concepts - Attributes Native Teachers IAT research ? ?

11 Concepts & Attributes Names & Characteristics (adjectives) NESTsAjarn Michael, Ajarn William, Ajarn David, Ajarn Nicholas, Ajarn Sophia, Ajarn Elizabeth, Ajarn Julia Non-NESTsAjarn Tanapon, Ajarn Teeradech, Ajarn Chokchai, Ajarn Nipaporn, Ajarn Sunisa, Ajarn Wipawan, Ajarn Sureerat PositiveActive, creative, enjoyable, flexible, open-minded NegativePassive, derivative, cheerless, rule-bound, dogmatic IAT research: Implicit attitudes (IAT)

12 IAT research: Explicit attitudes (questionnaire) 1. Have you ever experienced native English speaker teachers? 2. In your educational experience, how much did you like studying English with native and non-native English speaker teachers (NESTs and non-NESTS)? 3. I would want to be taught English by a NEST 4. I would want to be taught English by a non-NEST 5. Suppose that 10 English teachers were recruited. How many of them do you think would be NESTs and non-NESTS? 6. Please rate how warm or cold you feel toward NESTs and non-NESTS? (0 = coldest feelings, 5 = neutral, 10 = warmest feelings)

13 Try IAT Implicit attitudes towards native and non-native speaking teachers

14 Sequence of blocks in the IAT BlockNo. of trialsFunctionItems assigned to left-key response Items assigned to right-key response 120PracticeNEST namesNon-NEST names 220PracticePositive adjectivesNegative adjectives 320PracticeNEST names + positive adjectives Non-NEST names + negative adjectives 440TestNEST names + positive adjectives Non-NEST names + negative adjectives 520PracticeNon-NEST namesNEST names 620PracticeNon-NEST names + positive adjectives NEST names + negative adjectives 740TestNon-NEST names + positive adjectives NEST names + negative adjectives

15 Categories of data: Explicit attitudes Category of dataData sourcePurpose 1Experience with NESTs Question 1 of the questionnaire To elicit previous experience with NESTs 2Preference for NESTs/non-NESTs Question 2 of the questionnaire To directly compare explicit attitudes towards NESTs and non-NESTs 3Preference for NESTs Question 3 of the questionnaire To elicit explicit attitudes towards NESTs 4Preference for non-NESTs Question 4 of the questionnaire To elicit explicit attitudes towards non-NESTs 5Feelings towards NESTs Question 5 of the questionnaire To elicit explicit feelings towards NESTs 6Feelings towards non-NESTs Question 6 of the questionnaire To elicit explicit feelings towards non-NESTs

16 Categories of data: Implicit attitudes Category of dataData sourcePurpose 7 Implicit attitudes 1 Response latencies from Block 4 of the IAT To elicit implicit attitudes with quicker responses suggesting an implicit preference for NESTs 8 Implicit attitudes 2 Response latencies from Block 7 of the IAT To elicit implicit attitudes with quicker responses suggesting an implicit preference for non-NESTs 9 IAT effectMean response latency in Block 7 minus mean response latency in Block 4 To compare implicit attitudes with positive figures for the IAT effect showing a preference for NESTs, and negative figures showing a preference for non-NESTs 10 IAT interpretation IAT effect divided by average response time To compare implicit attitudes on a 7- point scale

17 Data analysis RQs: What are Thai university students’ explicit attitudes towards NESTs and non-NESTs? What are Thai university students’ implicit attitudes towards NESTs and non-NESTs? Is there a relationship between explicit and implicit attitudes towards NESTs and non-NESTs? Is there a relationship between previous learning experience with NESTs and attitudes towards NESTs and non-NESTs? Mean, SD, T-test, correlation

18 IAT & research in SoLA Social Science Smoking: smokers and non-smokers Social imbalance: Isarn and Central Thai Language studies Dictionaries: electronic and paper dictionaries Graded readers: reading in English and reading in Thai

19 SoLA funding Budget Programmer Minor-cost project funding Proposals can be submitted by full-time staff of SoLA can be submitted at any time to the CRS can ask for funding up to a maximum of 5,000 baht should include the following information: researcher's name, title of research project, concise (1 paragraph) description of the project, and details of budget required Source:

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